Hot rod garden tractors ?

Hot rod garden tractors ?



Original Poster:

2 posts

244 months

Sunday 15th August 2004
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Hi, im jus putting together a new garden tractor here running a pugeot v6 . Is there anyone else out there with an interest of homebuilt tractors ? keen to hear from anyone. (yup its got a mower under it too)


957 posts

266 months

Sunday 15th August 2004
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gerrydude said:
Hi, im jus putting together a new garden tractor here running a pugeot v6 . Is there anyone else out there with an interest of homebuilt tractors ? keen to hear from anyone. (yup its got a mower under it too)

no, but i'm just trying to build a 75bhp 2 stroke chainsaw,its make cutting firewood fun


78 posts

256 months

Sunday 15th August 2004
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You guys are nuts


957 posts

266 months

Sunday 15th August 2004
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currently leaving 5 metre rooster tails of wood cuttings, and doing 15minutes a litre of 2 stroke mix


78 posts

256 months

Sunday 15th August 2004
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Clearly toes are no longer any concern - but with balls the size of yours - you'd better be real careful


15,704 posts

257 months

Sunday 15th August 2004
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what you need to do is download this

A bit of inspiration for you!



957 posts

266 months

Sunday 15th August 2004
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oh my goodness.....the goal posts have just moved....i need to think bigger.I draw the line though at having a chainsaw powered by a Hardly D Ableson.


6,370 posts

291 months

Sunday 15th August 2004
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yeah RV8 chainsaw.... would be good.... jut the use for that Chim500 engine when the old girl doesn't excite you as much as it used to any more :P


Original Poster:

2 posts

244 months

Saturday 21st August 2004
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Seriously ...I need to find out if someone knows what the best type of angular gearbox would be to transfer some of the drive to the mower using a safari transfer case to kick it in and out of gear,.
Got some serious mowin to do


7,547 posts

262 months

Saturday 21st August 2004
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Had trouble keeping the seven out of the flower beds when I took it for a few trial laps last week.

Wouldn't a V6 sink in to the lawn? But I must admit I can see the point. Especially as in the UK lawnmowers are exempt from SVA regs. There is another legal advantage but I won't go into that.


7,547 posts

262 months

Saturday 21st August 2004
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Just seen the video. There aint no substitute for cubic inches. (Next stage ex F1 engine chainshaw?)


72,857 posts

247 months

Saturday 21st August 2004
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