365 days without booze... join me?

365 days without booze... join me?



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1,598 posts

211 months

Monday 7th November 2011
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Hi all.

Starting today I am going to go 365 days without booze. Why one year and why at all?

Good question. Whilst not an alcoholic I definitely drink too much and it's having health affects with weight, sleep, tiredness, enthusiasm, moods - you get the picture.

I have been on this part of the forum before talking about drinking and getting involved with others that have raised similar issues. Why tell everyone about what I'm doing? I'm not entirely sure lol, but I would like to encourage some fresh dialogue about drink and I'm sure others are out there that may struggle with it in a similar way. Not alcoholic, but knowing it's a growing issue in day to day life and how it affects your performance and enjoyment of life and the opportunities before you. I know I can do this but would appreciate a bit of communication here.

IIRC I have had 2 long periods without drinking in the last three years, and both lasted about 10 months. The last time I thought I had made it for good, but got to about 11 months went for a curry one night and just thought 'why not'? That night I had 2 pints and went home a happy boy. Since then I've put the three stone I lost back on and am squarely back at the beginning in that respect. How depressing. I simply cannot carry on like this. I could list a load of other issues that are drink related, but don't want this to be some weird, needy public self-exploitation. I am however quite open about drink and the way it can affect my life. I am I believe a normal bloke.

I am really keen to make it to the 1 year mark. Part of me feels that if I can make it for one whole year I can then build that up year on year.

Alcohol forms a large part of my life. ANY social situation I would drink. All my friends drink, all my family drink, my OH drinks. We both work hard and feel the pressure. The drink has become an all too often way of escape and recreation.

So there it is. I have been toying with the idea on and off for some time. Little did I know I would wake up this morning with my mind made up already...that WAS weird. Also, the first song I heard on BBC R2 as I awoke was by 'New Order'.

I am happy to set off on this journey alone. If anyone has been looking for a good reason to stop and likes the idea of this one...why not join me?



29,550 posts

198 months

Monday 7th November 2011
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Easy! I haven't had alcohol in over 2 1/2 years so far.. And I'm 21, so prime getting lashed age.

I just don't see alcohol appealing, can have a nice cold Coke or something and it tastes alot better imo.

Good luck with it! If you get it into your train of thought that you don't need alcohol you'll be fine with it.


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1,598 posts

211 months

Monday 7th November 2011
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JonnyFive said:
Easy! I haven't had alcohol in over 2 1/2 years so far.. And I'm 21, so prime getting lashed age.

I just don't see alcohol appealing, can have a nice cold Coke or something and it tastes alot better imo.

Good luck with it! If you get it into your train of thought that you don't need alcohol you'll be fine with it.
Well I far prefer a well brewed beer over coke and it's not so easy for me, but I'll cope smile

Thanks JF.


1,270 posts

167 months

Monday 7th November 2011
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Aye go on then Nick count me in, I've dropped you an email.


15,311 posts

200 months

Monday 7th November 2011
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You don't smoke? Why? Because it's an expensive drug you or your body have no use for. Same for booze.

It's still an issue for me and somehow I've managed to cut it back but as always, I'd prefer to stop!


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1,598 posts

211 months

Monday 7th November 2011
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D4MJT said:
Aye go on then Nick count me in, I've dropped you an email.
Got it thanks.


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1,598 posts

211 months

Monday 7th November 2011
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Digger said:
You don't smoke? Why? Because it's an expensive drug you or your body have no use for. Same for booze.

It's still an issue for me and somehow I've managed to cut it back but as always, I'd prefer to stop!
Then why not join me for the year? We can do it! biggrin


15,311 posts

200 months

Monday 7th November 2011
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nick_j007 said:
Digger said:
You don't smoke? Why? Because it's an expensive drug you or your body have no use for. Same for booze.

It's still an issue for me and somehow I've managed to cut it back but as always, I'd prefer to stop!
Then why not join me for the year? We can do it! biggrin
Can I start when I return from my Thailand holiday in jan ... please? biggrin


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1,598 posts

211 months

Monday 7th November 2011
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Digger said:
an I start when I return from my Thailand holiday in jan ... please? biggrin
Haha. Holidays are the scourge of the 'non-drinker' I know!

Please send a post dated cheque for January to start your subscription then wink

This raises an interesting point though. When is there a GOOD time or a BAD time to start going tea total? In my experience, there isn't. I have done Christmases, weddings, funerals and nights out with my better half - all not drinking. Even holidays abroad.

I am well aware some will say 'big deal'. Yes for me it was a big deal, but it is doable.


