New Speeding Defence?
B****r! Just recieved a NIP from the South Wales police: 93 on the M4 in some godforsaken part of the Principality.
I''ve read all about this Human Rights act/pleading the 5th ammendment malarkey. Hmmmm. I''ve a better one: implausability. I mean, 93 on the M4 in Wales at any time let alone lunchtime on a a Bank Holiday Saturday?!? Please ... you''re making that up!
write a letter to the station that sent you the NIP, on the lines of
"Im really sorry, I never do anything that stupid, and cant believe I was so irresponsible....please can I have a copy of the photo or come and view it at the station" type thing....will then find out whether or not it was in fact possible or otherwise!
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