Grrrrr - Cyclists


Steve _T

Original Poster:

6,356 posts

278 months

Tuesday 6th August 2002
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I recently read (and then later saw on the evening news) that there is a proposal that all incidents involving cyclists are to be the fault of the motorist. This is apparently so we can follow suit with the existing European laws. I could hardly catch my breath. I've been driving into the City recently for work. I've yet to see a cyclist that actually stops at a read light or signals before changing lanes. This proposal just takes the biscuit. Has anyone else heard about or read about this?



1,883 posts

275 months

Tuesday 6th August 2002
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I allways stop at lights and junctions. Although I dont live in "The City"


6,360 posts

277 months

Tuesday 6th August 2002
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yep, saw it. Don't understand it. How can it be your fault, if someone else did something stupid? isn't this inviting more "claims direct" type fraud???


75,776 posts

278 months

Tuesday 6th August 2002
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Steve _T

Original Poster:

6,356 posts

278 months

Tuesday 6th August 2002
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Cheers Jon, I'll take a look.


3,280 posts

289 months

Tuesday 6th August 2002
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Clarkson descibes them as "lycra nazis" and he damn right. Seen three instances of loonies on bikes in the "smoke" already.... only been working here for a month!

Usual situation, crossroads at the end of Moorgate and Finsbury Pavement. The number of cyclists that go through the traffic lights on red is totally amazing. Do they not think that the lights are for cyclists? Well wake up and smell the fumes, but they seem to be taken into account by all of the buses, taxis, cars, vans, trucks, three-wheelers, mopeds, motorbikes and strange electric things.....

The worst was the other day - green man is flashing (ooeerr) and everyone crossing the road. Cyclist shouting an swearing at everyone as they cross - he wants priority and promptly nearly hits around 4 - 5 people. Still swearing he then starts to flail around trying to hit them - what a moron..... and he thinks that he is in the right?????

The funny thing is that it doesnt seem to be the bike couriers though. They seem to stick to the Highway Code and are actually quite reasonable..... though that might all change.

Oooo, and while I am on a rant - what really bugs me is when a cyclist is turning right at a junction or roundabout and you are behind them. Then they cut the lanes and prevent you from over taking them - and they complain at us drivers!!!!!

And finally, a quick question - whats the deal with riding two / three abreast down the road. I always thought that was against the Highway Code. Is this correct or am I imagining things again????



Neil Menzies

5,167 posts

290 months

Tuesday 6th August 2002
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...what really bugs me is when a cyclist is turning right at a junction or roundabout and you are behind them. Then they cut the lanes and prevent you from over taking them - and they complain at us drivers!!!!!

I do this too. Its self-preservation - I don't want drivers overtaking me as I'm going round a roundabout, its hazardous enough.


And finally, a quick question - whats the deal with riding two / three abreast down the road. I always thought that was against the Highway Code. Is this correct or am I imagining things again????

Cycling more than one abreast is fine on an open road, but not in traffic, its just annoying to everyone else, and is also against the highway code:
51 - you should ride in single file on narrow or busy roads

although thats a 'should' rule rather than a 'must' rul, so its advisory.

>> Edited by Neil Menzies on Tuesday 6th August 13:48

simpo one

86,817 posts

271 months

Tuesday 6th August 2002
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I've heard that a group calling themselves 'urbancyclist' are one of the most rabid anti-car groups. Apparently they have an e-group thingy with Topica, so I guess you could join them when you're a bit bored and get stuck in. Don;t expect reasonable replies though...

Neil Menzies

5,167 posts

290 months

Tuesday 6th August 2002
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Just a thought regarding the 'car drivers insurance must pay'.

Suppose you hit a cyclist, and it's their fault, but they claim on your insurance, as they will be able to. All above board and legal.

But, since it's their fault, and you have suffered a material loss - namely your no-claims bonus, and increased premiums, surely you can make a claim for liability against them for your losses, since the accident was their fault? Or are they going to change the whole law on personal liability?

So they get a payout on your insurance, and you get to claim all your losses back from them... Hmmm can smell a few rackets brewing here...


323 posts

267 months

Tuesday 6th August 2002
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Clarkson descibes them as "lycra nazis" and he damn right. Seen three instances of loonies on bikes in the "smoke" already.... only been working here for a month!

I've been here 2 years now, and I'm still amazed at the sheer arrogance of London cyclists. I'd say it's actually the majority of them who habitually commit traffic offences, particularly jumping red lights, ignoring pedestrian crossings and riding on the pavement, often at speed and with a mobile clutched to their ear. It's apparently OK for them to put pedestrians' lives at risk, but come anywhere near them in a car and they're the first to bleat. ing hypocritical cowards.

Worst one I saw was a Swampy lookalike who tried to force himself and his bike onto an absolutely packed rush-hour train, then when the platform attendant pointed out this was against the rules, the soap-dodging moron stood between the carriage doors to prevent them from closing, so the train couldn't set off. Result - a 10-minute delay for hundreds of commuters till the police arrived and hauled him away. But hey, he's an eco-warrior, saving the planet from the evil motorist, so he's above the rules, right?


3,280 posts

289 months

Tuesday 6th August 2002
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Just a thought regarding the 'car drivers insurance must pay'.

