The Government - Is there an alternative?

The Government - Is there an alternative?



Original Poster:

1,997 posts

272 months

Thursday 25th July 2002
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I am constantly left at a loss by the policies of the current government, especially when it come to issues of transport, privacy & bowing to the EU.

The usual action in cases like this is to 'vote with your feet' and come election time kiss them bye bye. However, at the moment I feel there is no party that I'd prefer to be in power... they're all as crap as each other.

Politicians appear to even more question dodging, spin speaking robots that would rather have their left b*llock chopped off than give their real opinion on anything at all.

I know it's not really the done thing to discuss politics and all that, but I'm just feeling totally dejected with the whole political system. It's full of sh1t and so are the people within it.

Time for a PH party?


67,280 posts

276 months

Thursday 25th July 2002
quotequote all the Cabinet War Rooms perhaps?



8,756 posts

276 months

Thursday 25th July 2002
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Obviously it's time for a revolution chaps,
Petrol Ted for President
CarZee for Finance Minister
Hertsbiker as Chief Plod
Campbell as minister of Edewkashun
Offers for Minister for Control of Numpties???? (as Disease Control)
You've all got my votes guys...
get these whinging layabout overpaid selfelevating spindoctoring slimy socialist snitchballs OUT!!!!!!


6,809 posts

284 months

Thursday 25th July 2002
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I want to be prime minister! Vote for me! I want a big office, free after-dinner mints, and lots of cars. I would make:-

Peter Wheeler Transport minister
Eddie Izzard Culture blokey
No Health Minister, 'cos it would be run by a non-governmental committee.
Make heroin available legally (and very cheaply) at government run rehabilitation and treatment centres - instant cure for petty crime/street crime/car crime/burglary/mugging/gun crime etc.
Legalise Cannabis (I've never had any!)
Put £1 billion a year into sport development, and have errmm, Seb. Coe as sports minister.
Tax footballers, and clubs at 60% if they don't win anything. That'll get 'em competitive!!
Make Political Correctness illegal, and punishable by prison terms.
Reform the legal system, so lawyers are all on no-win/no-fee contracts. Make crime against people more important than crime against property.
Get rid of speed cameras/road humps. Have a comprehensive road safety engineering programme to allow safety on all roads for everyone.

I can't think of anything else. Vote for me!!

Neil Menzies

5,167 posts

290 months

Thursday 25th July 2002
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That wasn't bad - until you got to Seb Coe.

king arthur

6,902 posts

267 months

Thursday 25th July 2002
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I reckon all political donations should be outlawed altogther. Parties should get a small amount of funding to put their message across, and that's it. Also, MPs should be banned from being directors of large companies. But of course no government will ever bring in laws like this, as it's all one big gravy train, whoever is in power.

>> Edited by king arthur on Thursday 25th July 12:20


567 posts

270 months

Thursday 25th July 2002
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hehe I vote Nubbin!

can I be a webminister?


16,863 posts

277 months

Thursday 25th July 2002
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I'll vote for you nubbin – excellent maifesto! Except for the bit on the legalised supply of heroin – can you explain your reasoning more?

There shold be some law that says that Ministers CANNOT be associated with any companies whose business they might have directly affected through their policies.

Thing is, it's easy to say lots about 'I wouldn't be corrupted by power' but in reality – your head would start to swell I think, all these fawning sycophantic people about you all day. It would be hard to remain in the real world.

Shame that new Mayor for Hartlepool got in on some joke ticket and then as soon as he was in, forgot about all the strange weird policies he had been spouting, and started talking about education budgets and the like.

They voted for you because of your daft policies yer muppet! Never thought you'd get voted in of course, but that's democracy. Enjoy your year or two of notoriety.

>> Edited by MikeyT on Thursday 25th July 12:53


14,833 posts

276 months

Thursday 25th July 2002
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Pay MPs 200k per year. - that way somebody who actually knows his arse from his elbow will want to do the job as opposed to the bunch of ex teachers, social workers and career nobodys we get at the moment.
Then ban then from having any other jobs/consultancies etc whilst they serve.

Make lying by an MP an offence punishable by in the least the immediate loss of job (no appeal) and at worst loss of job + prison + fine. That should keep the spin down!

Abolish the NHS in its current form (and with all the attached sacred cow status it has) and replace it with
a system run by medics, for the patients on the basis of clinical need.
The only other criteria is that it should be free of charge for the entire population. The quality of care should be first class for all, and the facilities should be geared to the real needs of the majority of local people. Non essential treatments (ie tummy tucks, boob jobs, sex changes etc) would be available at an extra reasonable cost - not free!

Abolish motorway speed limits. Introduce a RIGIDLY enforced 20mph limit in town centres and near schools/parks etc. Improve driver training (to improve safety by reducing the ranks of numptydom) and make the test worth taking!

