Tvr Car Club Somerset Monthly Meet

Tvr Car Club Somerset Monthly Meet



Original Poster:

95 posts

286 months

Tuesday 23rd November 2004
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Sunday 28th is Somersets monthly meet at Hazelbury Mill just outside Crewkerne.

I might go. Blast off from Granada Services Exeter 11am
good A Roads on the way.

Corin Denton

8,759 posts

273 months

Tuesday 23rd November 2004
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In Southampton for a big PH meet.

Corin Denton

8,759 posts

273 months

Wednesday 24th November 2004
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I could shoot through Crewkerne on my way home, I'll ring you Serby.

Am I going mad or did I read somewhere that the Somerset region has disolved through lack of support???

Wyatt, do you have any more directions??


Corin Denton

8,759 posts

273 months

Wednesday 24th November 2004
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serby said:
Dont stir it Corin,we'll get bought up by Mr Dawson in a minute....C.D.S.? Cornwall/Devon/Somerset TVRCC! Thats only one step away from being a part of Janner Disney World!!

just trouble

700 posts

259 months

Friday 26th November 2004
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Corin Denton said:

serby said:
Dont stir it Corin,we'll get bought up by Mr Dawson in a minute....C.D.S.? Cornwall/Devon/Somerset TVRCC! Thats only one step away from being a part of Janner Disney World!!

Hello Fella's JT here.Been quiet for a while just watching and reading the posts here.Just about had a gut full of some p..cks from the the splinter group.
One of my favorite quips is when you are in a hole STOP digging Corin. I am a easy going chap but the people you are really p*ssing off are not!!!!!So give it a rest NOW
Encroach in to other TVRCC regions at your peril(Somerset)Read and digest JT.

>> Edited by just trouble on Friday 26th November 20:31

>> Edited by just trouble on Friday 26th November 20:47

>> Edited by just trouble on Friday 26th November 21:07

>> Edited by just trouble on Friday 26th November 21:10


5 posts

238 months

Friday 26th November 2004
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hand bags at 10 paces


5 posts

238 months

Friday 26th November 2004
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you have been warned corin the carrot crunchers are after you (tvrCC)

just trouble

700 posts

259 months

Saturday 27th November 2004
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Good grief Serby how many attempts do you need for a reply???????? As you can see, I have amended my post 4 times leaving out all the words Petrol Ted would have pulled me up on....You have deleted more posts than Honest Freddie on a quad bike day out (Sorry an in joke with REAL D&C mebers )That trip was posted PRIVATELY to avoid complications . So if you splinters(Splinter a piece of DEAD wood split off in to SMALL pieces of NO SIGNIFICANCE)as discribed in the Oxford dictionaryContinue then that's ok with meJTIn fact I think you are a fine chap but on the wrong side of the tracks


219 posts

259 months

Saturday 27th November 2004
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serby said:
i thought i was a fully paid up member of the Devon and Cornwall TVRCC?

Hi Rob, I can see where you’re coming from, and yes you are a fully paid up member of the TVRCC.

What I can't understand is why there's a need for a Splinter Group? If people wish to go off and do your own things that’s fine, nobody is going to hold it against them. But as you’re well aware the phrase "Splinter Group" does nothing to enhance the region to all who read the treads on PistonHeads, and as you know it causes a rift between the D&C TVRCC members who don't like seing the region dragged down in this manner. Maybe that's its aim?

If people wish to start up there own club how about 'The Devon Sports Car Club', has anyone thought about that and drop the term Splinter Group.

>> Edited by honestfreddie on Saturday 27th November 18:46

just trouble

700 posts

259 months

Saturday 27th November 2004
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Said all I am going to say on this matter or any other(A great cheer erupts over the South West peninsula)adios,fairwell,goodbye, JT over and out

