can't get in!



Original Poster:

12,248 posts

291 months

Monday 9th April 2001
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Is it just me or over the past week have you all been experiencing difficulty getting onto the site. I keep getting told to refresh, this doesn't work. Its only happening here not on other sites?


34,444 posts

312 months

Monday 9th April 2001
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Craig, Can you remember what the precise message is? Is it a message on a page that's formatted or a system like 'Page not Found 404' message?


Original Poster:

12,248 posts

291 months

Monday 9th April 2001
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hi Ted, still happening, it says page cannot be displayed, this is either an error with the website or with your windows settings. It tells you to refresh, this does nothing. Only seems to happen here??


34,444 posts

312 months

Monday 9th April 2001
quotequote all
Next time it happens could you grab a screen shot and email it to me: Thanks Craig.


2,749 posts

293 months

Monday 9th April 2001
quotequote all
Craig, Who's your ISP? Some ISPs redirect all your web surfing through a transparent proxy/cache. These things often fall over or cause bizarre behaviour.