O/T: Are these people for real?

O/T: Are these people for real?



Original Poster:

462 posts

277 months

Friday 19th July 2002
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I am refering in particular to one of our, supposed, senior managers, legendary for such classics as the time he informed female members of staff that they would not be receiving the same pay rises as the men as their commitment to the company was not as strong due to the fact they would all be leaving to have babies soon....... Yes seriously.
The time he introduced the office manager to a new starter as "This is ***** she erm, erm makes the tea and erm, looks after the safe.......
The same person who claims never to have said things despite the fact that they have been minuted and we began the meeting by approving the minutes.......
Has been mysteriously promoted to Directorship despite none of the other directors being aware...
Bollocked me for something on the instruction of "the Chairman" despite the chairman not having a clue when I apologised to him (The "Chairman" also happens to be my father, does he think we don't talk or something?)....
Complains to the manager of the hotel which he stays in during the week that the waitress's skirts aren't short enough....
The guy's a legend in his own underpants. Anyone know others similar!!


565 posts

268 months

Friday 19th July 2002
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I wish I could sound shocked or something. My boss is actually ok, but other managers in my work are such a bunch of ham shankers. Why do they do so well? Surely people who are prepared to lie and bitch and stab folk in the back are not suitable management material? I suppose you'll all think me naive.


Original Poster:

462 posts

277 months

Friday 19th July 2002
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Not really.
Was promoted to a management position about 12 months ago and the amount of arse licking I have to endure is painfull. I personally hate it and those indulging appear not to realise that they are actually damaging their chances as opposed to enhancing them. However I am well aware that some (not all) of my fellow managers really get off on it and subsequently tend to further the careers of those with the best tongues in order to perpetuate the service. It simpply then becomes self generating.
There is however a hard core of my colleagues that consider judgement on results to be more valid and as we prosper the old gaurd will fall by the wayside.


11,430 posts

272 months

Friday 19th July 2002
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The world is full of them - just confirms that its not what you know but who'se arse you lick that makes the difference.

One company I worked at (as a Manager) had this chap who'se sole intention was to climb the greasy pole as far as he could and he didn't care who he trod on on the way up... he was very very good at the office politics and was a real "yes" man. Needles to say we never really saw eye-to-eye (I much prefer to tell it like it is, as you do!) Two of us left as a direct result of his politiking.

Anyway, his aim was to be THE man in charge and as far as I know that is his title - only problem is the company has gone down and down and down so he's now in charge of a group of halfwits and losers, but at least he's got the title. Out of a job sometime this year AFAIK. Oh how I laughed

There is a God!


13,382 posts

273 months

Friday 19th July 2002
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I am refering in particular to one of our, supposed, senior managers, legendary for such classics as the time he informed female members of staff that they would not be receiving the same pay rises as the men as their commitment to the company was not as strong due to the fact they would all be leaving to have babies soon....... Yes seriously.
What wrong with that? I'm right beghind a man who's prepared to ignore all this feminist shite and speak the truth !!


Original Poster:

462 posts

277 months

Friday 19th July 2002
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I would say that at least 4 people have left here with the sole stated reason being the antics of this particular gentleman. A small part of me says if you can't handle the heat then get out of the kitchen however 4 lots of smoke must equal a reasonable sized fire. Ironically as a company we're doing quite well and I'm not ungrateful enough to say that none of it is thanks to him, a small percentage probably is, but when you sit in the senior management meeting and announce that gaining a major new customer is solely down to you despite the fact you have never met them and in actual fact have been nis-pronouncing their name it does tend to demoralise those that did the work but are getting none of the credit.
The irony is that he was exiled from head office for the same reasons.....


67,280 posts

276 months

Friday 19th July 2002
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I used to work for a company that had 300+ employees and once a month we would all squeeze into the very large meeting room for a speech from the MD.

This is a man, who over the course of the time that I was there who introduced a black guy who had just started as the 'sprayer who had spent too much time in the sun' and asked a girl in a wheel chair to stand up when he said her name.

The greatest moment however was when we had visitors from our very large Japanese customer and he was talking about the slide in business and how he was 'not enamelled by the entire situation', silence around the room before someone couldnt hold it any more and the entire room burst out laughing.



13,382 posts

273 months

Friday 19th July 2002
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asked a girl in a wheel chair to stand up when he said her name.