zz top

534 posts

250 months

Saturday 27th November 2004
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serby said:
please contact your R/O for upto date information on the subject and clarification of the role Corin is playing within the D & C tvrcc before bad mouthing any of the D & C TVRcc's members.
I have contacted the RO of D&CTVRcc, but unfortunately you and your "splinter group" have been mislead. Your group, who have been proud to develop your own website and print your own "t" shirts, asked our RO's permission to speak to the 1200 or so Regional members to invite them to accompany you and your "Splinter Group" on the 2005 LE Mans run. He agreed to your request and i believe, todate, only a FEW from Devon and Cornwall Region will be travelling with you to this event. What does that message tell you? Corin Denton is NOT acting in any official capacity on behalf of MY club and NEVER will as long as i am a member. The majority of D&CTVRcc members are tired of the way you and your group constantly undermine our RO's authority, and i for one, along with many others have reported these incidents to the TVRcc Chairman and his Committee. You personally have made derogatory comments on PH forums, degrading members and belittleing regions [Somerset]. You are entitled to your opinon, but voice that in private, not publically, as you have done on this very forum. I suggest you, Corin Denton and Tyre Smoke think very carefully about your next move. I would like you all to be part of our Region, but to do that you must stop the sniping, belittleing and undermining the authority of the regions members.

Corin Denton

8,759 posts

273 months

Sunday 28th November 2004
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This is all quite saddening, I have just returned after being invited to a TVR-tastic weekend after a Saturday afternoon hoon, a superb night out in Southampton followed on the Pistonheads Southern Shandy Drinkers Christmas Party...

and today's superb Hampshire TVRCC Hen and Chicken meet! this.

This thread has degenerated into a bad PR exercise for the region and a thread to which I didn't want to reply to but as I have been singled out personally I feel I must.
I have just received a phonecall from Devon & Cornwall's R.O., Wyatt, who has informed me that I am organising the the Devon & Cornwall trip to Le Mans next year in contrary to the previous post, I am mentioning this for the rest of the group's behalf (the other six cars, all Devon & Cornwall TVRCC members) who might be concerened about the plans for the trip.

A few points have been raised in previous comments to which I will respond...

Why not start another club, The Devon Sportscar Club.?

There is a need for another club - We have Pistonheads, not a club but the strongest sportscar communinity currently in the U.K. and a good base for likeminded people to do their car thing.

To quote ZZ Top.... 'Corin Denton is NOT acting in any official capacity on behalf of MY club and NEVER will as long as i am a member.'

Sleep easy Chris I have absolutely no intention of being anything other than a member of TVRCC.

You personally have made derogatory comments on PH forums, degrading members and belittleing regions [Somerset].

I was under the impression that the region was suffering and commmented thereof, I also offered support to the meet??? Hmmm

I would like you all to be part of our Region

It's nobody's region although I have been trying to build bridges between groups, last week's Port Isaac meet went very well, a good turn out and banter all round - please let's not ruin it.

To quote ZZ Top - 'I believe, todate, only a FEW from Devon and Cornwall Region will be travelling with you to this event. What does that message tell you?'

Le Mans is a big financial, time and logistical commitment, there are six cars going from Devon & Cornwall TVRCC. There are currently 1,200 members in the region and on more than one occasion there has only been one or two cars show up to a organised regional meet. This message worries me more.

To sum up..
I am trying to get positive things going in the region (Keep your eyes peeled for plans for the region to attend the Zolder meet and drive the Nuerburgring next year - with the endorsement of the R.O.}
Irregardless of TVRCC we all have impeccable taste in cars so let's work together for a better future.

Take care and safe driving folks!


Original Poster:

95 posts

286 months

Sunday 28th November 2004
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I thought I would reply to all the bantering.

Lets all enjoy the cars.Lets all work together and have a great 2005.Lets ALL put the past behind us.

Tyre Smoke

23,018 posts

266 months

Monday 29th November 2004
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I seem to have been dragged into this, by ZZ Top.

Therefore my 2p worth........

I echo all that Dave and Corin have said and wholeheartedly agree with them.

However, it is not your club ZZ. It belongs to all the members. I will not be dictated to by you or anyone else about what I can and cannot say and do in a free world. I have no arguement with the TVRCC or ANY of it's regions. I have been made to feel particularly unwelcome by the D+C region - in fact I have been nothing but courteous to existing members whenever we have met. At the last run to North Devon, I think you will find it was me who led you out of Exeter to rejoin the rest of the 'fleet'. I was also the one who bothered to tell you about the apparent oil loss from your car - to which I received a facaetious remark.
At all the meetings in the region I have attended, no one has ever spoken to me apart from Dave unless I have spoken to them first. Perhaps it's because I am in my 30's and don't fit in with current profile of affluent middle class the region seems to promote. It's none of your business, but I own my Cerbera outright, yep I owe NOTHING on it, I bought it for cash. Perhaps I should have undergone a credit check and some sort of psycometric test to ensure I was of the 'right' calibre for 'your' club? You portray the wrong impression to potential new members without any help from any splinter group. I have already mentioned this to Dave and I can also speak (I am fairly confident on this) for Corin in that we mean absolutely no harm to the TVRCC or the D+C region, all we want to do is support Dave in his efforts and promote the marque of TVR - 1200 members in the region and only a maximum of 40 turn up (20 cars)!!


