RE: America Discovers the Roundabout

RE: America Discovers the Roundabout



Original Poster:

1,068 posts

293 months

Thursday 5th April 2001
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If roundabouts are so much safer, why is it that British councils suddenly seem to have become major shareholders in Traffic light manufacturers???? There seem to be a new set every other week near my home!!!


1,453 posts

290 months

Thursday 5th April 2001
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I wish ! THREE roundabouts have sprung up in a one mile radius of where I live (south of Wokingham). mind you it does make for a safer set of road junctions.

alfa dave

950 posts

293 months

Thursday 5th April 2001
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The popular approach in sunny Essex seems to be both. Build a roundabout and then put several sets of traffic lights round it. To ensure complete confusion these work best if you only turn them on at random times. I have been experimenting with the Drive & Survive suggestion of 'Wipers on - Lights on' and have found that when the wipers are on intermittent turning the lights on and off every 5 seconds is very distracting and time consuming. I cannot recommend this (unless you are stuck at a roundabout with traffic lights on - in which case it helps to pass the time) Alfa Dave


34,444 posts

312 months

Thursday 5th April 2001
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Perhaps you should wire up your lights to your wipers. I had a car once that had driving lights that would only come on if the radio was on...

alfa dave

950 posts

293 months

Thursday 5th April 2001
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Groovy - it's starting to sound like a disco, replace that rear view with a mirror ball and I think we might be on to something....

Jason F

1,183 posts

293 months

Thursday 5th April 2001
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[I had a car once that had driving lights that would only come on if the radio was on... A TVR ?? On my S the Wipers Wouldn`t go if the Headlights came on...


34,444 posts

312 months

Thursday 5th April 2001
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[I had a car once that had driving lights that would only come on if the radio was on... A TVR ??
A Volkswagen 'Santana' Cracking five cylinder houseboat...


8,293 posts

286 months

Thursday 5th April 2001
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Maybe these traffic lights on roundabouts should be optional, like at junctions in the States where you can ignore them and turn right if no-one is coming. Theres nowt worse than having to sit like a charlie at a set of lights in the middle of a roundabout at 2 in the morning when you are the only one on the road.


4 posts

292 months

Friday 6th April 2001
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I have to drive through a roundabout (St.Pete FL) every day for work. It works good, but it is also right next to the baseball (our National game) Dome. (we shouldn't have given away our NHL hockey team It causes some dumb ass drivers to just sit there with egg on their faces, and wonder what to do.


34,444 posts

312 months

Friday 6th April 2001
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Don't mention Domes to us Brits...


2,749 posts

293 months

Friday 6th April 2001
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I find that lane discipline and use of indicators on roundabouts (uh, circles) is even worse in the USA than here. Imagine that.


1,453 posts

290 months

Friday 6th April 2001
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Well, as a Brit I found the right of way rules a bit of a challenge at a USA 4 way stop in the Bismarck, ND 'rush hour' !


13 posts

285 months

Friday 6th April 2001
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There is nothing better than arriving at a town or village, than to be greeted by a lurvely floral display expressing the welcoming feelings of the locals. It was even better when the courts handed out community service orders to some petty criminals and they proceeded to plant the bulbs in a message, which was rather offensive. The council didn’t realise until they got irate calls weeks later when the plants began to flower – Bloomin’ marvellous


13,289 posts

289 months

Friday 6th April 2001
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Am I the only one who thinks islands are great fun? Traffic permitting right turns with a large dose of right foot, and a load of oppossite lock, I sometimes go around twice its such a laugh.

Jason F

1,183 posts

293 months

Monday 9th April 2001
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Raceboy, you don`t live in Essex where the Wonder of Keeping traffic moving on a roundabout ( I`m sure that was once the idea ) has been changed to keep traffic kept. On the Roundabout. With some Extra Traffic lights.. But, if you manage to change into the correct lane while negotiating these bloomin` lights, they`ll slot a Zebra crossing 10ft off the exit of the damn thing..... A**e

alfa dave

950 posts

293 months

Monday 9th April 2001
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This does seem to be a new fashion. Recently there seem to have been a number of traditionally bad roundabouts with lights on that have been "improved" by the addition of very narrow lanes that do not join up with each other or any particular exit. Brook St roundabout (M25 J28) is a terrific example... All we need to add now is some cycle lanes. Preferably running in the opposite direction.


13,289 posts

289 months

Monday 9th April 2001
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I must be lucky, my local town has a great by-pass with 2 really great wide islands, perfect for tail out moments, it's probably only a matter of time until a zebra crossing appears on them, ah well going out to make the most of them before they ruin them.


16,369 posts

293 months

Monday 9th April 2001
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The first step will be to block your view across the island so you carnt sight through it then a zebra crossing on the exit...