Harry's Garage - YouTube



Original Poster:

65 months

Thursday 18th September 2014
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Harry Metcalfe, ex EVO owner, current part time Jaguar SVO consultant launches his new You Tube channel!

Harry's Garage on You Tube

I think it's going to be great!! ;-)


12,683 posts

241 months

Thursday 18th September 2014
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He's done quite a few decent video reviews already.

Hope this continues the theme - pay per view?


19,584 posts

226 months

Thursday 18th September 2014
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Has he not got a mate that can hold the camera for him..?

Great collection though.

Do we think he's doing this for money, publicity or just a bit of fun?


827 posts

188 months

Thursday 18th September 2014
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I enjoyed Harry's evo diaries so I'll definitely be watching.
What a lovely house he has aswell.


1,568 posts

148 months

Thursday 18th September 2014
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Subscribed - sounds good. I liked his piece on driving the Countach back from Italy.


4,157 posts

162 months

Thursday 18th September 2014
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I was hoping he'd do something like this. Thoroughly enjoyed the old evo diaries - his knowledge and style of presentation are both great - and I hope these are of the same vein.


304 posts

137 months

Thursday 18th September 2014
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Ari said:
Has he not got a mate that can hold the camera for him..?

Great collection though.

Do we think he's doing this for money, publicity or just a bit of fun?

Vids will mainly be self-videoed because that's the way I like to do them and I don't charge nearly as much as a regular camera guy.. Having said that, if a particular video deserves to be filmed by a pro, then I'll get one in but that'll be an exception rather than the rule.

As for the reasons why I'm doing it; the money would never be the core driver in a project like this as there isn't much to be made, so it's mainly for fun. But I do love sharing some of the knowledge I've built up over the years and I'm very lucky to have access to some great cars, so it would be silly not to record the moment so others can get to enjoy it too..


2,857 posts

216 months

Thursday 18th September 2014
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He'll be on here moaning about how little youtube pays before we know it smile


783 posts

159 months

Thursday 18th September 2014
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Always love the EVO diaries so will be looking forward to watching this this evening! Thanks Harry!


1,945 posts

140 months

Thursday 18th September 2014
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Very happy to see him back on Youtube, I thoroughly enjoy the way his delivers his knowledge and presents the cars.

I’m a bit surprised that the videos won’t get uploaded on the EVO channel but then again he did sell it (completely?) so it sort of makes sense.


10,253 posts

236 months

Thursday 18th September 2014
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Excellent. I always liked Harry's diary's, he always came across as a really top flight bloke. I shall look forward to more.

Oh, and how dirty does that project 7 Jaaaag sound?


783 posts

159 months

Thursday 18th September 2014
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Always love the EVO diaries so will be looking forward to watching this this evening! Thanks Harry!


16,562 posts

220 months

Thursday 18th September 2014
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Didn't know he had a Testarossa. My favourite car ever in the hands of my favourite motoring journo. Can't wait for the road trip!


377 posts

174 months

Thursday 18th September 2014
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M4SER said:
Ari said:
Has he not got a mate that can hold the camera for him..?

Great collection though.

Do we think he's doing this for money, publicity or just a bit of fun?

Vids will mainly be self-videoed because that's the way I like to do them and I don't charge nearly as much as a regular camera guy.. Having said that, if a particular video deserves to be filmed by a pro, then I'll get one in but that'll be an exception rather than the rule.

As for the reasons why I'm doing it; the money would never be the core driver in a project like this as there isn't much to be made, so it's mainly for fun. But I do love sharing some of the knowledge I've built up over the years and I'm very lucky to have access to some great cars, so it would be silly not to record the moment so others can get to enjoy it too..
Good luck with the new venture Harry. Subscribed.


60 posts

127 months

Thursday 18th September 2014
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Max_Torque said:
Harry Metcalfe, ex EVO owner, current part time Jaguar SVO consultant launches his new You Tube channel!

Harry's Garage on You Tube

I think it's going to be great!! ;-)
Great, I'm sure it's a lot more worth paying for than another driving channel I am paying for.


6,846 posts

195 months

Thursday 18th September 2014
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hehe those shots of the FF sliding around his fields were a unique watch.

MJK 24

5,662 posts

247 months

Thursday 18th September 2014
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M4SER said:
Ari said:
Has he not got a mate that can hold the camera for him..?

Great collection though.

Do we think he's doing this for money, publicity or just a bit of fun?

Vids will mainly be self-videoed because that's the way I like to do them and I don't charge nearly as much as a regular camera guy.. Having said that, if a particular video deserves to be filmed by a pro, then I'll get one in but that'll be an exception rather than the rule.

As for the reasons why I'm doing it; the money would never be the core driver in a project like this as there isn't much to be made, so it's mainly for fun. But I do love sharing some of the knowledge I've built up over the years and I'm very lucky to have access to some great cars, so it would be silly not to record the moment so others can get to enjoy it too..
Good to see the launch of this channel! Your Evo videos were very always entertaining, informative and very watchable Having a wide variety of subject matter no doubt helps to keep things fresh. The future is looking bright for car related videos with this channel, Jay Leno, Petrolicious and Drive on Vimeo.

Any chance we will see you write the odd column for Evo or is that all in the past?

Good luck smile


3,252 posts

270 months

Thursday 18th September 2014
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No integrale?


1,193 posts

199 months

Thursday 18th September 2014
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Subscribed. Looks good Harry.


60 posts

127 months

Thursday 18th September 2014
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M4SER said:

Vids will mainly be self-videoed because that's the way I like to do them and I don't charge nearly as much as a regular camera guy.. Having said that, if a particular video deserves to be filmed by a pro, then I'll get one in but that'll be an exception rather than the rule.

As for the reasons why I'm doing it; the money would never be the core driver in a project like this as there isn't much to be made, so it's mainly for fun. But I do love sharing some of the knowledge I've built up over the years and I'm very lucky to have access to some great cars, so it would be silly not to record the moment so others can get to enjoy it too..
I am sure I can speak for others, We appreciate it greatly.