Chatsworth Thanks



Original Poster:

34,443 posts

309 months

Sunday 9th June 2002
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Special thanks to Nubbin for organising the event ensuring we had a nicely roped off area to park in. Glad to see we outgrew that area quickly and thanks to the numpty who tried to park there in his 4x4 before it was pointed out that he was in fact a complete idiot who was blissfully unaware of his surroundings.

Thanks to everyone who turned up (and came a long way) despite the grim weather. Almost 100 TVRs, 1 Caterham, 1 Elise, 1 Fiesta, 1 M635i, Audi A8, BMW Cabriolet (John Robson!), Scirroco, MX5, Isuzu Trooper(?!), a 'Moss' kit car circa 1960 and apologies to anyone I've missed. (+ 3 Nissan GTiR's + Rover Coupe but I'm not sure if they were with us).

Flasher of course was the centre of attention with his Gazebo, but it did make him a lot of friends as a result.

Good to see so many PH stickers and I will be selling PH umbrellas at the next event


1,844 posts

274 months

Sunday 9th June 2002
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whos gonna be first with the photos then?


1,502 posts

277 months

Sunday 9th June 2002
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I'll get me photos up as soon as possible. Not sure how they'll turn out as I couldn't work out the flash on my camera. Ted we really need some PistonHead umbrellas


12,405 posts

272 months

Sunday 9th June 2002
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I am sorry, that I missed that!
Maybe next time, when I am on that green island, and then you'll see a real car


9,238 posts

290 months

Sunday 9th June 2002
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Great to see everyone and well done Nubbin for the organisation. Arrived back home to blistering sunshine and not a cloud in the sky GRRRRRRR!!!! Doesn't English weather piss you off!!! Glad you liked the Gazebo Ted, first time I have ever been organised


6,809 posts

284 months

Sunday 9th June 2002
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Guys,(and Gals!) I'm sitting at home, looking at the cloudless skies, and feeling utterly pissed off that the weather made the day so difficult for everyone. I'm really sorry to have missed out on meeting so many PH'ers. So, pissed off, in fact, that I intend to do the whole thing again! I cannot let the weather get the better of me! I'm going to think about it for a few days, and unless a better suggestion comes along, I might propose a further meet, probably September time. Venue TBA.

On a lighter note, it was brilliant to see so many TVR's come out on such a rotten day! Thanks to everyone who attended, and all those, including, TVRCC RO's, who brought their teams along. We certainly attracted some attention, didn't we? I counted 95 TVR's alone, and that was mid-afternoon, when a good few people had already left.

Flasher, thanks for the Gazebo and bubbly, GB13690, great to see you again. Ted, JR, Duncs, and everyone else, likewise great to see faces instead of typos!

I know, it's just come to me - I'm sure many of you have been before, but what about Lord Montagu's museum at Beaulieu? Cracking day out, and a museum to wander round if it pisses it down? So, for the final time today, I say, Fuck Off, clouds!!

>> Edited by nubbin on Sunday 9th June 22:27

Bruce Fielding

2,244 posts

288 months

Sunday 9th June 2002
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If someone had told me yesterday that I would enjoy an event in my car during which I would get soaked to the skin by rain, ripped off royally (or at least aristocratically) by caterers and then have the journey from hell home, I would have had them committed.

Not today though.

Thanks to everyone for organising such a great time. It's wonderful to see that the faceless contributors to this site have appealing personalities, and are articulate, intelligent and in general thoroughly good company.

I shall look forward with great anticipation and delight to PH4 - and will be attending, although hopefully, without the current Griff.


410 posts

271 months

Sunday 9th June 2002
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Brilliant day!

Nubbin, I'll say it again, you are a biscuit! Well done.

Met a bunch of you and obviously didn't meet another bunch, (Ted, apparently I stood next to you in the coffee shop but still haven't got a clue what you look like...)

The bunch I did meet were all great people, but in my inimmitable style, I have forgotten most of your names. Sorry for that!

I took a whole lot of digital pics, I'll put them somewhere and then post the link.

Once again thanks for a great day!



1,502 posts

277 months

Sunday 9th June 2002
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Here's a few pics of today's meet. Cheers to nubbin. Nice car mate

Lots of happy PistonHeaders going on their merry way!

A bit moist one might say!!

Not just TVRs

I love Tuscans

PS Anyone else notice lots of wives/girlfriends/better halves sitting in cars lokking bored and reading books?

>> Edited by mattjbatch on Sunday 9th June 20:30


3,384 posts

277 months

Sunday 9th June 2002
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Same here,sun shining when we got home,bloody typical.
Good meeting nontheless,good to put faces to screen names - MikeyT
Thanks to Sean and Mrs for the hob-nobs
Good also to see Steve (fatsteve) and Andrew (gb1390).
Only downside was seeing some numptie in a big red volvo try and wheelspin his way off a grassy area and cover an immaculate white 'S' in mud
Anyway , just roasting one of those complimentary Chatsworth Chickens for our supper
See you all next time


1,502 posts

277 months

Sunday 9th June 2002
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Was it this one


2,189 posts

290 months

Sunday 9th June 2002
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Cheers guy's, great day (weather not included....).
Amazed to see so many cars!, when I arrived (about 1:30) matt said he'd photographed 83 cars! - that's some turnout considering the weather.

