RE: Bridgestone S03



Original Poster:

5,236 posts

293 months

Monday 9th April 2001
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well blow me...theres so much I didnt know, or care, about tyres!


34,444 posts

312 months

Monday 9th April 2001
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You should have seen the original press release!


133 posts

293 months

Monday 9th April 2001
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But tell me, is it still round?


Original Poster:

5,236 posts

293 months

Tuesday 10th April 2001
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definietly not.....thats no longer quite technically advanced...It is created in OCTREP - which is Octagonal Centre Tyre Reflex Effuse Process. Thie produces an octacgonal tyre which allows the car to sit very flat when not moving, and adds excess 'cool road noise' when doing about 10 mph. Its all the rage, ask anyone!