


Original Poster:

571 posts

284 months

Thursday 27th May 2004
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Heeard from a mate of mine up Auckland way that the Lotus importers have sold a Noble M12 GTO 3R in New Zealand!!!!
$189k was the price apparently.
Talk about bargin.

Any body else heard this?
Dammit I hope it's true.
Has Noble done some crash testing?


4,391 posts

265 months

Thursday 27th May 2004
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I heard that too but forgot to ask. Was chatting to Roger (Lotus importer) at the last club meeting hes getting quite a lot of fine exotica including the Zonda. When I get ride in one of these beasties will share the news hopefully with some pics of proof


203 posts

254 months

Thursday 27th May 2004
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Good news...
I spoke to the Noble factory wen I first read the Noble import story in about Feb, and they said that it wasn't true.
Looks like it is. Now you too get to experience the Noblefactor.
I did a little invesigation while I was in NZ earlier this year and it should be possible to import one reasonably easily. The hope is that I'll be moving over with my little Kiwi and the other love of my life in about 12 months. Personally I'd like to head back earlier, but the Mrs has all these funny ideas about earning pounds first to pay for our appartment which is currently being built.



823 posts

292 months

Sunday 30th May 2004
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I don't know why the Noble is so expensive here as with the difference between GST and VAT it should at least be on par. It's not a huge difference but it's not peanuts either.

I also saw on the front page of the Herald talk of the new M400 being $269,000 or something which I can only assume they got confused with the price for the M14.

To my knowledge the Noble hasn't been crash-tested and gets into NZ on the 'less than 200' per year ruling which is highly questionable. I believe the factory, however, are a lot more accomodating than some marques!

My friend just sold his 3R which I am extremely upset about as he promised me a track day in it when I go home this July. The fool has gone and wasted his easy-earned on a house in France - I ask you, whatever next!

Roger A

1,267 posts

248 months

Sunday 6th June 2004
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Just wondered, Jamie, why "questionable"- do they make more than the 200 or is it the under- 200 sceme itself you see as dodgy?
So you're off to the UK in July-I'm there in August -September- will be looking at Cerberas and sighing mournfully.
However, I've set a reward for myself (for a wee business goal) of that nice shiny blue Fraser that's in the Auto Trader at the moment.If only it would stop raining! (mind you, I've been keeping tabs on and their weather appears to be largely identical to that in Ak at present -and it's summer there!!)


823 posts

292 months

Sunday 6th June 2004
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Let's just say that I have a rough idea of how many Nobles are produced per week and the expansion into the USA and Aussie and NZ together with a launch of M400, GTC and M14 (together with new premises to up production) means they are either going to have to undergo some crash testing VERY soon or those of us after a TVR are going to have a very strong case against the LTSA!!!!

Auckland weather vs UK weather? Apart from the fact that Auckland has over twice the annual rainfall of London (I got this rather surprising stat. from a website that lists weather from all international airports) I think there's very little in the weather between England and NZ (Auckland) these days. The last time I was home (3 years ago) it was chuffing hot, hotter than any of the six summers I've spent in NZ and the sun had the advantage of not inducing cancer within 30 seconds of exposure!! Seriously though, I used to ride a motorbike in the UK and for a couple of years here in NZ (until my first daughter was born) and I don't think my leathers spent much time dry in NZ whether it be summer or winter!

We're going to be in the UK from 25th July to 19th August. I too will be staring longingly at Cerberas and once again kicking myself about not exporting my one in '98. I'll be double-checking with the LTSA before I leave.

Frasers are very nice little cars. Well on par with Caterhams in terms of build quality. Is Neil Fraser offering a motorcycle engine option yet?

Roger A

1,267 posts

248 months

Monday 7th June 2004
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you've obviously been to a different UK from the one i visited 4 yrs ago. it was the beginning of April, and therefore technically spring but colder than any winter I've experienced in Auckland- ENOuGH ABOUT WEATHER!
I know that NF produces a kind of micro-7 for the japanese market, with Suzuki cappuccino mechanicals, and his options for build from scratch are legion, but I havent heard of a motorcycle powered 7 here yet.


6,370 posts

291 months

Sunday 13th June 2004
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Saw Nz's first GTO-3R sneeze past me on the southern mway the other day... fine piece of kit she is too... the second 3R should be at the importers soon.... it's a demonstrator but I understand it's been sold already?!?!

Expect to see more as the Noble legend spreads (It's the ultimate boyracer car... big wing, plenty of turbos and fiercely quick.... but it's a REAL chassis as opposed to a convered shopping cart..... I bet the owner has HEAPS of fun showing almost everyone else on the road what a real car looks/sounds/goes like!)


94 posts

292 months

Thursday 17th June 2004
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jamieheasman said:
I don't know why the Noble is so expensive here as with the difference between GST and VAT it should at least be on par. It's not a huge difference but it's not peanuts either.

I questioned that (I asked Allan Walton of Classic Car whose just done an article on it). The price differential is because of:
Compliance costs (LVVTA, etc)
Insurance costs while it's being complied (and sold) - try getting a quote for insurance on a $200k car!!
Use of money interest (i.e. you've got to buy it in NZ$, wait for it to be shipped over, and then sold, when you could have $200k in a different investment earning 10% or more pa.)


1,852 posts

267 months

Friday 18th June 2004
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jamieheasman said:
My friend just sold his 3R which I am extremely upset about as he promised me a track day in it when I go home this July. The fool has gone and wasted his easy-earned on a house in France - I ask you, whatever next!
Sorry Cheesy-boy!


823 posts

292 months

Sunday 20th June 2004
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I'm going to spank yer fat-cat instead then Cocker!

Roger A

1,267 posts

248 months

Sunday 4th July 2004
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Has everyone seen the latest issue of TARMAC?-They took a NOBLE around Pukekohe a few times and left a race-tuned V8 Commodore in their wake....


823 posts

292 months

Sunday 4th July 2004
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No suprises there then.

Any idea what sort of lap time it posted and who was driving?


4,391 posts

265 months

Sunday 4th July 2004
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Perhaps Roger from Lotus cars doing a demo?


6,370 posts

291 months

Sunday 4th July 2004
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Yup Kylie more than likely..... I WANT ONE..... or maybe two?

Roger A

1,267 posts

248 months

Monday 5th July 2004
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Spot on Kylie, Roger it was (fine name, that)
They don't say what the lap times were -it was wet and he was on road tyres- and Roger opines that Puke is not the ideal track for the nimble Noble, given that some not particularly agile v8 monster can make up time on the straight, but not this time.
I wonder what the rear vision is like with that wing on the back.


6,370 posts

291 months

Monday 5th July 2004
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Rear vision? pffffft "what'sa behindya dosen't madda!" (quoting the italians from the cannonball run movie)


823 posts

292 months

Monday 5th July 2004
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I seem to remember Roger mentioning (several times) that he used to race Esprits in the USA so he's obviously no track-day virgin nor unaccustomed to the antics of a powerful rear-wheel drive mid-engine soooper car.

I wonder if he managed to max it out down the back straight? The gearing on Nobles (even with the six-speed box) means they top out at around the 165-170mph mark and I bet the car would get very close to that down there.

I think someone needs to enter one in the Super GTs!

Roger A

1,267 posts

248 months

Monday 12th July 2004
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(non sequitor time) Jamie, is that your Chim parked down at the Viaduct basin with dinged front left light and bonnet ?


823 posts

292 months

Monday 12th July 2004
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No, not guilty.

Is the car blue? A guy I know recently sold his Chimaera and had heard the new owner pranged it the very next day!

Where is it located? Has it been written-off? Is it for sale?