Campaign against PC



Original Poster:

14,844 posts

273 months

Friday 5th July 2002
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Political correctness has gone too far.

With their “spin” and “Political correctness” Politicians are attempting to brainwash us all into adopting “Newspeak”

Terms such as “safety cameras” and “entitlement cards” being prime examples of this social-engineering of our nation into Nu-Labour non-thinkers and this Newspeak seems to be particularly prevalent in the motoring world.

We all know that a speed camera is a device designed to catch people speeding, how does that automatically make it a safety camera and I cringe when I see such terms as “Road traffic safety partnership” and “casualty reduction unit”.

In the early days of Newspeak we laughed at terms such as chairperson, refuse disposal consultant and person-hole but Newspeak has now been hijacked by the “spin-doctors” (Liars) for the sinister purpose of trying to make unpopular things seem more palatable.

I for one prefer to call a spade a spade and would like to see a campaign to make Political Correctness, Newspeak and Spin as socially unacceptable as Drink-Driving.

Lets get a bit of straight talking common sense back into this Country FFS.

Comments anyone?


808 posts

270 months

Friday 5th July 2002
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It always blows my mind that the government openly admit to using spin doctors. Shouldn't the government be telling us the truth ??

I suppose the worst thing is we all put up with it. No one else to vote for I suppose.

Jade off Big Brother could easily become a politician. She seems to have all the right attributes based on the current selection.


1,947 posts

290 months

Friday 5th July 2002
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Shouldn't the government be telling us the truth ?? You've been watching Yes Minister too long!

>> Edited by smeagol on Friday 5th July 15:40


11,430 posts

272 months

Friday 5th July 2002
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Who leads it tho - is there a directive comes down from on-high....

"The BBC shall forthwith refer to speed cameras as Safety Cameras. Any variation from this shall be deemed gross misconduct and dealt with accordingly"

"Speed Kills - any references to traffic accidents shall be dealt with under this general heading, even if speed has nothing to do with it"

And how on earth does it get into the papers - whatever happened to investigative journalism and the non-political stance they should take??

A new spin - "Lies, Damn Lies and Politicians"

SLightly O/T I was on the Transport 2000 website earlier () and the way they use statistics is frightening - grab the headline with a high percentage (then in the small print say that this relates to a comparison between 1704 and 2001 - totally irrelevant dates to compare)

And they admit in that it is "inappropriate speed" that has an impact, but noooooooooo, they then degenerate into the blanket Speed Kills, Speeeeeeeedddd Kiiiiillllllls Sppppeeeebbbbbbbaaaaa Kiiiiiiibbbbaaaaaa Baaaaaa Baaaaaa. Mindless, the lot of them

Neil Menzies

5,167 posts

290 months

Friday 5th July 2002
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Terms such as “safety cameras” and “entitlement cards”...

Too by right. I'm surprised they haven't gone further - 'child fatality avoidance and fluffy bunny with big brown eyes protection cameras'

Trouble is they announce the Newspeak name, and immediately all the media adopt it, maybe initially with a cynical comment or two - but then it sticks, and brainwashes everyone into using it.

Even here - PH posters refering to 'safety cameras'.



41,086 posts

289 months

Friday 5th July 2002
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I heard today that Fatty Barsteward, sorry Prescott, was whinging to the press about the way story regarding BLiars children having private schooling was irrellevant, and an invasion of privacy.

'Scuse me, but from where I see it - and admittedly I don't have the benefit of such schooling, so maybee my opinion don't matter none - if you're elected to a position (and accept it) in public office, you should face scrutiny.

Seems it's OK for Mrs Joker to muscle in on the action (unelected), but the rest of the family are out of bounds to the media, until spin dictates they're neccessary props.


565 posts

268 months

Friday 5th July 2002
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But its not political correctness,... its just decieptful politicians white wash. I am offended that they think us stupid enough to swallow their crap.


75,763 posts

278 months

Friday 5th July 2002
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I am offended that they think us stupid enough to swallow their crap.
The depressing thing is that a proportion of the population does.


1,763 posts

271 months

Friday 5th July 2002
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A big proportino too.

BTW a spade is in fact a f**king shovel


6,360 posts

277 months

Saturday 6th July 2002
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I am offended that they think us stupid enough to swallow their crap.
The depressing thing is that a proportion of the population does.

I know. I work with some of them. Safety camera indeed... fools.


28,377 posts

290 months

Saturday 6th July 2002
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A big proportino too.

BTW a spade is in fact a f**king shovel

There will always be those who call a spade a "Terrain Relocation Implement".


15,605 posts

274 months

Saturday 6th July 2002
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It's got to be said that this country is fast turning in to a large field of mindless sheep !

And the government are sheep shers


15,605 posts

274 months

Saturday 6th July 2002
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And they admit in that it is "inappropriate speed" that has an impact, but noooooooooo, they then degenerate into the blanket Speed Kills, Speeeeeeeedddd Kiiiiillllllls Sppppeeeebbbbbbbaaaaa Kiiiiiiibbbbaaaaaa Baaaaaa Baaaaaa. Mindless, the lot of them

Sorry mondeoman you got there before me , must read the threads before i post


15,605 posts

274 months

Saturday 6th July 2002
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And it's MAN-hole , you would never catch a woman in one as she might break a nail


1,763 posts

271 months

Saturday 6th July 2002
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There will always be those who call a spade a "Terrain Relocation Implement".

