SAS V Iranian (Arabastan) Terrorists BBC 2

SAS V Iranian (Arabastan) Terrorists BBC 2



Original Poster:

11,352 posts

270 months

Thursday 25th July 2002
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What a programme - filled with fact and emotion.
It made me feel proud to be British.
As for those SAS men they give me a feeling of safety knowing they are there as a back stop if all goes to the wall. It just a pitty that they die sometimes saving others as recently happened in Sierra Leonne.
What that poor guy must have felt like hanging upside down whilst the flames licked round him?
and he missed the party after!


2,820 posts

290 months

Thursday 25th July 2002
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I agree! This is the best programme I have seen for long time. I bet "Mac" would have a few things to say to Blair and co!



Original Poster:

11,352 posts

270 months

Thursday 25th July 2002
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Looking at those eyes of MAC youd want him on your side?


729 posts

272 months

Thursday 25th July 2002
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I can't believe it was 22 years ago though!!!!!
Those SAS boys are very serious, if I were an international terrorist I would think long and hard before tangling with them. Proud to be British!


>> Edited by Paceracing on Thursday 25th July 23:24


16,863 posts

277 months

Thursday 25th July 2002
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I can remember it all unfolding on the TV and buggering up the snooker final ...

Mind you, they didn't fcuk about once they got it did they – can't say they were that PC can you?

Terrorist? Bang, you're dead. Terrorist? Bang, you're dead. (Repeat six times)

Or maybe it was five – what happened to the one they took away. Propping up the M25 no doubt


16,863 posts

277 months

Thursday 25th July 2002
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Except ...

The one that came down the stairs: Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, you're dead.


46,643 posts

281 months

Friday 26th July 2002
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Excellent programme - thoroughly enjoyed it, found it quite gripping actually (I'm a bit too young to remember it!)... thought the best bit was at the party afterwards when he told someone to "get the f**k out the way" and it was Maggie, who just said "oh, sorry"...


462 posts

277 months

Friday 26th July 2002
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Can't believe the so called "contentious incident" when 2 got shot despite the fact that they aparently dropped their guns. Let's get this straight you've got 2 terrorists in a room of hostages, they've just murdered one person and tried to murder another (btw how the hell do you survive 6 gunshot wounds?!) you then realise that you're in a whole heap of shit and think that dropping your weapon now is going to make it alright? In the mean time 2 SAS men outside in a smoke filled burning house burst in and what do they see? 2 bodies on the floor and 2 terrorists, what the phuq did people think was going to happen? Sodding bleeding heart do-gooding liberals.

Thought the way that the 6th one who got out was handled was a credit though as he was obviously about to be taken back in and finished off! Luckily the blood of some of the SAS men had stopped pumping enough to realise that that would actually have been slightly too much "rough justice"!!


40,143 posts

290 months

Friday 26th July 2002
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SAS Guy: the terrorist came down the stairs with a genade in his hand.
Interviewer: Did you shout a warning.
SAS Guy: No, we shot him


10,857 posts

273 months

Friday 26th July 2002
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Interviewer: You shot him ?

SAS MAN: Yes, with 22 holes in him there was no way he was going to pull the pin out of the grenade he was carrying.

Classic, and very gripping stuff.

Basil Brush

5,205 posts

269 months

Friday 26th July 2002
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I liked the bit where the hostage on the balcony kept getting up and the SAS told him to stay down or they'd shoot him. Seemed to do the trick.

No other armed forces in the world could have pulled that off so cleanly.

>> Edited by Basil Brush on Friday 26th July 10:34


46,643 posts

281 months

Friday 26th July 2002
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No other armed forces in the world could have pulled that off so cleanly.

What, you mean the blown out windows, walls, and place burnt to a charred skeleton (aside from the minor f***up of that guy getting caught in his rope...)

I do see your point though... well executed (literally!) and timed. As other's have said, makes you proud to be British and confident in our own people.


67,280 posts

276 months

Friday 26th July 2002
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Absolutely brilliant, our boys from Hereford doing the business once more.

There was one point whilst watching that that I almost got a Union Flag out!

Oh and as for calling the justifiable homicide incident (what a lovely term!) 'controversial' IMHO thats pinko left wing crap talking.



15,194 posts

267 months

Friday 26th July 2002
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very interesting the different mindset between the police negotiator and the sas boys

and indeed the hostage who obviously whilst relieved to be it - called it a breakdown in civilisation.

The sas boys were excellent with the comments - I love the grounded attitude - very matter of fact.

q. Had you killed anyone prior to that
(sas) A. Yes.

q. (shitting himself decides not to ask)

Basil Brush

5,205 posts

269 months

Friday 26th July 2002
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No other armed forces in the world could have pulled that off so cleanly.

What, you mean the blown out windows, walls, and place burnt to a charred skeleton

OK, but apart from that...

I was comparing to recentish attempts by other 'English' speaking nations involving helicopter crashes, friendly fire incidents etc.


462 posts

277 months

Friday 26th July 2002
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I'd happily second that Mungo.

I do think the SAS need to be a little careful that they don't burst their own bubble, the mystique that surrounds them is part of the deterrent and with all the "Bravo blah de blah" books knocking about they are running a risk.

Weren't the SBS the first to be created?


96 posts

270 months

Friday 26th July 2002
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The sbs (Special Boat Service), recruited from the Royal Marines are equally as good and professional as the sas but noone ever hears much about them as they have never carried out any operations that have had this kind of media attention. The way they prefer it.

So while the sas are getting so much well deserved praise, I'd also like to say that the guys in Poole are equally deserved of much praise.

I'll second that!

mungo, you seem to be in the know, are you an ex-bootie?

Yours aye,



5,449 posts

271 months

Friday 26th July 2002
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(and I speak as someone who has many friends in all the forces) I think people are way to quick to slag off "our boys".

The crap the sun printed about that Naval commander putting a ship into a rock was f'in inexcusable hyped up media b***shit.

These guys put their lives on the line day in, day out and not just in the small amount of incidents the press get hold of, for what amounts to a pittance.

The benefits that members of the armed forces used to get are gradually being taken away, until of course we have another gulf (or similar) war, and then the goverment will call them heroes, give them a decent pay rise and act like they've always done nothing but support them.

This country badly needs to get its priorities sorted, and worry about being able to put a full Navy to sea, an Army anywhere needed, have a decent Air Force and stop wasting money on scroungers both internal and external.

I'd like to make it clear that I do have real sympathy with genuine asylum seekers, but when people start risking their lives to get from France (a free country) to England (another free country) you know were being regarded as "cheers easy"

Rant over.


729 posts

272 months

Friday 26th July 2002
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Got to agree with that.
If we are not careful, we could find that we are in the same position that we were in 1939, with $hagged out biplanes and old aircraft carriers.
Close the door to freeloading pikies who suck the blood out of the British welfare system, if the tree hugging left wing do-gooders don't like it, send them off as well to Eastern Europe / Afganistan / Iraq or wherever to help the scroungers sort the sh1t out in their own country!
I am fed up with the amount of crap I have to take from these people every day of my life!
Feeling better now!



5,449 posts

271 months

Friday 26th July 2002
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The question is, we vote these people in, theyre supposed to represent us, so why are we letting them carry on how they like?.

I am so completely p*ss*d off with PC do gooders its just not funny!

>> Edited by MattNM3E36 on Friday 26th July 14:51