RE: Project Steppenwolf

RE: Project Steppenwolf



Original Poster:

72 posts

293 months

Monday 9th April 2001
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Someone please, stop the insanity. I'd be so much happier if we saw Ford Focus estates instead of all these huge 4wd's plundering around the place and threatening to run right over my car!


285 months

Monday 9th April 2001
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Looks pretty mean to me!!!


16 posts

293 months

Monday 9th April 2001
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No chance of stopping it. It'll sell huge in the US, where big is seen as both macho and safe. With pick-up trucks making up 58% of new registrations, this type of vehicle will have huge appeal.....Pity!


1,453 posts

290 months

Tuesday 10th April 2001
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These huge 4x4s make me livid! I see dozens of the so**ing things in affluent Berkshire with mums taking their kiddie winks to school (what's wrong with Minor 1000s, that's what I'd like to know).. If I was Chancellor I'd slap a £2,000 p.a. tax on 4x4s (farmers would be exempted, of course!!) Of course, the silly ar*es would just cough up - laughable, isn't it?


16,369 posts

293 months

Tuesday 10th April 2001
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Wot about us peeps that have racing cars to tow? can i be exempt to... At least my 4x4 has a V8


1,453 posts

290 months

Wednesday 11th April 2001
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Oh, all right. (it's not a BMW, I hope!)


1,727 posts

293 months

Wednesday 11th April 2001
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Hi Actually this car is not that large! I was at the launch at the Paris Motor Show last year and on the press day got to have a close up look. It really isn't any larger than an A3 just with great big wheels. A case of Form over Fuction I think but I imagine they will sell plenty to the on-road off-roader posse. The interior was very trick though! Marco