Pembrey track


Jonathan T

Original Poster:

52 posts

288 months

Tuesday 29th May 2001
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There''s a track day at Pembrey with Tracksense in July which I''m interested in. Has anybody been there, is it a good circuit?

Roy C

4,192 posts

292 months

Tuesday 29th May 2001
quotequote all
Excellent circuit, lots of fun. I did the TVRCC Mania trackday there in '99. Roy


30,510 posts

292 months

Tuesday 29th May 2001
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Agreed, it is a great circuit. I'm back there with the Midlands Speed Championship next weekend for some more fun. Looking forward to it. Peter Humphries (and a green V8S)
Excellent circuit, lots of fun. I did the TVRCC Mania trackday there in '99. Roy

TVR Mark

45 posts

291 months

Tuesday 29th May 2001
quotequote all
My favourite circuit Mark

Jonathan T

Original Poster:

52 posts

288 months

Wednesday 30th May 2001
quotequote all
Cheers, I'll there in July then.