Number of owners



Original Poster:

83 posts

272 months

Friday 31st May 2002
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Some Ferraris seem to have a much larger number of previous owners than more mainstream cars, e.g. some have one a year or even more. How many would the limit be before it would be a problem reselling at a later date? (Specifically, I'm thinking of a 355 GTB).




2,505 posts

274 months

Friday 31st May 2002
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One owner every 1-2 years is quite common, though too many owners makes buyers think it could be a problem car. This is probably the wrong conclusion, but you'll think it nonetheless. My limit, which is a personal thing, is a max of 3 previous owners for say a '97 car. Both my cars had one previous owner.


89,673 posts

292 months

Friday 31st May 2002
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Most Ferrari owners trade up (or go bust ) after a year or 2 so many owners is not uncommon.


4,414 posts

277 months

Wednesday 5th June 2002
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Agree with the above. I'm the 6th owner of my 22 year old 308GTS, sounds a lot until you realise that that's only 1 every 3.5 to 4 years or so.


4,475 posts

292 months

Wednesday 5th June 2002
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You think Ferraris are bad, I once bought a 17 year old TVR 1600M with 17 previous owners!!!



Original Poster:

83 posts

272 months

Wednesday 5th June 2002
quotequote all
Thanks for the comments.

I guess the owner changing every year or two early on in the life of the car would be OK. As the car gets older I'd expect it to be kept for longer though.


Basil Brush

5,231 posts

271 months

Thursday 6th June 2002
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I read somewhere once that DVLA sometimes incorrectly record a change of plate as a change of owner, so cars which tend to be given personal regs can show higher numbers of prior keepers on the log book than they should.


4,414 posts

277 months

Monday 17th June 2002
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Plus, I got the history of all the names and addresses of previous owners of my car (only cost a fiver) and one of them was a dealer, who only had the car a few weeks. How come a dealer was recorded as a "past owner" ... ? Someone probably just messed up in administration and registered the car .... (this was way back, well before the separate "dealer" slip on the V5)