5th Gear Tonight



Original Poster:

793 posts

272 months

Monday 10th June 2002
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Don't, whatever you do, miss this one.

"Test drives of the new Hyundai and the latest diesel powered super-minis"

It's gonna be just too exciting for words!


4,234 posts

269 months

Monday 10th June 2002
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Well as long as Vikki is on I won't miss it


5,602 posts

269 months

Monday 10th June 2002
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Well it will certainly be more exciting than revising for my Integrated Marketing Communications exam which is tomorrow.


996 posts

289 months

Monday 10th June 2002
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Well it will certainly be more exciting than revising for my Integrated Marketing Communications exam which is tomorrow.

No do tell us more about Integrated Marketing Communications

Good luck with the exam


1,844 posts

274 months

Monday 10th June 2002
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what a twat that Quentin Wilson is he decided tonight that smoking dope and driving is ok "in fact your driving is slightly better" he told the guy.
I like a spliff like the next man but wouldnt drive after a smoke, or fancy driving on the same roads as a stoned 17 year old max power kid.
5th gear Bag 'o' shite.
am i getting old or was it way off line? you tell me


18,353 posts

278 months

Monday 10th June 2002
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Erm, the blokes driving was better after he had one or didnt you notice. It also said that unlike drink, dope makes you more cautious, therefore its hardly surprising. They also said that if he'd had less tolerance or a lot more weed, he may well of performed worse.

I can relate to this 100% being a fairly regular user.


729 posts

272 months

Monday 10th June 2002
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If a close friend or relative, (heaven forbid!) was killed in a fatal accident and the person in the other car had smoked dope, EVEN IF it was your friend/relative who was in the wrong, who would you blame?
Quentin Wilson is a complete t1t for showing that and the producers of Filth Gear should have their knuckles rapped over it as well.
I know that smoking cannabis is a highly controversial subject, so I don't want to get into the nitty gritty of rights and wrongs!
How would we have reacted if the topic had been about alchohol?



16,369 posts

290 months

Tuesday 11th June 2002
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it would have been interesting to repeat the experiment after the guy had had a few beers


1,440 posts

274 months

Tuesday 11th June 2002
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People only act more cautiously after smoking drugs because they know that their reactions are impaired.
Therefore they are not safer drivers for having smoked drugs, they're reaction times are as bad as people who are under the influence of alchol, they just realise it, where as drunks don't! Ban them all before the problem becomes any more acceptable than it already is, and more people die. Drinking and driving has become socially unacceptable, but misuse of drugs has become cool. Bad news.


11,396 posts

290 months

Tuesday 11th June 2002
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Would that be worse or better than being killed by someone who was just a careless driver? You have to prove that the dope was responsible for the accident. Which would be to blame if the driver was careless, drunk and stoned - carelessness, drunkedness or drug-induced stupor?

One of the recent TRL studies showing the results of driving while doing different tasks, under the influence of some substances showed that while dope and alchohol gradually worsened the driving skills and awareness of the driver as the amounts rose, there was also an decrease in awareness and driving skills when asked to do tasks such as tuning a radio, drinking from a bottle of water, sneezing, coughing, talking on a mobile phone (both hands-free and not).

Personally I think that ANYTHING that distracts us while driving should be banned - including nagging women and talking satnav systems.


If a close friend or relative, (heaven forbid!) was killed in a fatal accident and the person in the other car had smoked dope, EVEN IF it was your friend/relative who was in the wrong, who would you blame?
Quentin Wilson is a complete t1t for showing that and the producers of Filth Gear should have their knuckles rapped over it as well.
I know that smoking cannabis is a highly controversial subject, so I don't want to get into the nitty gritty of rights and wrongs!
How would we have reacted if the topic had been about alchohol?



39,731 posts

290 months

Tuesday 11th June 2002
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what the program was doing, in my opinion, was bringing the subject to the debating table without the hysteria (funky)so was a refreshingly honest and unbiased report. No one here knows enough about the subject to say how it impairs/improves driving ability, I do remember, years ago, a friend who had been pulled by the police after having a spliff, the police asked him how fast he thought had been driving, 75 to 85 he replied...he was quite surprised to be told he had been doing a steady 45mph down a dual carriage way. Another point made was that it could still be detected in your blood several days after after the event.......would this still be classed as 'under the influence'?


18,353 posts

278 months

Tuesday 11th June 2002
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On the contrary I disagree that I do not know how it would affect your driving, but I am saying no more, other than to say I know EXACTLY how it affects your driving.

I agree however, that it was quite a refreshing look at this "problem". When I first seen what was on the program and how it was to be conducted, I really expected them to put someone in there who had never touched the stuff, make them smoke a reefer, and then watch them as they crashed and probably threw up while they were driving. I was surprised to see it done in a convincing and non-prejudiced fashion.


13,382 posts

273 months

Tuesday 11th June 2002
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There are clearly some opionions being aired which are kneejerk and *not* based on experience.. IMO pbirkett is on the money.. SimonElite501 is not.

