CSA the ultimate catastrophy

CSA the ultimate catastrophy



Original Poster:

6,649 posts

269 months

Friday 5th July 2002
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Nothing to do with cars except now the inability to afford to run anything more than a 15 year old wreck.

Do any of you lot have any dealings with the dreaded CSA as they are driving me to distraction.

Sometimes the lot I work for, I consider to be incompetant at best (purely personal view) but the CSA really take the biscuit on incompetance.

Short of a plane load of depleted uranium crashing into Belfast has anyone any reasonable solutions as they dont seem to work under 'Reasonable'

>>> Edited by madcop on Friday 5th July 12:37


11,430 posts

272 months

Friday 5th July 2002
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Nothing to do with cars except now the inability to afford to run anything more than a 15 year old wreck.

Do any of you lot have any dealings with the dreaded CSA as they are driving me to distraction.

Sometimes the lot I work for, I consider to be incompetant at best (purely personal view) but the CSA really take the biscuit on incompetance.

Short of a plane load of depleted uranium crashing into Belfast has anyone any reasonable solutions as they dont seem to work under 'Reasonable'

>>> Edited by madcop on Friday 5th July 12:37

My commiserations madcop. From my limited dealings with them (luckily the ex got a job and we're on reasonable terms) they are another of these organisations where you are guilty until proven innocent, and even then they don't believe you. They have more rights to investigate you and deal with you than you would think - no court in the land can overturn a ruling that the CSA makes, so they effectively operate outside of the law. How good is that.

Whats your problem with them??


462 posts

277 months

Friday 5th July 2002
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Phuq me I didn't realise that Mondy, it's as bad as Custom & E then?


Original Poster:

6,649 posts

269 months

Friday 5th July 2002
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Nasty shock arrived on the mat Sept 99. Informing me of a 12 year old child I didnt know about. I took all the tests (didnt have any choice) and they proved positive. They are now shafting me relentlessly.

They don't keep their records up to date. They lose stuff I send them. They deny recieving it. Nobody takes charge of an individual case. Its always someone different who you have to explain your life story to and they still keep sending the threatening letters about deductions from earnings orders.

Speeding regs in relation to these laws are nothing!!


698 posts

275 months

Friday 5th July 2002
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Whats your surname Madcop? I know someone who works at the CSA who deals with the 'S's.


11,430 posts

272 months

Friday 5th July 2002
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ooh fk. Sorry to hear the Madcop. Ties in with my experience of them tho - total bunch of incompetents IMHO, whose sole purpose in life is to hound the honest bloke and ignore the ones that have 15 kids by different women.

You can try getting your MP involved, try the support group (believe it or not there is a male anti-CSA group somewhere), try talking to the mother of the child (she can do quite a lot to help if she's willing to)

Problem is that the money they take of you DOESNT go to the mother - its deducted from her benefits! They see it as a Tax/benefits reclamation, rather than CHILD SUPPORT. Talk about fed up.


565 posts

268 months

Friday 5th July 2002
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If I had a dodgy ticker, I would be dead by now. They rang me at work one day and told me I had a kid. I had never heard of the mother and she lived somewhere in the country that I had never been to. Turned out to be a mistake but my the old ring did quiver for a day or two.


682 posts

288 months

Friday 5th July 2002
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Same here.

Received a very official looking government type letter on Saturday morning saying something like they wished to talk to me about an important matter and to ring a number. Except it didn't say who 'they' were.

I suppose if it did, nobody would ring the number, but it's still very underhand, 'cos you end up ringing them and saving them work.

But there was a another office number in the letterheads so rang that - and answering machine introduces itself as the CSA...

Cue one unpleasant and uncomfortable weekend!

Rang on Monday and it turns out they were looking for somebody with the same name as me, who lived at same town as my present residence (at the time of conception).

But different middle name.
And date of birth.
And he had been in prison since (I haven't).
And at the time of the 'offence' I was 15 and living in a different town.

So I could see where there mistake came from...

Even then they were vague as to whether they were satisfied it wasn't me, and wouldn't give me a straight answer. I ended up ringing back a few days later and they seem to have forgotten all about it.

I expressed my satisfaction with there method of contact, quality of research and general attitude. Like they give a crap. Bunch of useless cretins.

EDIT: And my fiancee was dead impressed as well

Cheers, Phil

>> Edited by filmidget on Friday 5th July 13:58


565 posts

268 months

Friday 5th July 2002
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cheeky barstewards


196 posts

269 months

Friday 5th July 2002
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Nasty shock arrived on the mat Sept 99. Informing me of a 12 year old child I didnt know about. I took all the tests (didnt have any choice) and they proved positive. They are now shafting me relentlessly.

