Who else here thinks.....

Who else here thinks.....



Original Poster:

6,370 posts

291 months

Friday 13th August 2004
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That with stories like THIS in the news (I missed it on TV last night) it's small wonder that Police rank in the lower quartile of respected professions in this country.......

And the LTSA.... what a freaking JOKE (see here) do they actually expect us to take them seriously any more? I mean really? I see them these days as some sort of pathetic excuse for a bad joke.

And while I'm pissed off... who else here finds it ironic that we live in a nation where a guy gets a lengthy jail term for beating his dog, yet an illegal immigrant who repeatedly beats his wife to within an inch of her life gets to stay in this country with free dialysis treatment to keep him alive at the taxpayer's expense?

Not for an instant excusing the beating of animals or defending the guy that did it, merely using it as a comparison

>>> Edited by Esprit on Friday 13th August 00:36


772 posts

291 months

Friday 13th August 2004
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You seem to be getting very cynical lately george.

Thats not right, thats my job


78 posts

256 months

Friday 13th August 2004
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That article on revenue gathering surely has to finally stir something up - although I guess that our gripe is universal in almost every country. The trouble is that the PCers feel that they actually have an argument - so the revenue gathering goes on - and on - and on

But - there is an interesting link to a spray that makes plates invisible to cameras in the first article
Anyone tried this - or know anything about it? www.safeplate.co.uk

>> Edited by tvr_nz on Friday 13th August 02:31


4,391 posts

265 months

Friday 13th August 2004
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tvr_nz said:

But - there is an interesting link to a spray that makes plates invisible to cameras in the first article
Anyone tried this - or know anything about it? <a href="http://www.safeplate.co.uk">www.safeplate.co.uk</a>

>> Edited by tvr_nz on Friday 13th August 02:31

I heard that hairspray does the trick, but I think that was the beer talking from someone I heard it from

I was thinking to verify the quality of the spray on the plates would be to take a pic using a huge flash and see what the plate looks like, just as indication if it works??


772 posts

291 months

Friday 13th August 2004
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I remember a few years ago there were these clear beads you could buy to stick on your numberplate. The idea was when the camera flashed they reflected that much light that the plate just looked white.

It was legal because It didnt obstruct you seeing the plate. But it didnt work, it just made it even easier to see the numbers. Whereever I saw it said that it was only legal because it didnt work, if it did work it would have been illegal


Original Poster:

6,370 posts

291 months

Friday 13th August 2004
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I was wondering if it wouldn't be too hard to make up a transparent liquid-crystal cover or electrophotochromic cover for your numberplate with a relay switched into your onboard radar detector..... if it was to detect the specific band of radar used in a speed camera, it supplies an electric current to this cover, immediately turning the whole plate black.... as soon as the radar threat was removed it went clear again..... it shouldn't be hard to do and although it wouldn't save you from the policeman clocking you in his car with the radar/laser, it WOULD afford total protection for speed cameras for those occasions when your radar detector acts too late to save you from the dreaded red-flash of a SCamera....... anyone want to give me funds to develop this product? :P


4,391 posts

265 months

Friday 13th August 2004
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No but am sure if you produced a few units at a resonable price, you would have no problems selling them. Am sure you can come up with something.


Original Poster:

6,370 posts

291 months

Saturday 14th August 2004
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Damn.... a literature search found that such a product already exists, albeit manually operated.... you can get glass that goes frosted at the click of a switch (a-la Maybach sunroof).... might see if I can track some down at some point..... would make one helluve cool accessory :P


78 posts

256 months

Sunday 15th August 2004
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I've seen that sort of glass on some prototype frigs. Frig looks like frosted glass / opaque - and at the touch of a switch is completely clear so you can see inside the frig without opening it.
Not sure how quick it would be - and for this purpose would have to be ultra fast - or would it?
Still think the lower tech solution may be simpler, cheaper & more effective - but not nearly as much fun to make


Original Poster:

6,370 posts

291 months

Sunday 15th August 2004
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oh it's quick..... the Maybach sunroof can change state in a couple of miliseconds..... more than quick enough to defeat a SCamera..... might be the crowning tough on the TR when that's finished.... but don't hold your breath coz that day is still a year or two away