Original Poster:

95 posts

286 months

Monday 29th November 2004
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Being the RO of The Devon and Cornwall TVR CAR CLUB it saddens me the constant bickering that the region gets on the pistonheads site.Lets please not get into a class issue I honestly think Tyre Smoke has been on The Fosters or John Smiths.

I put a thread about a run to support Somerset Region and all this has achieved is constant bickering worse than a WI meet.Its also sad to say that not one of you lot bothered to turn up.Amazing.

I am glad that this bickering has come ahead, and I wish to put a stop once and for all regarding The TVRCC Splinter Group.A few points need to be clarified.I attended the meeting of The Splinter Group of which a hand of friendship was offered and to listen
and also to stop all the constant bickering and dragging the good name of The TVR Car Club down.I was assured by Corin Cerby and Tyre Smoke that they would fully integrate within the official TVR Car Club, I was also asked at the meeting by Corin if he could contact some of the members of The Car Club to accompany him and his Splinter Group when attending Le Mans 2005.I agreed that he could speak to the members and it would be there own decision.Corin is not acting in an official capacity for The Devon and Cornwall Car Club.

The members of the Splinter Group have recently assured me that they no longer wish to cause any ill feeling with the other members, some have even gone out of ther way to design T shirts for Le Mans.Thanks Rob.I have welcomed this with open arms but have made it clear that The Splinter Group cannot run alongside The Devon & Cornwall TVR Car Club.

It is hoped that all members will get together and celebrate the end of 2004 and look forward to a fresh start in 2005.

I have always said you cannot change anything from the outside do it from within.

Watch those cameras


352 posts

272 months

Monday 29th November 2004
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'Tis the season to be Jolly tra-la-la-la-laaaa-la-la-la-larrrr.

zz top

534 posts

250 months

Monday 29th November 2004
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Tyre Smoke said:
my 2p worth........

Perhaps it's because I am in my 30's and don't fit in with current profile of affluent middle class the region seems to promote. It's none of your business, but I own my Cerbera outright, yep I owe NOTHING on it, I bought it for cash. Perhaps I should have undergone a credit check and some sort of psycometric test to ensure I was of the 'right' calibre for 'your' club?
This statement saddens me.

zz top

534 posts

250 months

Monday 29th November 2004
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WYATT said:
Being the RO of The Devon and Cornwall TVR CAR CLUB, I wish to put a stop once and for all regarding The TVRCC Splinter Group. A few points need to be clarified. I attended the meeting of The Splinter Group.I was assured by Corin Cerby and Tyre Smoke that they would fully integrate within the official TVR Car Club, I was also asked at the meeting by Corin if he could contact some of the members of The Car Club to accompany him and his Splinter Group when attending Le Mans 2005.I agreed that he could speak to the members and it would be there own decision. Corin is not acting in an official capacity for The Devon and Cornwall Car Club.

The members of the Splinter Group have recently assured me that they no longer wish to cause any ill feeling with the other members I have welcomed this with open arms but have made it clear that The Splinter Group cannot run alongside The Devon & Cornwall TVR Car Club.

WYATT....Thank you for clarifying this matter. I hope the assurances that you have received are genuine and sincere.

Corin Denton

8,759 posts

273 months

Monday 29th November 2004
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ZZ, I should hope that my posting should be enough for people to realise that things are changing, it would be nice if both sides could make the effort.

The olive branch has been offered, brushing it aside puts us right back to square one.

Don't waste this opportunity.

Tyre Smoke

23,018 posts

266 months

Monday 29th November 2004
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Corin Denton said:
ZZ, I should hope that my posting should be enough for people to realise that things are changing, it would be nice if both sides could make the effort.

The olive branch has been offered, brushing it aside puts us right back to square one.

Don't waste this opportunity.

Amen to that.