OT..practical jokes



Original Poster:

36,010 posts

290 months

Saturday 6th July 2002
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Whats the best/worst played on victims.
In the past I have been and been involved in electrocuting people.
sticky ear pieces on phones.
Taped phone hand sets to the phone base in an office of 30 or so. Raced a lift 15 floors and won, sneaky way of doing it and p!ssing off the passengers (bit fitter then).
Kipper on the exhaust etc.
Water over the toilet door in volumes to soak a treat.
Hope no health and saftey looking in.


28,377 posts

290 months

Sunday 7th July 2002
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Best one I heard of was on here: Pour half a cup of old engine oil on yer victim's garage floor...could be a long time before they find the leak!


2,690 posts

273 months

Sunday 7th July 2002
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I put a dead lobster in a colleagues unused desk draw. It went unnoticed for a week until the stench caused a big search.


2,690 posts

273 months

Sunday 7th July 2002
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Remembered another one, oh were sooo mature at work...

There was a spate of us finding the gents work loo's in a bit of a state - splattered pan etc. A few things were said on company e mail but the situation didn't improve. A mate and I set out to cause a bit of nuisance one morning with a chunck of chocolate cake. We smeared it all over the loo rim, loos flush handle, around the sink and on the taps, plus a few specs on the floor. Off we crept unnoticed. You should have read the office e mail that came round later that day.

Another gem comes to mind. A male colleague leaves his desk to go up the town for lunch. A mate and I notice he's left his e mail up and running on his desktop, so we set about a bit of mischief. We mailed from his pooter to our secretary downstairs, asking her to decribe her knickers etc. Things got rather sexual and out of hand. Anyway we cleared our tracks and never said anything about it. He commented a week or so later that our secretary was behaving strangely toward him.


15,605 posts

274 months

Sunday 7th July 2002
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Remembered another one, oh were sooo mature at work...

There was a spate of us finding the gents work loo's in a bit of a state - splattered pan etc. A few things were said on company e mail but the situation didn't improve. A mate and I set out to cause a bit of nuisance one morning with a chunck of chocolate cake. We smeared it all over the loo rim, loos flush handle, around the sink and on the taps, plus a few specs on the floor. Off we crept unnoticed. You should have read the office e mail that came round later that day.

Another gem comes to mind. A male colleague leaves his desk to go up the town for lunch. A mate and I notice he's left his e mail up and running on his desktop, so we set about a bit of mischief. We mailed from his pooter to our secretary downstairs, asking her to decribe her knickers etc. Things got rather sexual and out of hand. Anyway we cleared our tracks and never said anything about it. He commented a week or so later that our secretary was behaving strangely toward him.

excellent !
ive done a few silly things and one prank cost me a job , But it was worth it


18,355 posts

278 months

Sunday 7th July 2002
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ive done a few silly things and one prank cost me a job , But it was worth it

Come tell


1,947 posts

290 months

Sunday 7th July 2002
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A couple the first was a team idea.

Someone we knew had an answering machine on his desk telephone so we dialled an outside "0898" numbers and then transfered the call to his answer machine.

Other one when I was much younger I was given the "fun" job of setting up an computer whilst the person was on holiday a couple of days. So set it up and then wrote a small boot routine that started in dos prompt asking if they wished to format c drive on any key press it would then display 'y' then the formatting "countdown" and ran a checkdisk so the HD light came on. When it finshed it went "fooled you" and then started normally, got a phone call from him in which he just said b@st@d


14,700 posts

273 months

Sunday 7th July 2002
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The old Clingfilm across the toilet but below the seat works a treat for splash back or a pooey bottom.LOL
Needs to be an Dark old hole though or the lights reflect of the clingfilm,so good idea to remove a couple of bulbs first.



Original Poster:

36,010 posts

290 months

Monday 8th July 2002
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Evil are the ones that work with electric.
I used to work in a strowger exchange. 50 volts DC on tap everywhere. Have seen (never done this 'onest guv), a work bench. Now this bench has a metal strip along the edge. Next to the bench is a metal frame, large one, 12' high loaded with equipment and providing an earth for the gear in it.
The strip on the bench has one of the screws removed, a wire inserted from the exchange battery source through a set of interupters and a MUG motor (like points on a car) and the screw replaced (wire comes from underneath).
Victim located.
You do press ups using the bench and the rack frame.
Victim says watch this.
Let him start and flick the switch, victim does an up and down dance a lot.
This is all an imagination of my figment.


1,502 posts

277 months

Monday 8th July 2002
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On the sauce last night?