Paceracing - people today look for something to blame everything on, and usually draw an erroneous conclusion.. because a guy has a joint then drives, is smoking the joint to blame if he crashes? How d'ya know he wouldn't have crashed anyway... would it have been different if he'd taken ibuprofen before driving?

Post hoc, ergo propter hoc is not logic, it's a mechanism for erroneous excuses....


6,521 posts

290 months

Tuesday 11th June 2002
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I think it was good to bring this to peoples attention, although I get the feeling that QW was somewhat shocked that the bloke did not hoon about knocking all the cones over whilst making peace signs and singing Mr Tambourine Man. As someone who might have partaken in the odd spliff I would never drive whilst under the infulence, but I'd like to see the results of a proper study..As has alreayd been said the chap was a regular user, we have no way of knowing how strong the dope was. It would have been good to give him another couple then run the tests again but with a kebab van at the end of the track!



8,498 posts

288 months

Tuesday 11th June 2002
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IMHO the use on any drugs which affects the way messages are relayed and conduited through the brain impares your ability to analyse and react to input data.

Simply....drink and drugs effect your performance as a driver. Therefor it is wrong to drive whilst under the influence of any of them.

I know of a guy who when returning from a large illegal party back in '92 was stopped on the motorway for doing only 25mph, convinced he was going faster as where his passengers. All stoned out of their minds.

Cannabis makes you paranoid therefor it makes you a better driver !!!!! What complete BO!!OX I hadn't heard such tripe for a long while and really this should have not been shown without some more significant and detailed research to back up the findings.

Quentin Wilson now qualified to assess driving is he ???? One guy in one car in controlled environment, unknown dosage, unknown tolerance level (except what they told)...I could go on and pick more holes in it but I'd be here for hours, lets just say it wasn't exactly scientific.

Drink, drugs and driving should not be mixed, IMHO. The first 2 on their own, great if thats what you're into but not the last.




8,498 posts

288 months

Tuesday 11th June 2002
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In fact I just remembered. There was a study that showed females reactions were improved in terms of speed after consumption of 2 or more units of alcohol. This effect then decreased significantly with more units.

Does this therefor mean that females are better drivers after a couple G+T's ???


8,064 posts

278 months

Tuesday 11th June 2002
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Does this therefor mean that females are better drivers after a couple G+T's ???

I know a few poeple who are definately better drivers after a few dozen G&Ts, as unconcious in the gutter they are much safer to fellow road users


729 posts

272 months

Tuesday 11th June 2002
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There are clearly some opionions being aired which are kneejerk and *not* based on experience.. IMO pbirkett is on the money.. SimonElite501 is not.

Paceracing - people today look for something to blame everything on, and usually draw an erroneous conclusion.. because a guy has a joint then drives, is smoking the joint to blame if he crashes? How d'ya know he wouldn't have crashed anyway... would it have been different if he'd taken ibuprofen before driving?

Post hoc, ergo propter hoc is not logic, it's a mechanism for erroneous excuses....

Just out of interest how would you honestly react if you were in that situation?
It is easy to say we live in a blame culture but that is the real world at the end of the day surely? The police will blame someone, the courts will blame someone, the victims will certainly blame someone, (and are entitled to as well!) and the person who caused the accident will probably blame someone or something!
As I have said I don't wish to sit in judgement on the rights and wrongs of cannabis, there are valid points on both sides but if I am honest, I think a small part of me would be inclined to blame the 'user' for the accident regardless of the facts. Wouldn't you wonder that if the user hadn't smoked the joint before driving, his reactions may have been different?



13,382 posts

273 months

Tuesday 11th June 2002
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I take your point Jas...

Yes, a 'victim' (god I hate that word) may well jump to this conclusion, but there's nothing to say it would be correct...


5,022 posts

285 months

Tuesday 11th June 2002
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Interesting one. I have driven after a smoke a couple of times - trips out for munchies, no more than a couple of miles - and I would be in no hurry to repeat the experience.

I wasn't properly stoned as it was just after the first smoke of the evening. Yes, I abided by the speed limits and yes, I was bloody careful so I didn't crash, but did my driving improve? Not at all. I found myself concentrating so hard on the simple task of driving, avoiding parked cars, pedestrians and being observant that I don't think I could have coped in an emergency situation. Conversing with my passengers was a no-no.

I enjoy getting utterly caned, it's great, but frankly I think there should be a great deal of research carried out before we consider whether to allow semi-stoned people to drive. It's not like alcohol in its effects, I know, but I'm not convinced.

Oh, one more thing. How do you set a limit? Two different blocks of resin will affect you in two different ways, while weed will be different again. The stuff would have to be legalised (hurrah!) so that it could be graded in degrees of edness, if you pardon the phrase, and people would know if they smoked over the limit. Or eaten one cake too many. The more you think about it, the trickier it gets.

Having said all that, my lap times on GT3 can be just as quick after a smoke as before. That certainly can't be said for alcohol. It is, however, a very different situation on a real road.

If 5th Gear is repeated tonight, I'll watch it.