Best Adverts on TV…



Original Poster:

297 posts

184 months

Monday 6th February 2012
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We have the adverts that want to make you smash your telly up ,
How about the adverts you enjoy ??

I dont have kids , but I just love this one ..
It actually makes me laugh with them ..

Cow and Gate .....



15,241 posts

226 months

Monday 6th February 2012
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I like these ones at the minute.


19,615 posts

269 months

Monday 6th February 2012
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I like the Plusnet adverts, especially the current one with the brass band playing "Ruby" by the Kaiser Chiefs.

Don't know why really, they just make me smile unlike most adverts these days.

And the Vinnie Jones CPR advert made me laugh first time I saw it also.


2,201 posts

201 months

Monday 6th February 2012
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Cadburys Gorrilla! Best yet!


27,231 posts

273 months

Monday 6th February 2012
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SWoll said:
I like the Plusnet adverts, especially the current one with the brass band playing "Ruby" by the Kaiser Chiefs.

Don't know why really, they just make me smile unlike most adverts these days.

And the Vinnie Jones CPR advert made me laugh first time I saw it also.
For ages I thought the guy in it was Jason Manford.


2,121 posts

215 months

Monday 6th February 2012
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I like the M&Ms one where the guy opens the cupboard and the M&Ms start throwing stuff at him.

"Get in the bowl"...

"You get in the bowl"!

Although (as above) the Cadburys gorilla is still my favourite.


33,799 posts

223 months

Monday 6th February 2012
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Cadbury's eyebrows? Toob.


19,615 posts

269 months

Monday 6th February 2012
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miniman said:
SWoll said:
I like the Plusnet adverts, especially the current one with the brass band playing "Ruby" by the Kaiser Chiefs.

Don't know why really, they just make me smile unlike most adverts these days.

And the Vinnie Jones CPR advert made me laugh first time I saw it also.
For ages I thought the guy in it was Jason Manford.
Can't be, or I wouldn't have found it funny...

hesnotthemessiah said:
I like the M&Ms one where the guy opens the cupboard and the M&Ms start throwing stuff at him.

"Get in the bowl"...

"You get in the bowl"!

Although (as above) the Cadburys gorilla is still my favourite.
With you on the M&M's advert, but absolutely hate all of the modern Cadburys ad's, especially the Gorilla.


2,970 posts

215 months

Monday 6th February 2012
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Both the newish money one and the one with the runner guy in , makes you realise that Branson does indeed have his own spaceship

Flash bugger

chris watton

22,478 posts

271 months

Monday 6th February 2012
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I like the Direct Line ads, with the hapless salesman (wasn't he in 'The Thick of It')?

Six Fiend

6,067 posts

226 months

Monday 6th February 2012
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chris watton said:
I like the Direct Line ads, with the hapless salesman (wasn't he in 'The Thick of It')?
Chris Addison v Alexander Armstrong smile

The new ones with the odd ocuple are a bit sheite.

chris watton

22,478 posts

271 months

Monday 6th February 2012
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Six Fiend said:
Chris Addison v Alexander Armstrong smile

The new ones with the odd ocuple are a bit sheite.
Yeah, not so keen on the new ones with the couple, love the first ones, though.


19,615 posts

269 months

Monday 6th February 2012
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chris watton said:
Six Fiend said:
Chris Addison v Alexander Armstrong smile

The new ones with the odd ocuple are a bit sheite.
Yeah, not so keen on the new ones with the couple, love the first ones, though.
Yep, Alexander Armstrong makes them worth watching. The rest are crap.


29,395 posts

210 months

Monday 6th February 2012
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Wheelrepairit said:

Both the newish money one and the one with the runner guy in , makes you realise that Branson does indeed have his own spaceship

Flash bugger
Were I Richard Branson, with my own fleet of spaceships and a private island, I would find it difficult to not be a super villain.


429 posts

251 months

Monday 6th February 2012
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The Cadburys Gorilla would have been my favourite that was until I found this inspired copy.

My New favourite


5,449 posts

276 months

Monday 6th February 2012
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Golden Oldie......

Mate Called Smith.....


1,144 posts

251 months

Monday 6th February 2012
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For reasons that I cannot explain, I nominate the Birds Eye "slightly sinister puppet polar bear with a mid-Atlantic accent" series of ads - they make me laugh.


352 posts

194 months

Justin Cyder

12,624 posts

160 months

Tuesday 7th February 2012
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One or two of those Aviva ones with Paul Whitehouse make me chuckle. Green Army!


18,302 posts

209 months

Tuesday 7th February 2012
quotequote all always thought the reebox advert was mental

really like the holiday advert think its first choice where the guy is clapping everyone as he goes past for some reason makes me feel great and want to go a holiday.