(primitive, manually operated)


1,666 posts

273 months

Saturday 6th July 2002
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what's wrong with entitlement cards?
If it prevents illegal imigrants scrounging off our welfare system, then thats good.
If it means that the authorities know who everyone is (I.E they know everyones DNA and fingerprints, so it's easier to track down thieving scumbags, drug dealers and paedophiles, then that's good too!
If it lessens the ammount of people stealing other people's identities. good!
I have nothing to hide from the authorities, and I would be quite happy to show my 'entitlement' card to recieve medical attention or govornment servics!,
What if the govornment is able to tell were I was at a certain time? I don't mind.
What's the downside???


18,764 posts

267 months

Saturday 6th July 2002
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I had an uncle who came across some Nazi propaganda, first hand, during WWII so he had a bit of knowledge re. mass thought control. In the '50s, as TVs became THE form of mass medium he became convinced that "it'll bloody brainwash the lot o' you."
Well, with a sort of creepingly inevitable Orwellianism I do believe the old boy was not incorrect. I'm convinced that the dumbing down of the population and the tactics of avoiding politically tender subjects like the farce of illegal immigration simply allow the political intelligentsia to avoid stating the truth: we're overcrowded and out of control. Do you realize that in England and Wales the population density is approaching 900 people/sq mile? In France and Germany that figure is around 9 times less! The USA must be laughing with only 30/sq mile. Even China has a rate of only don't have to be an economist or politician to realise that problems of crime and other social malaises ARE going to be statistically higher when you have decent folk and scrotes living on top of each other. AND they want to heard us around in buses and trains (like cattle)...ever get the feeling you're being fed a line? Compare the laissez faire attitude of our governance and then look at the French, say: right at the heart of the Euro conspiracy but hey - they don't even know what The Health & Safety Executive is - we spend tens of millions on it! You probably saw Jeremy Clarkson's analysis of the Spanish fishing industry fiasco and how we're screwing our own blokes down in Cornwall? Or that Spain is a net TAKER from the Euro honey pot but guess who's a net PAYER and how?! God help us. I'd like to be asked before I get shafted, thanks all the same, Tone.


14,626 posts

273 months

Saturday 6th July 2002
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what's wrong with entitlement cards?
If it prevents illegal imigrants scrounging off our welfare system, then thats good.
If it means that the authorities know who everyone is (I.E they know everyones DNA and fingerprints, so it's easier to track down thieving scumbags, drug dealers and paedophiles, then that's good too!
If it lessens the ammount of people stealing other people's identities. good!
I have nothing to hide from the authorities, and I would be quite happy to show my 'entitlement' card to recieve medical attention or govornment servics!,
What if the govornment is able to tell were I was at a certain time? I don't mind.
What's the downside???

Would you trust the government to get the details correct on your "entitlement" card?Once the crims have sorted out how to forge them then they are even better off than they are now.Surely if a card is stolen then that makes it easier for someone to have their identities "cloned"?Loose your card and you lose everything.How do you prove you are really you?Who would question the information on such cards? I already have passport (with photo) driving licence and NI number any of these can be used to prove who I am without the need for DNA saples or fingerprints..How do people prove who they are in order to get said id ,sorry "entitlement" card?I don't mind the government knowing where I am but it really is none of their business is it?I think they already know who the major drug dealers are but when they catch them the judges throw them back.How will a card stop that?Last but not least..who's going to have to pay for it all? Mmmmm I wonder..

There,I feel better for that!

>> Edited by esselte on Saturday 6th July 19:06

ben lizard

178 posts

270 months

Saturday 6th July 2002
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Would you trust the government to get the details correct on your "entitlement" card?Once the crims have sorted out how to forge them then they are even better off than they are now.Surely if a card is stolen then that makes it easier for someone to have their identities "cloned"?Loose your card and you lose everything.How do you prove you are really you?Who would question the information on such cards? I already have passport (with photo) driving licence and NI number any of these can be used to prove who I am without the need for DNA saples or fingerprints..How do people prove who they are in order to get said id ,sorry "entitlement" card?I don't mind the government knowing where I am but it really is none of their business is it?I think they already know who the major drug dealers are but when they catch them the judges throw them back.How will a card stop that?Last but not least..who's going to have to pay for it all? Mmmmm I wonder..

spot on

i'll be flocked if i am paying mair tax so these barsteward can spy on me
also do you really be beleive that after a while it still won't be manditory to carry your card , they will come up with somelame ass excuse and then we will be tracked all the time .
1984 here we come !


Original Poster:

14,844 posts

273 months

Saturday 6th July 2002
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what's wrong with entitlement cards?

For a start the name, it's a fg identity card FFS (Spade = Spade or even a shovel!)

Also once B'liar has got a mug shot of us all they WILL be entered into the camera database so that CCTV and speed cameras WILL identify you everywhere you go regardless of whether you're breaking the law or not!

I've got nothing to hide but I'd rather not be followed just the same Thankyou.

If we don't start standing up for ourselves in this country we will get shafted every which way possible, I mean when the Gov't had the "snooping bill" stopped they said "Oh we're sorry maybe we went too far" but they did it, there is no remorse, they tried and will try again this is the start of the slippery slope.

We really need to get rid of this "bent" Gov't and try to install some integrity into power - therein lies the problem, there is no integrity or honesty in Politicians as they are all a load of lying, cheating bs.

As I said earlier I would like to see lying etc by Politicians become socially unnacceptable but for the moment we love it and lap it up - beats me!