18,764 posts

267 months

Friday 19th July 2002
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I am refering in particular to one of our, supposed, senior managers, legendary for such classics as the time he informed female members of staff that they would not be receiving the same pay rises as the men as their commitment to the company was not as strong due to the fact they would all be leaving to have babies soon....... Yes seriously.
What wrong with that? I'm right beghind a man who's prepared to ignore all this feminist shite and speak the truth !!

Damn right: it's a fact that since the evolution of our economy from almost uniquely industrial to the current post-industrial landscape and the proliferation of wimmins' liberation ('rise up, sisters') generally from exclusively domestic activities, men have been displaced from the potential 'new' workplace. This isn't a sexist diatribe but fact.
But since I suspect most PHers care not for the Mz.Greer school of 'all things are good as long as men are emaciated' gibberish, I think I'll leave the sum up to Mr.Chomley-Warner:
"Women: know your place!"


683 posts

290 months

Friday 19th July 2002
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asked a girl in a wheel chair to stand up when he said her name.

Not quite as classic as one of our directors however....

After a rather liquid dinner (hic !) in the west end of London, we ended up in the American Bar at The Savoy. Pianist tinkering away in the corner to the until then hushed masses....

Anyway, pissed director bloke decides things need livening up a bit & asks the pianist to either step the pace up a bit or get off the piano & let him have a whirl (he is actually an extremely good pianist himself ). Argument ensues along the lines of 'No you can't' , 'Yes I can' kind of thing until Nick decides to take control of the situation & push the guy off the end of the seat.

What he failed to notice was the guys wheelchair parked on the other side of the piano & his lack of lower limbs, thud ! I nearly died laughing & no, I havn't been back since.


67,280 posts

276 months

Friday 19th July 2002
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asked a girl in a wheel chair to stand up when he said her name.

Not quite as classic as one of our directors however....

After a rather liquid dinner (hic !) in the west end of London, we ended up in the American Bar at The Savoy. Pianist tinkering away in the corner to the until then hushed masses....

Anyway, pissed director bloke decides things need livening up a bit & asks the pianist to either step the pace up a bit or get off the piano & let him have a whirl (he is actually an extremely good pianist himself ). Argument ensues along the lines of 'No you can't' , 'Yes I can' kind of thing until Nick decides to take control of the situation & push the guy off the end of the seat.

What he failed to notice was the guys wheelchair parked on the other side of the piano & his lack of lower limbs, thud ! I nearly died laughing & no, I havn't been back since.

Thats savage!

Funny tho!



Original Poster:

462 posts

277 months

Friday 19th July 2002
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Glad someone mentioned the Japanese as reminded me of another of his classics when infront of our biggest customer (Japanese auto manufacturer) he was presenting our countermeasure following a non-conformance. What he was trying to say was that we had jumped allover the problem and killed it dead. The words he used? That we had "done a Hiroshima" on it.........

BTW I wasn't passing judgement on the content of the babies/pay comment mereley that he was stupid enough to say it in public. I do actively seek female managers though as I find them far more vicious.


11,430 posts

272 months

Friday 19th July 2002
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........ I do actively seek female managers though as I find them far more vicious.

I find them (generally) far more attractive to look at when I'm bored!!


565 posts

268 months

Friday 19th July 2002
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I'm knitting yoghurt on this fence over here. Like my new Jesus sandals? Made from recycled afterbirth dont you know.

The most straight up, normal, reasonable (apart from myself ofcourse) person and the most twisted, bitchy, political gob$hite are both woman in the small high street retail company I design for.


646 posts

269 months

Friday 19th July 2002
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What he failed to notice was the guys wheelchair parked on the other side of the piano & his lack of lower limbs, thud ! I nearly died laughing & no, I havn't been back since.

-so how did the legless bloke reach the pedals on the piano then?


67,280 posts

276 months

Friday 19th July 2002
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Glad someone mentioned the Japanese as reminded me of another of his classics when infront of our biggest customer (Japanese auto manufacturer) he was presenting our countermeasure following a non-conformance. What he was trying to say was that we had jumped allover the problem and killed it dead. The words he used? That we had "done a Hiroshima" on it.........

I think we used to work for the same company, as mine was a manufacturer as well and that just the sort of thing that the MD would have said.
