RE: Join Team Britnell

RE: Join Team Britnell

Wednesday 17th July 2002

Join Team Britnell

Get your tickets sorted for the rest of the season



Original Poster:

13,244 posts

285 months

Wednesday 17th July 2002
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Anyone know any more details about this, I can't seem to find anything on their website, is it just for the remainder of this season, or can you sign up for a full season next year?


34,443 posts

308 months

Thursday 18th July 2002
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Drop them an email for more details.


1,353 posts

272 months

Saturday 28th December 2002
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Just heard from Andy, they have decided to withdraw from the Tuscan Challenge, so all three cars + transporter, spares, and a part converted 2 seater are for sale. Bloody shame, they where an important part of Tuscan racing. Should have posted this as a seperate item really, but this thread seemed right. Are you watching TVR? How many more have to vote with thier feet before you make the changes that this team and many others asked for? Wake up and smell the coffee!!!!


795 posts

270 months

Sunday 29th December 2002
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Out of curiosity, what changes have the teams asked TVR to make to the championship ?


34,443 posts

308 months

Sunday 29th December 2002
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That's not good news. They are a great bunch and a huge asset to the championship.


1,353 posts

272 months

Sunday 29th December 2002
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There were quite a few things that a lot of the teams and competitors wanted to discuss, we used to be able to test for a whole day prior to 2002,but now it's half an hour if your lucky as part of the race weekend. We used to have 13 rounds, now we have 12. Our windscreen advert strips were taken for Carlube, the series sponsor, but we got nothing for them, dispite being high value sponsor positions. Some race weekends where reduced to just one race instead of two, we were part of the F3/GT race package but never got a mention in any of pre-race publicity and so it went on, a gradual down grading. We used to be issued with season passes, last season we had to apply for tickets for each race, and because of limited testing a lot of the new drivers never got the time in thier cars thet they needed, so it became more dangerous for them and the rest of us, as accidents increased and repair costs started to eat into slim budgets. All in all most of us found that it was a very hard season and because of all the changes sponsors were getting fed up and it became very very difficult to get them to open thier cheque books. The net result of all this is that the sponsors won't come back and as it can cost an average of £50k per car, per season, we just can't support these costs without help. Still, as they say, it's better to have loved and lost, then never to have loved at all.


198 posts

288 months

Sunday 29th December 2002
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Its very sad to hear that Team Britnell, has called it a day.

The Challenge needs Teams not losing them, Im sure the full reasons will be told in the fullness of time.

I wish Andy & Gary the very best , and hope to see them on the grid of the challenge again.


Colin H


2,820 posts

289 months

Monday 30th December 2002
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All I have to say hear; is that I agree 100% with what Rod (Tuscan29)said!

Good luck Andy and Gary.



1,426 posts

274 months

Monday 30th December 2002
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Sorry to see the team go the grid will be worse off without them. On a lighter note I'm sure that Dunlop will also greatly miss flatspot and co, though they'll only have to bring half the number of tyres to each race

Sorry chaps no offence intended


32 posts

266 months

Thursday 2nd January 2003
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That is really bad news! I hope that they dont leave, so what has happend to make this happen? I havent heard anything about new plans ect for next year, but i do think we need time to test during the season! i also think that more should be done to promote the Championship!..... Beleive me I have just had to delete a massive paragraph with some of my thoughts, and some pointed the finger directly!



1,426 posts

274 months

Friday 3rd January 2003
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rocketrob said: so what has happend to make this happen?

Rob about 4 posts up or down (depending on you profile preferences) Rob Barrett listed quite a few reasons why teams are not happy, along the lines of: lack of testing time, premium sponsorship areas on the cars being taken for the series sponsor with no funds to the team and a reduction in the number of rounds in the season. I'm sure that may be other areas that are not mentioned but have lead Andy and Gary to calling it a day.

rocketrob said:Beleive me I have just had to delete a massive paragraph with some of my thoughts, and some pointed the finger directly!

Rob mail me off line and let me know who you're pointing fingers at !! see you soon


189 posts

282 months

Friday 3rd January 2003
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If any other teams and drivers have got any comments to add, please make them known, as I feel just a touch exposed being the only one prepared to voice my opinion ,and It would be nice to know If you chaps agree with my views. Tvr read these posts so If your'e not brave enough to speak out on this site, e-mail me. Sorry, the above is not meant to be an insult to any of you as I know that not everybody can speak out, or your'e not as foolhardy as me, tvr are used to me being a pain in the arse!!! and know that I won't be silent over this important issue which I still have a great passion for. The Tuscan Challenge is too special to fade into a second rate series,we must do all we can to get TVR to react and change things for the better.

>> Edited by HAWTHORNS TVR on Friday 3rd January 14:03

>> Edited by HAWTHORNS TVR on Friday 3rd January 15:34


1 posts

268 months

Thursday 9th January 2003
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Hmmmm - Worrying stuff.....

Have been seriously looking at Tuscans for a while...Is the general opinion that the Tuscan challenge is on the way out or heading to become just another one make series in good old BRSCC fashion ??

Bloody well hope not - I just bought one !!


1,353 posts

272 months

Friday 10th January 2003
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No, it's not on it's way out, far from it, TVR tell me that they have 24 confirmed runners, and that was before the Autosport Show!!! The series sponsor, Carlube, have confirmed and paid for 2003 and 2004 and I'm sure that the series will go on for many years to come, but things have changed. I think that a few special series at some time reach their full potential and become the place that all the top drivers want to be. As a result this elevates what is, in real terms, a club racing series to a much higher level. Perhaps it is the soft landing from cloud 9 to reality which is making us feel unhappy with the way things are, when in real terms we should see it for what it is. Tuscans are without doubt the best single seater series to race in, and it has been so successful and attracted such high quality drivers, that their departure has left it's mark. These drivers and the few that remained because they had no plans to make racing a career, took the series to a level that it was never meant to achieve and now that they have moved on, we are left with the feeling that we have lost something. They gave us a glimpse of the other side of the track, and a few of us may find it difficult to resist the temptation of finding our own way into that hallowed territory, not because we want to leave Tuscans, but because of what they proved was possible.