They don't keep their records up to date. They lose stuff I send them. They deny recieving it. Nobody takes charge of an individual case. Its always someone different who you have to explain your life story to and they still keep sending the threatening letters about deductions from earnings orders.

Speeding regs in relation to these laws are nothing!!

Sorry to hear about that madcop, I hope you do not feel any anger towards the child. How old is he.she now, and do you have regular contact?

I only ask as I have a running battle with my two children at the moment.


196 posts

269 months

Friday 5th July 2002
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Nasty shock arrived on the mat Sept 99. Informing me of a 12 year old child I didnt know about. I took all the tests (didnt have any choice) and they proved positive. They are now shafting me relentlessly.

They don't keep their records up to date. They lose stuff I send them. They deny recieving it. Nobody takes charge of an individual case. Its always someone different who you have to explain your life story to and they still keep sending the threatening letters about deductions from earnings orders.

Speeding regs in relation to these laws are nothing!!

Sorry to hear about that madcop, I hope you do not feel any anger towards the child. How old is he.she now, and do you have regular contact?

I only ask as I have a running battle with my two children at the moment.

Joey, must read thred better! 15 years old now.


11,104 posts

282 months

Friday 5th July 2002
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I too got a letter from them in their early days telling me I had a kid. I wrote back and told them to off it wasn't me. I never heard anything else.
The wife happened to see the letter too - that took some explaining!


52,628 posts

290 months

Friday 5th July 2002
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Ok I have had extensive dealing with this lot and I agree, they are the absolute pits! However there are ways to beat them! I had a running battle with them over the last 8 years and I reckon I just about won. i could go on for hours but firstly take a look at some web sites. There are several good ones giving exellent free advice. Search under "families need fathers" "CSA" etc. Don't admit to anything, don't reply to their letters you can spin them out for years like this. Ask to see a record of everything they have on file about you, they are obliged to do this under the terms of the data protection act. dispute the amount, say you can't pay, offer a pitance instead etc. As I say I could offer plenty more ideas but do a bit of "self help" research first on the web. Good luck Rich...


Original Poster:

6,649 posts

269 months

Saturday 6th July 2002
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Sorry to hear about that madcop, I hope you do not feel any anger towards the child. How old is he.she now, and do you have regular contact?

I only ask as I have a running battle with my two children at the moment.

I know nothing, am entitled to know nothing and have decided that it is better to not upset any existing relationships. The only thing I am entitled to know from the CSA is the name sex and date of birth of the child. Other than that they will tell me nothing except how much they say I have to pay them.
The child is now 15 so I can only assume that I will have to pay until the child is 18 unless they tell me otherwise.


3,757 posts

267 months

Saturday 6th July 2002
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Hi mad!

They don't keep their records up to date. They lose stuff I send them. They deny recieving it. Nobody takes charge of an individual case. Its always someone different who you have to explain your life story to and they still keep sending the threatening letters about deductions from earnings orders.

I am so sorry to hear about your situation.

I have a son. At the time the CSA first contacted me he was 6. His mother lives with a roofing contractor now and he is not short of a few bob..
CSA look at case and decide I need to pay £600.00 per week (incl arrears etc). This was all done in my absense as I was working abroad at the time.
Upon my return and recovery from the contents of the little brown envelope, I phone them and calmly question them as to how much of this money actually reaches my son (if he sticks it in the bank he could buy his dad a Tuscan R!!). They state they are not at liberty to divulge such information.
I also mention in passing that I don't actually earn £600.00 each week! No problem they said - thay worked out what I could keep from my monthly salary (dole type figures), they would take the rest, and the difference would go in an arrears account to be paid back 'when i could afford it'.
I worked on the figures and came up with the conclusion that my son actually older than me..
They're still pulling my shirt tails 10 years on, each change of address/job/breath..

Please ask to see someone in person (they don't like this, but have to by law) and hammer out exactly what they require from you. Then state that the sponging git of an ex only recieves X pounds a week, so why does it seem like you are subsidising every other fr, and tell them you need to see that the money is actually reaching YOUR child.

Sorry to rant on, and best of british sir - for any other advice i might have gleaned over the years (!) mail me offline (get the address from pedestrians profile - cause that's me.)

Still be worse eh!!


16,837 posts

268 months

Saturday 6th July 2002
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So much for equality!!
Hope things go for the better madcop.MoJo


14,844 posts

273 months

Saturday 6th July 2002
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Nasty shock arrived on the mat Sept 99. Informing me of a 12 year old child I didnt know about.

