RE: Bike Shocker



Original Poster:

50 posts

293 months

Wednesday 11th April 2001
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Aaarghh. Once again the bl**dy government miss the bleeding obvious. 3 questions for our Labour dictators: - Why do I pay £65 a year road tax for a >250cc motorcycle when <1400cc cars pay £60? In fact our road tax actually went up in the last budget! - Why are some councils in London being allowed to *decrease* the amount of motorcycle parking, and at the same time introduce parking charges where previously none existed? (eg Westminster and Islington) - Why isn't there a coherant policy regarding motorcycles in this country? Eg City of London Corp allows motorcycles in it's Bus Lanes to clear congestion, but 80% of all other London councils and 95% of all other UK towns/cities don't. Yours on a bike Andrew


39,731 posts

293 months

Wednesday 11th April 2001
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seasy, they can't make as much revenue on bikes


40,465 posts

293 months

Wednesday 11th April 2001
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- Why do I pay £65 a year road tax for a >250cc motorcycle when <1400cc cars pay £60? In fact our road tax actually went up in the last budget!
Thats easy to answer the govenment do not want people to have fun. They think that if they levy heavy taxes on fast cars and bikes then we will all buy somthing slower. Their argument is that small cars polute less so claim they are environmentaly feindly. I say its a fun tax and they can go to hell. Paul

Jason F

1,183 posts

293 months

Wednesday 11th April 2001
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air is still free...... So far


93 posts

293 months

Wednesday 11th April 2001
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Not if you're sad enough to buy the Oxygen in a bottle thing that seems to be doing the rounds. And before you ask, No, I haven't Paul


11,822 posts

293 months

Wednesday 11th April 2001
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Same old crap coming out of Labour once again pre-election. Q. What happened to all their manifesto pledges for bikers last time. A. Fcuk all. B.O.C. - Bunch of Cnuts! Car No. 13