Very Confusing.........

Very Confusing.........



Original Poster:

1,851 posts

293 months

Monday 9th April 2001
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Ted, Happened to notice (when I wanted to make a scathing comment on the Tuscan S) that the "Comment" window doesn't seem to display the existing messages using the same preferences as the normal route into the gassing station. What I'm trying to say is - I normally display the latest message at the top of the thread (via my preferences). When I went to make a comment on that laughable spoiler the messages were displayed with the latest at the bottom (I suspect this is the default setting it's picking up). Anyway the long and short of it is, it's potentially confusing for the novice user (of course I wasn't confused ). Mike.


34,444 posts

312 months

Monday 9th April 2001
quotequote all
Right ho... I'll sort that.