Suppose you hit a cyclist, and it's their fault, but they claim on your insurance, as they will be able to. All above board and legal.

But, since it's their fault, and you have suffered a material loss - namely your no-claims bonus, and increased premiums, surely you can make a claim for liability against them for your losses, since the accident was their fault? Or are they going to change the whole law on personal liability?

So they get a payout on your insurance, and you get to claim all your losses back from them... Hmmm can smell a few rackets brewing here...


Ah hah - I can see a change of career to solicitor and some serious money rolling in if this comes off. Suggest the same for anyone else wishing to fill the gap in the market and make a killing at everyone elses expense (namely insurance)


Frightening though though....




88 posts

269 months

Wednesday 7th August 2002
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And finally, a quick question - whats the deal with riding two / three abreast down the road. I always thought that was against the Highway Code. Is this correct or am I imagining things again????

No actually it is perfectly legal to ride two abreast in most circumsances and IMO encourages motorists to overtake properly rather than squeeze past and force cyclists into the gutter.


3,280 posts

289 months

Wednesday 7th August 2002
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No actually it is perfectly legal to ride two abreast in most circumsances and IMO encourages motorists to overtake properly rather than squeeze past and force cyclists into the gutter.

Yes, in some situations perfectly acceptable. However, on NSL roads where they are going slower than tractors holding up a massive queue of traffice behind them - now thats daft.... and it has happened many times. For the Northerns among us, they will know the road from the A19 / A172 to Middlesbrough via Stokesley.....



P.S. Why do road racer bikes like to have their road races on very dangerous roads? Like the A14 or A1...? Is it the element of danger, or are they the only roads that the Police let them on (and have a laugh at the same time)?


985 posts

278 months

Wednesday 7th August 2002
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The busier the road, the more the slipstream/tow from the passing traffic


21,191 posts

278 months

Wednesday 7th August 2002
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And finally, a quick question - whats the deal with riding two / three abreast down the road. I always thought that was against the Highway Code. Is this correct or am I imagining things again????

No actually it is perfectly legal to ride two abreast in most circumsances and IMO encourages motorists to overtake properly rather than squeeze past and force cyclists into the gutter.

err ... there are very few times when this is sensible ... on NSL roads closing speeds are far too great for this and almost everywhere else is too narrow.

Cyclists stand a better chance of being treated with respect if the majority of them treated other road users with equal respect. Make themselves visible, fit lights, indicate, obey traffic lights, don't hop up and down the curbs, blah, blah, blah

It all went to sh1t when we started getting mountain bikes...


2,133 posts

274 months

Wednesday 7th August 2002
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Does anyone remember the 'Cycling Proficiency Test'?
Whatever happened to that?
When I were a lad folk were proud to display the little red sticker on their mudguard (mudguards? - whatever happened to them?) and it was cool to have the latest lighting accessories fitted.

Couple of days ago a cyclist gave a hand-signal for my benefit (no, a proper one) and I was so surprised I nearly ran him over.


8,756 posts

276 months

Thursday 8th August 2002
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Clarkson descibes them as "lycra nazis" and he damn right. Seen three instances of loonies on bikes in the "smoke" already.... only been working here for a month!

I've been here 2 years now, and I'm still amazed at the sheer arrogance of London cyclists. I'd say it's actually the majority of them who habitually commit traffic offences, particularly jumping red lights, ignoring pedestrian crossings and riding on the pavement, often at speed and with a mobile clutched to their ear. It's apparently OK for them to put pedestrians' lives at risk, but come anywhere near them in a car and they're the first to bleat. ing hypocritical cowards.

Last summer in Knightsbridge one of these lentil crunchers had the audacity to ring his bell while riding on the pavement outside Harrods expecting my wife and I to jump into the traffic. Needless to say he got a well aimed kick at his back axle which caused him to spectacularly crash into the barrier. All others on the pavement gave a hearty cheer and applauded the kicker (me). Felt rather good at that moment. He sheepishly took his bike back into traffic..... Thats the way to sort those beggers


16,442 posts

267 months

Thursday 8th August 2002
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Last summer in Knightsbridge one of these lentil crunchers had the audacity to ring his bell

A cyclist with a bell? Another dying breed, surely?


323 posts

267 months

Thursday 8th August 2002
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Good work, JMGS4!

There's been a series of letters in the Metro and London Evening Standard these past few days expressing pro-cyclist and anti-motorist views, including such rational comments as "motorists - tax
them till they bleed", and some prat claiming that in the vast majority of accidents between a car and a cyclist or pedestrian, it's the car driver that's to blame. Anyone care to write a well-argued reply,
quoting statistics and sources (which, strangely, none of the car-haters seem able to do)? CarZee?


13,382 posts

273 months

Thursday 8th August 2002
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Show me a verbatim copy of letters/articles to which I might respond & I'll see what I can (be arsed to) do.

It's sad that one of the only ways to battle these morons for the attention of the dreadful public is by playing them at their own game, regurgitating the same tired old facts and arguments time & time again.. I get kind of tired composing letters on the same theme week after week...

Nonetheless, the challenge of getting a letter published in the Standard holds more allure than getting published in any other local paper..

Still, violence is starting to look like the answer