Check this video out

Check this video out



Original Poster:

1,844 posts

276 months

Friday 31st May 2002
quotequote all

Go to and download the clip of schumacher driving the cambiocorsa. He looks like he's on a sunday drive and going twice as quick as i could


2,745 posts

281 months

Friday 31st May 2002
quotequote all
Excuse me but it sucks: most of it is Herr Schumi proudly showing off in front of the camera, there's even no outside view of the car at all!


14,700 posts

275 months

Friday 31st May 2002
quotequote all
Don't look like we will be meeting at chatsworth then,
I believe you have a new job(many congrats)and i've gotta bloody work aswell

All the best



2,745 posts

281 months

Friday 31st May 2002
quotequote all
Hey Simon don't be so harsh on him

v12 inside

52 posts

278 months

Saturday 1st June 2002
quotequote all
the video sux... who's the star, after all? shumi? or Maserati?