Climate Change - The Scientific Debate (Vol. II)

Climate Change - The Scientific Debate (Vol. II)



Original Poster:

39,845 posts

280 months

Friday 4th September 2015
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Prof Prolapse

16,160 posts

201 months

Friday 4th September 2015
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Fours years of berating the scientists, and ill-informed arguments.

MMGW theory remains the best and most widely accepted theory.

Time to accept to defeat chaps? biglaugh

Have I lit the touch paper?


74 posts

184 months

Friday 4th September 2015
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Prof Prolapse said:
Fours years of berating the scientists, and ill-informed arguments.

MMGW theory remains the best and most widely accepted theory.

Time to accept to defeat chaps? biglaugh

Have I lit the touch paper?
Except mmgw theory has been totally falsified by no warming for 19 years now, and no sign of the tropospheric hotspot!

Time for you to admit defeat, you trolling fool biglaugh

That's definitely lit the touch paper biglaugh

Edited by clyffepypard on Friday 4th September 15:29


11,481 posts

216 months

Friday 4th September 2015
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I tried to post about this before, but I seem to regularly see news items about the breaking off of the Western shelf of the Antarctic ice sheet. However, I only recently found out that there's a bloody volcano under that area.

Is that news to anyone else? Are am I waaaaay out of date?

Prof Prolapse

16,160 posts

201 months

Friday 4th September 2015
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I'm genuinely not trolling. It's Friday afternoon and poking gentle fun...

We of course know from our knowledge of the argument, that those correct observations, don't disprove the theory of MMGW of course. Just those theories specific to those observations.

Anywho, I'm not interested in convincing you of anything.


28,665 posts

204 months

Friday 4th September 2015
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You obviously missed the memo about vulcanism being caused by CAGW. hehe


4,259 posts

228 months

Friday 4th September 2015
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Let the heating games continue.


4,259 posts

228 months

Saturday 5th September 2015
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ash73 said:
Are the skeptics still going? Bless their little cotton socks.
But we are no warmer, how odd.


28,665 posts

204 months

Saturday 5th September 2015
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ash73 said:
Are the skeptics still going? Bless their little cotton socks.
I'd bless my cotton socks, but if the doomcast had come true I would be able to grow my own cotton crop to replace them with. Occam rules again.


20,064 posts

206 months

Saturday 5th September 2015
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I'm more concerned with breathing in the particles from diesels engines that are quite obviously harmful to health, than the likelihood of global warming causing humanity problems. The human race will be fked up by religion and wars before global warming kills us off.


5,180 posts

228 months

Monday 7th September 2015
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Still after all these years, if the MMGW theory was so clear cut then there would be the clear causality measurements/evidence of it existence.
And still this evidence can not be seen.

Over the recent decades only a few hockey sticks and playing with numbers over short time scales only shows up the desperation of the warm camp.


11,661 posts

271 months

Tuesday 8th September 2015
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No one complains about MMGW - it's the unproven CAGW theory that is costing us lives (increased basic food costs due to biofuels and increased energy costs linked with increasing winter mortality rates) and costing us all a fortune for no benefit that is the problem.
There is now less and less evidence that there is any catastrophic climate change linked to CO2 yet more and more money is being wasted (ask about the non-existence of positive feedbacks essential to the catastrophic part of the theory).


11,481 posts

216 months

Tuesday 8th September 2015
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Are the Maldives totally submerged yet?


33,799 posts

223 months

Thursday 10th September 2015
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I didn't participate, nor read the 'old' thread on this, but it's a topic that interests me.

Is this to be a light-hearted poke-fun-at-the-believers or a genuine discussion about what could/should be done?


1,281 posts

226 months

Thursday 10th September 2015
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LordGrover said:
I didn't participate, nor read the 'old' thread on this, but it's a topic that interests me.

Is this to be a light-hearted poke-fun-at-the-believers or a genuine discussion about what could/should be done?
Well it's supposedly about the actual science behind the data BUT to contribute you should:

1) Absolutely decry all IPCC statements and data
2) Accept the BBCs role in this
3) Point out, regularly, that's it's not warmer and how it's obvious they forgot <insert causal factor in fashion this page>
4) Ultimately understand that climate change is a global conspiracy largely headed up by the BBC and those dirty scientists in the pay of shadowing governmental agencies

There's is no agreement, the data you and I are allowed to see is incorrect and have I mentioned I'm not warmer than I was, my house is not flooded and cows produce more harmful greenhouse gases than my car could ever hope to.

The really sad thing is that there's clearly some intelligent discussion that could be had; there's a bunch of stuff we (as in humanity does) that isn't tenable in the long term and doesn't necessarily make sense to do BUT it get's lost in the constant noise about how it's not my and wind power being another conspiracy (for example).


33,799 posts

223 months

Thursday 10th September 2015
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... so I may as well tune out and unsubscribe from this topic then. hehe

Ah well... shouldn't it be in the lounge then?


5,281 posts

200 months

Thursday 10th September 2015
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You could discuss the science as many do in here.

Lotus 50

1,029 posts

176 months

Thursday 10th September 2015
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GnuBee said:
Well it's supposedly about the actual science behind the data BUT to contribute you should:

1) Absolutely decry all IPCC statements and data
2) Accept the BBCs role in this
3) Point out, regularly, that's it's not warmer and how it's obvious they forgot <insert causal factor in fashion this page>
4) Ultimately understand that climate change is a global conspiracy largely headed up by the BBC and those dirty scientists in the pay of shadowing governmental agencies

There's is no agreement, the data you and I are allowed to see is incorrect and have I mentioned I'm not warmer than I was, my house is not flooded and cows produce more harmful greenhouse gases than my car could ever hope to.

The really sad thing is that there's clearly some intelligent discussion that could be had; there's a bunch of stuff we (as in humanity does) that isn't tenable in the long term and doesn't necessarily make sense to do BUT it get's lost in the constant noise about how it's not my and wind power being another conspiracy (for example).
indeed - too much self-affirming confirmation bias (here and in the CC politics thread) to have a sensible discussion.


11,661 posts

271 months

Friday 11th September 2015
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Lotus 50 said:
GnuBee said:
Well it's supposedly about the actual science behind the data BUT to contribute you should:

1) Absolutely decry all IPCC statements and data
2) Accept the BBCs role in this
3) Point out, regularly, that's it's not warmer and how it's obvious they forgot <insert causal factor in fashion this page>
4) Ultimately understand that climate change is a global conspiracy largely headed up by the BBC and those dirty scientists in the pay of shadowing governmental agencies

There's is no agreement, the data you and I are allowed to see is incorrect and have I mentioned I'm not warmer than I was, my house is not flooded and cows produce more harmful greenhouse gases than my car could ever hope to.

The really sad thing is that there's clearly some intelligent discussion that could be had; there's a bunch of stuff we (as in humanity does) that isn't tenable in the long term and doesn't necessarily make sense to do BUT it get's lost in the constant noise about how it's not my and wind power being another conspiracy (for example).
indeed - too much self-affirming confirmation bias (here and in the CC politics thread) to have a sensible discussion.
Matthew 7:5

Lotus 50

1,029 posts

176 months

Friday 11th September 2015
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Applies in the opposite direction too though!