RE: Sprechen Sie Deutsche?

RE: Sprechen Sie Deutsche?



Original Poster:

28,377 posts

293 months

Friday 6th April 2001
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Hopefully this means that all new German cars come fitted with a hands free unit built in...and any standard phone will plug into it? Wouldn't it be nice eh? Me. I switch the effing thing off. My car is the last place I'm actually left in peace....


1,362 posts

293 months

Friday 6th April 2001
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Unfortunately there's no such thing as a "standard phone". Even different models produced by the same manufacturer will often have a different hands free interface (for very good reasons). I don't klnow about other German manufacturers, but you can get a Nokia hansdfree kit (with or without phone) on all Mercedes. Alternatively, ring your mobile phone operator, and get them to supply and fit one ofr you. James


53,024 posts

293 months

Friday 6th April 2001
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What about the ear-plug cords that you can get in most garages for about 3.99 they've got to better than driving along with the phone in one hand & fag in the other

Jason F

1,183 posts

293 months

Friday 6th April 2001
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What amazes me is that People will sit on the Mobile while Driving, and they have a passenger sitting there doing nothing.. Idiots. If they cause/are involved in a crash, do they get done for Driving with Undue Care ? - Over to you John Edited by Jason F on Friday 6th April 11:04 Edited by Jason F on Friday 6th April 11:45


89,741 posts

293 months

Friday 6th April 2001
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Ok so they charge you for using a mobile phone on the move saying you are driving without due care and attention, they charge you for biting on a choccy bar saying you are driving without due care and attention, same for a quick sip of water (even when stationary at traffice lights. BUT and I'm sorry to all the smokers out there, Why is smoking allowed when driving, it's no different to talking on a phone, eating, drinking, I have seen people lighting up with both hands off the steering wheel...... Come on John "plod" Robson, what's your opinion on smoking while driving?????

john robson

370 posts

286 months

Friday 6th April 2001
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I suppose doing anything whilst sat in the drivers seat while the car is moving, other than driving could distract you and therefore be potentially dangerous. But back in the real world, smoking or a quick chomp on a bar of choccy doesn't take a great deal of brain power (mind you with some of the scroates I have dealt with breathing uses up all the available memory, and the only way of getting a date of birth is to cut off the top of their head and count the rings). I do agree though that using a phone is dangerous. Several weeks ago my colleague dealt with an RTA involving a barrister and a bus. The barrister had collided with a bus whilst talking on the phone, he went to great lengths to try and get my colleague to look at the phone memmory and sign that it showed no incomming calls. When I checked it though and pointed out that it was easy to delete the call lists he changed his mind, it didn't help either that 3 passengers and the bus driver had also seen him using it. He susequently got reported for due care. The usual way of dealing with it though is a Fixed penalty for not having proper control of the vehicle (£30 non-endorsable)I have no intention of potting anyone for smoking or eating a choccy bar though. Just a point I'm supprised no many have picked up on we use radio's while driving, it's about time they fitted hads free kits for our radio's the only exception is the forcewide radio fitted to the traffic cars 2 years ago they were fitted with a basic hands free system, its a bit of a problem though as sometimes the button gets stuck ang the control room can hear the conversation in the car which on a few occasions can be quite interesting I will leave that to your imaginations though Edited by john robson on Friday 6th April 16:09 Edited by john robson on Sunday 8th April 22:45


13 posts

285 months

Friday 6th April 2001
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Surely the use of the phone whilst driving is irrelevant. Whether the cause of the erratic driving is down to a mobile phone or being blown by some bimbo, the actual offence should be based on the bad driving (hence the careless driving). As was pointed out above, some people may not be able to drive safely when listening to the stereo, does that mean that everyone should suffer from the nanny state approach of banning music in vehicles? If people want to use phones fine, so long as they understand that it may effect their driving and therefore risk prosecution in the same way as smoking, doing make-up, reading the paper or just not paying attention. Our laws are therefore fine as they stand. We do not need the knee-jerk reaction of some insincere MP to wheel out some grieving mother to tell her story of how her little pride and joy was mowed down by a cell phone driver, just to win a couple of votes. Me? I’m going to get one of those “Don’t speak to the driver whilst the vehicle is moving” stickers


8,293 posts

286 months

Saturday 7th April 2001
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Would operating a video camera whilst driving count as not having proper control of the vehicle? (I bet you know where I am going with this one John )


499 posts

292 months

Saturday 7th April 2001
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Several weeks ago my colleague dealt with an RTA involving a solicitor and a bus. The barrister had collided with a bus whilst talking on the phone,
So who did he prosecute the solicitor or the barrister? (for those not in the know they are different) Go on then call me pickie - just trying to lighten things up..... Clive Reed Zertec Limited

john robson

370 posts

286 months

Sunday 8th April 2001
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Yes philshort, operating video equipment would, be included, as would using a radio or opperating VASCAR, also we have a TV screen in view of the driver, yet another offence for you, we even talk on the radio whilst driving at daft speeds chasing stolen cars/drunk drivers. We are exempt from some of the laws if it impedes us doing our job. But I like to think that I don't get so involved that I don't know when to call it a day and back off. Also if it did get it wrong I would get done at court just like you. Even if it dos't end up in court I would stand to loose my driving authority for just a minor prang if it is my fault. Sorry about the slip, it was a barrister, slip of the key, your worship.


13 posts

285 months

Monday 9th April 2001
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A bit like the "slip" on the stairs?


11,822 posts

293 months

Monday 9th April 2001
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Naunt - that wouldn't be Mr. Cheeseman would it? (don't worry if this doesn't make sense) Car No. 13


13 posts

285 months

Monday 9th April 2001
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Errrr it might be and now I'm really scared I've picked up an internet stalker. I'm going straight to Carol Vorderman with this Stig, car number 13, am I supposed to recognise you from that? I don't want to sound like The psychic from The poltergeist, but “I command you to show yourself” (and be careful as Carol is already on the case)


34,444 posts

312 months

Monday 9th April 2001
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Stig, car number 13, am I supposed to recognise you from that?
Naunt, just click on his name and you'll see his profile...