


Original Poster:

2,749 posts

292 months

Tuesday 29th May 2001
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Ted, I''ve noticed a slew of people posting using double quotes (" when they mean to use an apostrophe (''). I''d be surprised if there''d been a sudden and concerted intellect drop, so it led me to wonder if (shock horror) your software plays around escaping double quotes and apostrophes. When I last did some web programming (in Perl *grin*) I remember this sort of thing being a total arse, and easy to cock up occasionally. Not that I''m suggesting that, er, oh, too late now. I''ll get me coat.


Original Poster:

2,749 posts

292 months

Tuesday 29th May 2001
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Aha! I was right My apostrophe came out as a double quote. Ummm, that sounded gloating, didn't it? Sorry...


34,443 posts

311 months

Tuesday 29th May 2001
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Yep, apostrophes need escaping to whack into SQL and there's a bug in my code that doubles them up on new posts (but not replies). It's on the list...