Any Kiwis in London going to Le Mans this year?

Any Kiwis in London going to Le Mans this year?



Original Poster:

729 posts

247 months

Monday 7th June 2004
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We have a group of Kiwi guys based in London heading down in a convoy. All welcome...


2,508 posts

292 months

Thursday 10th June 2004
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next year I hope......


823 posts

292 months

Thursday 10th June 2004
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Although I'm not a Kiwi, I'm planning on going next year as my friend has just bought a nice big house 30miles down the road! Niiice.

Roger A

1,267 posts

248 months

Wednesday 16th June 2004
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I thought Niiice was a bit fuuuurther south(sorry-puerile sense of humour got the better of me again)


823 posts

292 months

Wednesday 16th June 2004
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As I wrote it I thought the same so you're not alone!