1,270 posts

167 months

Monday 7th November 2011
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haha, I'm not the only one to want to start post holiday then!

I suspect the best time to start is straight away, so I'm going to, it may be I don't drink on my holiday. I've attempted to stop before with limited success, I usually get a few months down the line then have a quick pint, then I'm back to square one.

My drinking is by and large social, at times my job is pretty stressful, so I often wind up at the pub after work with a few of the guys from work, and have a pint. Then you get home, pick up a few cans on the way back, have a one or two in the house to relax after work. I reckon my other big issue is I just really enjoy a nice beer, I'm not a carlsberg drinker laugh Although I can whack through the Foster's, I love my real ales, and trying different local beers.

When I was a younger man this didn't matter as much, I had the metabolism for it, these days it's slowly down fast, and I'm 13.5 stone not 11. Nothing wrong with being 13.5 stone, except I'm not the largest of gentlemen anyway, and the only thing that's ending up powerfully built is my new beer gut.

I'm going on holiday for a week during December, and I may well end up having a beer while I'm away, but for the meantime, I'm cracking on with being booze free. Roll on christmas.


6,419 posts

163 months

Monday 7th November 2011
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D4MJT said:
haha, I'm not the only one to want to start post holiday then!

I suspect the best time to start is straight away, so I'm going to, it may be I don't drink on my holiday. I've attempted to stop before with limited success, I usually get a few months down the line then have a quick pint, then I'm back to square one.

My drinking is by and large social, at times my job is pretty stressful, so I often wind up at the pub after work with a few of the guys from work, and have a pint. Then you get home, pick up a few cans on the way back, have a one or two in the house to relax after work. I reckon my other big issue is I just really enjoy a nice beer, I'm not a carlsberg drinker laugh Although I can whack through the Foster's, I love my real ales, and trying different local beers.

When I was a younger man this didn't matter as much, I had the metabolism for it, these days it's slowly down fast, and I'm 13.5 stone not 11. Nothing wrong with being 13.5 stone, except I'm not the largest of gentlemen anyway, and the only thing that's ending up powerfully built is my new beer gut.

I'm going on holiday for a week during December, and I may well end up having a beer while I'm away, but for the meantime, I'm cracking on with being booze free. Roll on christmas.
Sounds very similar to moi.
Trying to keep up gym but I was working till 3am last night.


Original Poster:

1,598 posts

211 months

Monday 7th November 2011
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D4MJT said:
haha, I'm not the only one to want to start post holiday then!

I suspect the best time to start is straight away, so I'm going to, it may be I don't drink on my holiday. I've attempted to stop before with limited success, I usually get a few months down the line then have a quick pint, then I'm back to square one.

My drinking is by and large social, at times my job is pretty stressful, so I often wind up at the pub after work with a few of the guys from work, and have a pint. Then you get home, pick up a few cans on the way back, have a one or two in the house to relax after work. I reckon my other big issue is I just really enjoy a nice beer, I'm not a carlsberg drinker laugh Although I can whack through the Foster's, I love my real ales, and trying different local beers.

When I was a younger man this didn't matter as much, I had the metabolism for it, these days it's slowly down fast, and I'm 13.5 stone not 11. Nothing wrong with being 13.5 stone, except I'm not the largest of gentlemen anyway, and the only thing that's ending up powerfully built is my new beer gut.

I'm going on holiday for a week during December, and I may well end up having a beer while I'm away, but for the meantime, I'm cracking on with being booze free. Roll on christmas.
Ok then. I have tried all of the above permutations. Drink at weekends only. Only drink on holiday. Stop drinking high carb value beer and wine stick to Gin and slimlines only. Try this try that. Feck, they all failed. I have been round and round in so many circles I am dizzy and stressed and that's before I go to bed and when I wake up! I made so many conditions and deals with myself that none of them worked more that 2 weeks max. I am more than a little pissed off that I am unable to drink in moderation either in terms of amount or frequency, as it actually means I have to stop. I'll be honest, I rather envy those that can be moderate.

If you feel you can drink in moderation (I realise moderation is open to definition), then it strikes me as an excellent middle road to travel.

I want to say I am not here to persuade anyone to do anything smile

I am here to make an account of my own thoughts and feelings on the subject and to know that someone else is reading it and a few might identify - and if they'd like to go on the journey with me then fantastic.

You see, I know that down the line after the initial months of breaking the habits (that's the hardest part frankly IME) there begins a powerful and almost enlightening experience when you start to enjoy many other things far more. Smaller things become enjoyable and you wonder how you coped before. As I've felt that contrast about three times now, I am excited and relieved to know that I'm back on the road to being lighter in body, mind and spirit.

