RE: Sprechen Sie Deutsch?

RE: Sprechen Sie Deutsch?



Original Poster:

6,809 posts

289 months

Friday 6th April 2001
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Let's have the same law in the U.K.


52 posts

295 months

Friday 6th April 2001
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Totally agree. My daily motorbike ride into London is made "interesting" by some a*se driving with a phone glued to his ear. Normally in a Range Rover, dunno why that should be! Bit harsh if you're safely parked up though, but I guess all-or-nothing is easier to police.


287 months

Friday 6th April 2001
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Lets hope we follow! and gets these homicidal and suicidal dickeds OFF the road


16,370 posts

295 months

Friday 6th April 2001
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I thought we already did? although i will admit to doing it once or twice, cos my car kits knackered.... they also want to ban hands free kits... although i carnt see the difference between that and talking to a passenger, although even thats banned in china ( along with eating., smoking and ?refueling)?.


295 months

Saturday 7th April 2001
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in the event of an accident the german police can confiscate your phone to check to see if you were using it at the time of the accident and can then keep it as evidence.