Martin Brundle Super Cars DVD now available in NA!

Martin Brundle Super Cars DVD now available in NA!



Original Poster:

811 posts

263 months

Thursday 17th June 2004
quotequote all has the Martin Brundle’s Super Cars DVD that has been discussed in the T440R forum. The website says "The Imagine Racing Productions DVDs are in NTSC format and are currently available for North American customers only" so I guess that means they are in region 1.
I just ordered mine
T440R in surround sound


7,585 posts

258 months

Thursday 17th June 2004
quotequote all
Bah, if only I had some money. Good spotting though, may convince my mom to buy it for my dad as a fathers day present.


1,199 posts

278 months

Tuesday 20th July 2004
quotequote all
Hell, this is mere lager money. Order mine and hope it's not some con to steal my identity.

Handy post,



Original Poster:

811 posts

263 months

Saturday 24th July 2004
quotequote all
I've got mine, took only 5 days too, turns out it's only in stereo, bahh! Still sounds great though, and the other cars are really neat too.


1,199 posts

278 months

Tuesday 27th July 2004
quotequote all
Yeah, got mine after ordering promptly prior to my post earlier.

It's good. Better than anything aired on the tv statewide. I wish he would commented more along the cars rev wise, this would fit his whole driveabliltiy on the street comparison. The show seems to peter out after the F40 where a little extensive time is spent on the street, also the the Murci, also the Diablo but then less, and less.

Others have critized Brundles comments about Senna but I think this is perfectly acceptable considering Senna did crash with him (Sutton Images - article in F1).

I would have liked perhaps a more intimate perspective but it's is better than slowly waiting for more Top Gear (short) vids via the internet. the Bonuses are great too but of course we all wish for more. Telemetry would have been nice.

Brundle's a good guy. He gets (what seems to be) leary in the F1 in the wet. Some revealing comments about the Enzo, Schumacher, etc...

Won't play on the PS2, Stops and starts but plays on the dual G5. Received promptly and happily after a hard days work and a bit of lager!