My bags are packed ready for the journey. It so happens that I have come to the point where I know I am ready for the journey. I sincerely hope I can make it. Part of me thinks no problem, the other thinks hell I know how hard it is at the week 2 phase.

Over the coming year I'll lose about three stone, improve my back and knee issues, get in and out of the Elise like a young man again (Lol) and also next year I want to be fit enough to get into cycle touring again. I have all the kit here, much it it new this year. I can't carry those 40 odd lbs around my waist as well as the kit you see!

I made a list of all the benefits of stopping drinking...it was extensive I can tell you.



18,818 posts

281 months

Monday 7th November 2011
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I'm not trying to knock it, but what happens after a year? If you start again you'll end up back at square one, simple as.

I drink a bit more than I should but for the most part enjoy it.... I'd rather just cut back, but that's just me. Does denying yourself of one of life's pleasures completely ever work long term?

If you do enjoy it then you may succeed in doing it for a year, but what then?

ETA in your first post you claim not to be an alcoholic, but the post before mine points very much to being one IMO. If you can't drink moderately then for me you are an alcoholic. I say this as someone who isn't a million miles off being what you're like but I do enjoy being sober, sometimes ;-)

As an alcoholic you're better off quitting permanently. Good luck.

Edited by TameRacingDriver on Monday 7th November 16:12


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1,598 posts

211 months

Monday 7th November 2011
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I don't know what the definition of an alcoholic is. I always thought that a good place to start that definition is 'do you need a drink in the mornings? ' My answer is no never. I don't have a physical dependency on alcohol.
I also can go a week without and cope well enough.

Why a year? I just need to start somewhere. I hope to get to one year and then reassess it. I don't intend to start again at that point smile I can see a year ahead without drink, much further is beyond me currently.


18,818 posts

281 months

Monday 7th November 2011
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nick_j007 said:
I don't know what the definition of an alcoholic is. I always thought that a good place to start that definition is 'do you need a drink in the mornings? ' My answer is no never. I don't have a physical dependency on alcohol.
I also can go a week without and cope well enough.
You say that but then you also just said:-

I am more than a little pissed off that I am unable to drink in moderation either in terms of amount or frequency, as it actually means I have to stop. I'll be honest, I rather envy those that can be moderate.

Which makes me think otherwise.

I've always thought that there is a scale of alcoholism, of which you and I are probably at the bottom end. Regardless, good luck. I'd join you but I would fail after a week because I enjoy it too much biggrin


Original Poster:

1,598 posts

211 months

Monday 7th November 2011
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TameRacingDriver said:
You say that but then you also just said:-

I am more than a little pissed off that I am unable to drink in moderation either in terms of amount or frequency, as it actually means I have to stop. I'll be honest, I rather envy those that can be moderate.

Which makes me think otherwise.

I've always thought that there is a scale of alcoholism, of which you and I are probably at the bottom end. Regardless, good luck. I'd join you but I would fail after a week because I enjoy it too much biggrin
I know I'm full of contradiction and a degree of uncertainty. I shall work that out in time. I'd rather you support me for the year ahead than to get into semantics to define my condition. I'm beyond defining anyway wink


BoRED S2upid

20,419 posts

249 months

Monday 7th November 2011
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I will join you for the next 4 days! Alcohol in moderation is good for you and im sticking to that.


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1,598 posts

211 months

Monday 7th November 2011
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BoRED S2upid said:
I will join you for the next 4 days! Alcohol in moderation is good for you and im sticking to that.
Thank you!

I'm not disagreeing with the 'moderate drinking' theme by the way.


6,076 posts

186 months

Monday 7th November 2011
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I won't be joing you mate, but just wanted to offer some positive encouragement and say good on you if it's what you want to do.

I'm trying to stay dry until Christmas, and then I'm going to try and go for the low cal options. I love beer and Guniness. I never drink through the week but I'm a classic binge drinker, If and when I do drink at weekends I put allot away, hardley ever to the stage where I'm legless-I have allot of bulk to soak it up.... I counted on Saturday when I went out with my two brothers in law I had 8 pints of Guniness, 8 rum and diet cokes and a few shots-can't take the hangovers anymore either,,,,,,


77,839 posts

291 months

Monday 7th November 2011
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BoRED S2upid said:
I will join you for the next 4 days! Alcohol in moderation is good for you and im sticking to that.
Agreed. I'll be in for a week or two. I last had a single cider on Friday night and this is the result. biggrin