Elite: Dangerous



Original Poster:

4,341 posts

186 months

Tuesday 6th November 2012
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I loved Elite as a kid, and love the more modern X3 games around the same idea as well, so I really hope this gets its backing and is not a flop



2,085 posts

170 months

Tuesday 6th November 2012
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KrazyIvan said:
I loved Elite as a kid, and love the more modern X3 games around the same idea as well, so I really hope this gets its backing and is not a flop

Was just about to post this up wink

They have my fiver!


1,349 posts

187 months

Tuesday 6th November 2012
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They have my cash too.


1,513 posts

182 months

Tuesday 6th November 2012
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KrazyIvan said:
I really hope this gets its backing and is not a flop
You are kidding right?
I wouldn't be surprised to see this one break the kickstarter record

totlxtc said:
Was just about to post this up wink

They have my fiver!
Dont htink you get the game for a fiver, just a decal on your ship


Original Poster:

4,341 posts

186 months

Tuesday 6th November 2012
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motorizer said:
KrazyIvan said:
I really hope this gets its backing and is not a flop
You are kidding right?
I wouldn't be surprised to see this one break the kickstarter record

totlxtc said:
Was just about to post this up wink

They have my fiver!
Dont htink you get the game for a fiver, just a decal on your ship
I agree about the records thing ( I am sure there are many like me who now have a little disposable income to "waste" on nostalgia) but for the "flop" part only time will tell if its still true to the game play of the last two or if they get caught up in making it look pretty but plays crap.


12,779 posts

248 months

Tuesday 6th November 2012
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Cannot wait.


10,040 posts

249 months

Tuesday 6th November 2012
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How cool is this? I was just browsing their forums reading a thread that was asking if this might be a method of funding the game last week.

Will be donating when I get home tonight.


4,330 posts

281 months

Tuesday 6th November 2012
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Also came to post this.

First Carmageddon and now this. I think this is a brilliant way for those passionate creators who don't want to succumb to the pressures of the publishers.

Also David Braben was involved with the Raspberry Pi which puts him in my book of British blokes who actually gets on and does things.


871 posts

215 months

Tuesday 6th November 2012
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I hope he keeps it simple to play, like the first ones and doesn't make the learning curve that which takes hours and hours of tutorials.

Tempted to donate but the pledge rewards are a bit misleading. Other games state that depending on the pledge level you will "recieve" a digital copy. Frontier pledges of a certain level get to "reserve" a copy. Is everyone's understanding that pledgers of £20 or more will recieve a digital copy when it's released? I'm looking too much into it, I know..


2,085 posts

170 months

Wednesday 7th November 2012
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motorizer said:
Dont htink you get the game for a fiver, just a decal on your ship
I donated a fiver

satans worm

2,422 posts

228 months

Wednesday 7th November 2012
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Hope they do a good job, have very fond memories of the first one, sucked hours and hours out of my life, but only made mostly dangerous status smile
Being an old fart now, how does this kickstarter thing work then?
Can you just buy the game at the end? or do you need to donate before?
If so how much buys you the game(it states GBP20 or GBP30 both options looked the same?)

Edited by satans worm on Wednesday 7th November 17:10


540 posts

201 months

Wednesday 7th November 2012
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I want to be a person on board my spaceship.

That is all.


2,799 posts

170 months

Wednesday 7th November 2012
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Surprised its gotten so many donations, mainly due to who the developers are and their track record and also that there is 0 proof of anything but a wall of text.

If you look at and compare the amount of information Star Citizen released interns of in game video, screenshots, concept art and then compare it to Elite Dangerous, it's ridiculous.

satans worm

2,422 posts

228 months

Thursday 8th November 2012
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Out of interest, is it possible to buy one of the original games for the iMac?
I now have the urge to play again (even though i know i will find it rubbish after 5 minutes of playing and realising the rose tinted where pretty strongsmile )


4,330 posts

281 months

Thursday 8th November 2012
quotequote all
satans worm said:
Hope they do a good job, have very fond memories of the first one, sucked hours and hours out of my life, but only made mostly dangerous status smile
Being an old fart now, how does this kickstarter thing work then?
Can you just buy the game at the end? or do you need to donate before?
If so how much buys you the game(it states GBP20 or GBP30 both options looked the same?)

Edited by satans worm on Wednesday 7th November 17:10
You pledge an amout. If they hit their target by the time frame, they get the money, if not all deals off.
The game for £20 is limited in numbers. Once they are all pledged up the game will cost you £30.

Yes you can buy the game at the end, but they are looking for funding to develop it.


801 posts

273 months

Thursday 8th November 2012
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I pledged £20...

Fingers crossed it reaches the target.


36,010 posts

295 months

Thursday 8th November 2012
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satans worm said:
Out of interest, is it possible to buy one of the original games for the iMac?
I now have the urge to play again (even though i know i will find it rubbish after 5 minutes of playing and realising the rose tinted where pretty strongsmile )
Oolite any good? Not the original but hey ho.

Not played it for a while.

Back OT. Will it be as good? It was good in its day, is this good cos it was good in your memory (but forgetting there are better things out there today)?


1,349 posts

187 months

Friday 9th November 2012
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jmorgan said:
Back OT. Will it be as good? It was good in its day, is this good cos it was good in your memory (but forgetting there are better things out there today)?
There will definitely be an element of this, I found he Elite successors to be less than average (Frontiers etc).

However, I am happy to gamble/throw away £x in the hope that the new game will be worthy of the original. The x will obviously vary depending on how rose tinted your specs are.

satans worm

2,422 posts

228 months

Friday 9th November 2012
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I think they may need to introduce a bit of a story line to get you involved, in its day it was great for its free roam feel and 3d look, along with playing a bit of Han Solo type fantasy (i was about 12 ok!)
But I think it now it needs a Star Wars type rebellion story line where you can join in fights and causes or just make money out of the whole situation by selling arms and slaves etc.
Never seen kickstarter before, with a quarter of the funds pledged, is it likely to reach the target? or is it slow?


12,779 posts

248 months

Friday 9th November 2012
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MacW said:
jmorgan said:
Back OT. Will it be as good? It was good in its day, is this good cos it was good in your memory (but forgetting there are better things out there today)?
There will definitely be an element of this, I found he Elite successors to be less than average (Frontiers etc).

However, I am happy to gamble/throw away £x in the hope that the new game will be worthy of the original. The x will obviously vary depending on how rose tinted your specs are.
I preferred the successors, even with all the bugs.