SL55 numberplate holder

SL55 numberplate holder



Original Poster:

1,332 posts

217 months

Tuesday 11th September 2007
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Somone reversed in to the SL the other day havent done much damaged just cracked the front numberplate holder, the box that goes on the bumper. its a 03 or 04 sl55. I just need to know what this part is called and if anyone can recommend a place where i can get a black if possible. Any help would be much appreciated.
cheers TJ


1,948 posts

290 months

Tuesday 11th September 2007
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Its called the licence plate holder, comes in unpainted black, and price is £40.88+vat


Original Poster:

1,332 posts

217 months

Tuesday 11th September 2007
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cheers tino much appreciated.


Original Poster:

1,332 posts

217 months

Monday 17th September 2007
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the numberplate holder on the uk model is different to the spanish one i have! buggery


1,948 posts

290 months

Tuesday 18th September 2007
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With your chassis no, an MB parts department should be able to order the correct one to match