Sack all teachers who don't strive to extract and inspire the best from their pupils. Reintroduce competition in schools, in both sports and academic areas. - I'm sick of kids not realising that the world is tough and that it doesn't owe them a living.

Increase the size of the police force by 25% and focus their attention on robbery, burglary, rape, violent crime and such like.

Shoot Blair. I know its a bit harsh but I hate the slimy lying little fer.

Increase the size of our armed forces. The world is getting more dangerous not less! We need 3 decent size aircraft carriers. Some aeroplanes that work (including with decent AEW capacity, smart weapons capability and decent radars!) and a gun that the army can fire without it having to have been kept in a clean room for the previous 24hrs.

Send ALL bogus asylum seakers home NOW! If any of them want to sue us later then so be it. Hundreds of thousands of feckless gits are swamping a system designed to protect and serve the truly needy. We need to be sure we can welcome those who genuinely flee persecution and who are in fear of their lives (regardless of race, creed or colour) without having to make them wait in line with countless bods who simply fancy our way of life and social security benefits.

Keep the pound; You know it makes sense!

Value our country properly. I love living in a multi ethnic society. It adds really positive hings to our lives. But multi ethnic includes white anglo saxon christian culture too. Birmingham doesn't have Christmass anymore (It has "Winterval") for fear of offending anyone not christian. Bollox to that I say. Lets be proud of who we ALL are and what this country has achieved over the years.

Oh and can I have the defence ministers job please?

Andy 400se


67,280 posts

276 months

Thursday 25th July 2002
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Andy, without question you have my vote.



8,756 posts

276 months

Thursday 25th July 2002
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ANdy, you are speaking from the heart, you have mine vote, aussi monsieur sorry monsigneur...


1,554 posts

277 months

Thursday 25th July 2002
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Andy, I sometimes forget that there are people like you still around in Britain, your views are frightening....

Why do half the posts on Pistonheads read like;

'I've got a sports car/bike and want to drive it fast, but Tony Blair won't let me. '

Its all rather pathetic.


12,095 posts

286 months

Thursday 25th July 2002
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I'll vote for you nubbin – excellent maifesto! Except for the bit on the legalised supply of heroin – can you explain your reasoning more?

MikeyT, if you legalise heroin and make it available from rehab centres you remove pushers from the equation therefore users do not need to commit crimes to get the 40-100 quid a day to support their habit. Ergo street crime reduces by a huge amount.


9,975 posts

290 months

Thursday 25th July 2002
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Andy, I sometimes forget that there are people like you still around in Britain, your views are frightening....

Why do half the posts on Pistonheads read like;

'I've got a sports car/bike and want to drive it fast, but Tony Blair won't let me. '

Its all rather pathetic.

Nixon! You Pinko Leftie you!

Basil Brush

5,205 posts

269 months

Thursday 25th July 2002
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Pay MPs 200k per year. - that way somebody who actually knows his arse from his elbow will want to do the job as opposed to the bunch of ex teachers, social workers and career nobodys we get at the moment

Ex teachers only want to do it cos they get about the same amount of holidays.


1,947 posts

290 months

Thursday 25th July 2002
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Andy, I sometimes forget that there are people like you still around in Britain, your views are frightening....

Thats an understatement, Sorry andy some of what you've said is clearly uneducated B**l*cks and IMHO rather reminisant of Nazi Germany.


5,602 posts

269 months

Thursday 25th July 2002
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Why not call it the 'Intelligent People's Party' and then all the ditch monster people who voted this government in will vote for the IPP as they want to be thought of as intelligent!


627 posts

271 months

Thursday 25th July 2002
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Gotta agree Peter, I'm about as far from a lefty Blair loving green following do-gooder as they come but we all slag the whole system off without considering what's actually good about this country - bloody spolit I say.

Successive governments have attempted to address the balance but that's exactly what it is, a balance. There's no way of keeping everyone happy, if you pay tax you want to pay less, if you don't you want more from others. Very little middle ground and we're all on one extreme (luckily the one with cash and fast cars )

I for one think 95% of people on the road drive like c***s so don't want to lose speed limits etc, I'll just decide when I feel it's safe to break them and take my chances with the law.


14,833 posts

276 months

Thursday 25th July 2002
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[Thats an understatement, Sorry andy some of what you've said is clearly uneducated B**l*cks and IMHO rather reminisant of Nazi Germany.

Pray tell, in what way is it uneducated? In what way is it reminiscent of Nazi Germany?
I'd genuinely like to know what sections caused so much offence??

Andy 400se


1,554 posts

277 months

Thursday 25th July 2002
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Couldn't have put it better myself.