ABS/BAS/ESP light staying on A140 Classic?

ABS/BAS/ESP light staying on A140 Classic?



Original Poster:

7,881 posts

271 months

Tuesday 13th March 2007
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The wife has a A140 classic,and at the weekend the above started to permantley iluminate.I tried the brakes out on the car and the brakes seem un-affected.The ABS is still working.The light went out all day Sunday,but re-appeared again this morning.Any ideas.



291 posts

261 months

Wednesday 14th March 2007
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Brake switch has gone. Cheap part from merc dealer and very easy to replace - unplug, turn and remove. You'll have to remove some of the plastic fairing around the brake pedal to get access first. The error isn't stored in the computer's memory either, so you don't need a garage to reset anything. Ring your local merc dealer for a part number - they go so frequently that they always have several in stock. I had the same thing a month or so ago - main dealer wanted £100 to replace it. It took me 30 mins.


5,221 posts

245 months

Wednesday 14th March 2007
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Part Number : A 0015452009

£7.02 + VAT

Should sort it right out.


Original Poster:

7,881 posts

271 months

Wednesday 14th March 2007
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Cheers for the advice.Some one else told me the same thing.Just wanted a second opinion on here first.Ive just ordered one.thumbup