Although I nearly didn't make it - had a huge tank slapper on the way (about 1 mile from home.) - some nice bus had dumped a shedload of diesel at an island which I ended up exiting sideways (please note no excessive speed or acceleration in use - about 20mph!!). When i caught the slide one way it would go the other so I was fish tailing across the width of two lanes of the dual carriage way!!. Anyway got it going straight again and carried on to chatsworth!
The 5 kids on the corner looked impressed...... not sure about my passenger though...

Anyway must again say thanks for a great day.

P.S which one was Ted (couldn't see your car?).


>> Edited by woody on Sunday 9th June 20:39


16,369 posts

290 months

Sunday 9th June 2002
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Wow Ted what have you started!!!! i got there about 2 and had to park 3 rows back there were Tiv's everwhere..
so many that i arrived Following Joolz and lost him as we found somwhere to park and never found him again!!!!

I stood about for a good hour chatting getting totaly soaked before remebering the umberella in the Boot DOH....

I managed to put a few faces or atleast cars to names ( managing carefully to forget my own flag)

and spent a little while trying to entice one of those chickens to stand behind my car whilst i started it up HMMMM flame grilled Chuck....

Cheers Guys



567 posts

270 months

Sunday 9th June 2002
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yup weather crap .. but what a turn out on such a misserable day .. sooo many TVR's and pistonhead fans.

It was good to see the faces behind the posts and I hope to meet more next time.

Great stuff and thanks again to Nubbin for all the effort! n1 matey


11,352 posts

270 months

Sunday 9th June 2002
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Thanks go to Nubbin for organising the meet - shitiest weather Ive driven in I think. The motorway was a nightmare - 30mph was too fast!
Great day though with the most tvrs Ive seen this side of Blackpool or Duxford.
North Yorks and West Yorks TVRCC drove down in convoy and we all had an enjoyable day.
Look forward to the next - avoid 8th sept though as its NYTVRCC charity track day and I need PHers there (details later)
See you at Duxford in Aug? Keep the union jack idea? Sets us apart!

PS bloody sun shone as we hit North Yorkshire

>> Edited by gemini on Sunday 9th June 21:45


14,833 posts

276 months

Sunday 9th June 2002
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Well done Nubbin! Fantastic turnout.
Those of you who live further away (I live in Matlock) will be horrified to learn that by 5.00pm the rain had stopped. By 6.00pm it was a cloudless blue sky and I was too hot in my tee shirt!
Nice to meet so many like minded people.
Off to Le Mans next week in the wedge. Camping at Le Houx. I've left my PH Flag in the screen. If you see me there come say hello and share a beer. All welcome.


Andy 400se


8,293 posts

283 months

Sunday 9th June 2002
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Great day, cheers Nubbin!

My TVR wasn't ready in time, but at least it stayed dry!!! My little 'un, Alex, had a whale of a time. Took him round the house to get him out of the rain and all he said all the way round was "TVR's outside, go outside now!".

Flasher, your Tamora gets the thumbs up from Alex, he liked 'the yellow one' best. I have to admit it is a stunner, definite star quality!

Sorry didn't meet too many of you in person, too busy avoiding the rain. Count me in for the next one Nubbin, if we have enough sooner or later we'll get a dry one.

PS got 5 mins from home (Rugby) and the sun was melting the paint off the car!

>> Edited by philshort on Sunday 9th June 21:35


36,010 posts

290 months

Sunday 9th June 2002
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5 hour drive back but well worth it. sun would have been the icing on the cake.
Well done.
Chucking it down here, after a nice sunny drive through England.


2,238 posts

289 months

Sunday 9th June 2002
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Hi all,

Great day - 6 hours driving to stand in the rain for three hours . It was good to meet some different faces from PH1 and 2 - still missed some of you though, sorry.

Nice to meet you in person JR and have a chat. Good drive up with the convoy from Northampton, pissed down all the way back untill Silverstone.

Explored the Chesterfield superstore parks looking for a H*lfords (no luck) but finally found a new wiper at the services M1 southbound vast improvement.

Cheers Nubbin, thanks for all the hard work. I took some photos, I'll post them asap.

JSG and the single wiper V8S

nick heppinstall

8,217 posts

286 months

Sunday 9th June 2002
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Impresive ..... Very Impresive Nubbin ! ( In best Darth vader Voice ) Soddin weather !! Nice to see all you blokes though and some fantastic cars ! Did notice though that it stopped raining when I opened my bonnet ;-) At least my motor was not in ' Green Fly attract mode ' today !! Looking forward to the nest one. Thanks also to Ted 'cause without PistonHeads none of this would have happened !

>> Edited by nick heppinstall on Sunday 9th June 22:07