Sorry to hear of your problem but not really got any advice for you......except keep it in your trousers!


6,809 posts

284 months

Sunday 7th July 2002
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Madcop, I have also had extensive dealings with the CSA - my ex-wife went off with her working partner (both Gp's), and thte CSA tried to sting me - admittedly for a smallish amount (£200 per month) - the reason I had to pay? Because my wife and her new partner moved into a £265,000 house (a lot of money in S. yorks) and their housing costs were so large that the CSA felt I should pay to help them - my wife earns less than I do, ut only because she works part-time. We share care of the kids right down the middle - I have them 7 nights in 14, so does she - so teh only difference in the end was her huge mortgage. Fortunately, after 2 years of fear and worry, I had a "departure" ruling in my favour - they finally saw that her partner's income should be incleded in housing costs, and reduced my liability to zero.

Fine says I, until they decide to backdate the ruling to about 6 months after the start of the proceedings, not the start date itself, They have continued to churn out computerised letters saying I still owe £3000, simply because some CSA twat can't work out that if I owe nothing now, and circumstances are identical to those atthe start of my ex's claim, than I could not possibly owe her anything then!

the worst thing is, the "new" CSA rules, mean that partner's income, and housing costs etc., are not taken into account, and all they will do now is take 15% of your income for the first child, 20% for the second, etc., witn absolutely no regard for your personal circumstance. "A fairer and simpler system" say the Blair twats. In reality , it's another stealth tax on law-abiding people. The CSA was dsigned to recoup benefits from dodgy fathers who pay no maintnence to ex-partners, but still claim benefits, but is now being deliberately used to screw the wage earning majority.

It is a horrific system to be in - I went to my MP, and he told me that 2/3 (!) of all his surgery contacts were for matters relating to the CSA!! His lettes to the CSA were no help at all.

My advice. Do absolutely nothing to help them. Don't send any information, get EVERYTHING in writing, make a record of the names of all contacts, dates of phone calls, who you spoke to etc. ask everyone to send a letter contianing the dtealis of all calls, keep copies of all your letters. Speak to your MP, get an interview with a CSA officer, make an appeal through their appeals sservice in Lythem St. Annes. Find out about departures etc.

I am still living in fear of another brown envelope plopping onto the door mat, telling me I owe £800 per month. I cannot aproach my ex-wife, since for some starnge reason, she feels she is entitled to my money, simply because I earn money, and the children spend time with her. It has given me palpitatins, grey hair, and a lot of heartache over the last 3 years, and I sympathise with your position. If I can help, feel free to e-mail me off-line.

Your best bet is to speak to your ex-partner, and ask why this is happening. You may be able to reach a private agreement, in which case the CSA will pull out.


2,748 posts

290 months

Sunday 7th July 2002
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I've read this thread with a feeling of horror, and sympathise with anyone who's been nobbled by the CSA, the governmental equivalent of a particularly thick doberman.

In most situations, a bit of levity is occasionally necessary to lighten the mood. And Nubbin provided it:-
You may be able to reach a private agreement, in which case the CSA will pull out.


Original Poster:

6,649 posts

269 months

Sunday 7th July 2002
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The circumstances are that, the girl that was a casual short term liason all those years ago, did tell me that she was with child about two months after I binned her as I realised that she was a bunny boiler by then. From that pont on I told her to take a long walk off a short plank as I thought it was just another of her 'untruths'

I then heard nothing at all until afetr the child was born when a few weeks after I was contacted and interviewed about it by the then DSS. They were aparrently satisfied with my explanation and statement and I then heard nothing more until the thump of the heavy brown envelope on the mat 12 years later.

I am unable to ask the girl/woman why as I am not entitled to know of their whereabouts or any other information. I am not entitled to know if she is working or not or how miuch benefit that she claims.

She is entitled to know everything about my financial status and if things get a bit tight for her, at any time, to ask for a new assessment on me so that she can claim more. If I try to reduce the burden by working overtime, the inland revenue inform the CSA and they increase the amount of maintenance.

I would have absolutely no objection whatsoever to pay for a child that I had been party to the decision to bring into the world with this woman but, due to the circumstances, I had no choices ( other than to heed cazzos advice and have kept it in my trousers ).

I wish I had a crystal ball. If I had then I would never have been in this situation in the first place.
I feel little more than a doner.

Had I gone along to the local NHS clinic and donated as a charitable act into a test tube, then I would be exempt from the CSA.

It seems that I am being taxed every month at huge expense for the privilege of being present at the time of conception.
Something I neither remember due to its outsatnding quality or quantity.