Targa Tasmania



Original Poster:

2,234 posts

253 months

Wednesday 6th May 2015
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This looks interesting, seems to be along similar lines to the Silver State event in the USA:
Road course, long distances, fairly open classes (McLaren 650, Fiat 131, Cobra Daytona Coupe, 911, R34 GT-R etc)


Edited by 100SRV on Wednesday 6th May 13:18


1,130 posts

201 months

Thursday 7th May 2015
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It's a good event. I live in Tasmania and used to regularly be a volunteer marshal but got a bit sick of muppets in Porsches that they couldn't drive whinging about everything. I now put my efforts into club level events and V8SC.

One day I'll have a crack at driving it though.


16,031 posts

241 months

Thursday 7th May 2015
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100SRV said:
...seems to be along similar lines to the Silver State event in the USA...
I suspect competitors from Targa Tassie (or Targa NZ, or the various other targa rallies) would spend a fair chunk of the Silver State wondering why there are no corners. hehe


24,438 posts

239 months

Thursday 7th May 2015
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Have you seen 'Love The Beast' with Eric Bana?


It's brilliant and a must watch for anyone with even a little bit of petrol running through their veins and it culminates with him driving in the Targa Tasmania.


693 posts

212 months

Tuesday 3rd May 2016
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I did it! Got a finisher's medal and a Targa Plate. The plate is for finishing all 37 stages under a set time for each. I navigated in my pal's 60's Mini Cooper S. It was Mental!


1,130 posts

201 months

Tuesday 3rd May 2016
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I did it! Got a finisher's medal and a Targa Plate. The plate is for finishing all 37 stages under a set time for each. I navigated in my pal's 60's Mini Cooper S. It was Mental!
Nice one! I ashamedly didn't see anything this year and I live in Tas :/

I was an official for many years but a few things started to annoy me so I thought I'd focus more on circuit racing.

Hopefully one day I'll have a crack at competing though.