462 posts

277 months

Monday 8th July 2002
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As an ex public schoolboy I have a few fond memories..... I think top 2 are:

1, Superglue on the bog seat - the mental image of the poor bugger standing bent double in the bog block whilst matron tried to wipe his arse so he didn't skidmark her car on the way to hospital..

2, 4 rugby pitches worth of grass clippings down one main sewage manhole - 2 weeks later backed up half the town, bloody pandemonium as people tried to find somewhere to go. Council tearing their hair out as by this time grass had broken down/washed away but system was grid locked. Eventually cleared itself but some very green faces for a while. Our willy (sp?) old coot of a housemaster knew that we'd probably had a hand in it but couldn't prove it so compensated by making life a misery for a while. Suppose we deserved it!

gold man

78 posts

276 months

Monday 8th July 2002
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Put Kippers down behind the blackboards on our last day at school. After the summer holidays, you can imagine the smell and the Maths lessons had to be moved for about a week apparently!

>> Edited by gold man on Monday 8th July 10:07

gold man

78 posts

276 months

Monday 8th July 2002
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***Also, on the night before the last day of term (when leavers played pranks), we took apart a mini and rebuilt a whole thing in the dining room corridor. The next morning was hilairious seeing the whole school disrupted and Headmaster went mad.
At the same time we moved all the dining room stuff outside as an exact replica of the dining room. Breakfast was served outside that day!***


11,832 posts

279 months

Monday 8th July 2002
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I once put the electronics from a birthday card down a heater vent in a mates car. After 6 months of non stop Happy Birthday he was going to kill me.


1,502 posts

277 months

Monday 8th July 2002
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A similar thing was done at my school. We had a bridge over a road that disected the site. On this was placed an old mini that was being used by a sixth former as part of a project. The headmaster wasn't happy

Not as good as the a previous year though. By the sports field there is a large shed used to store a tractor, rugby post, high jump mat etc. It is known as the green hut. This particular year Mr Blobby was very popular, (Christmas No.1 and all that) so the shed was completely painted pink. Stayed like that for a couple of weeks too.


10 posts

288 months

Monday 8th July 2002
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Mate of mine married someone who didn't approve of his friends, consequently we didn't get to see much of him. Anyway she went abroad for a week, so he invited us all round on Saturday night for a few beers, figuring he'd get enough time to clear up the house before picking her up from the airport on Sunday afternoon. We all got fairly plastered on Saturday night, and after he crashed out we got out the copy of "40-plus" (age, not size) that we'd bought specially. Out with the scissors, cut up the entire magazine, then hid the pictures everywhere you could imagine - under the sofa cushions, among the frying pans, in the books on the bookshelf, between the sheets of Kleenex, you name it. Mate tried his best to find them all the next day but was rumbled a few days later when she found one in the pocket of her dressing gown!

Funnily enough we haven't been invited round since.


3,198 posts

271 months

Monday 8th July 2002
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have just given some bloke here at work a piece of bread with 6 tonnes of wasabi ( vvv hot japanese sauce thinghy )and said it was a new mint mayo - he hates anything hot and went a funny colour afetr eating it in one!! That'll teach him not to give me the free spare grand pix tickets he had at the weekend.....


7 posts

270 months

Monday 8th July 2002
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Try creeping up behind someone who is gingerly poking around in the electrics of a car (or a PC) - and clap your hands once, loudly, behind their head when you see them touch a wire...


1,359 posts

290 months

Monday 8th July 2002
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I was on a company induction course a good few years ago, and one of our colleagues had a Mk III Cortina. On our last day he was due to leave after us so we missed the show, but we bricked up his rear suspension so that the car sat properly on its springs but with the tyres just off the ground. The landlord of the pub we were staying in told us later that it was a good while before he realised his gearbox wasn't broken...


11,297 posts

278 months

Monday 8th July 2002
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Just sent this to the whole company:


Dear all,

On Tuesday 30th July there will be a company-wide motivation and team-building day, with this in mind I expect to see EVERYONE at the Town Hall at 08:25am (yes early) do NOT be late.. If necessary aim to get there for 08:15 to allow for traffic etc.

Whilst some of you might not feel the need for such things, I do, and therefore expect everyone to make the effort. No details are available, however comfy casual clothes are the order of the day, and be prepared if it rains. This is not taking place in the No 21 office so do not come to the office first as it will doubtless be locked, and I would suggest everyone brings enough pocket money for a day out.

No excuses, no complaints, no whinging.. :-)


Now they're sh!tting themselves