C63 buying advice

C63 buying advice



Original Poster:

387 posts

117 months

Wednesday 27th October 2021
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Hey Folks,

I'm very keen to pick up a C63 estate, I've seen this one, seems to be in good condition, given mileage.

What's a sensible value for this age and mileage?


6,947 posts

218 months

Wednesday 27th October 2021
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That is very high mileage possibly 40k more than similar aged cars. If white is your color I would have the car inspected and offer £18,000 max.


173 posts

135 months

Wednesday 27th October 2021
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That's very high mileage, just pay a bit more and get something more sensible mileage?

I have a 2013 44k mile fsh coupe and I still get problems with it.. not sure what they would throw at you bill wise but I;m sure it would be more and more often..


376 posts

202 months

Wednesday 27th October 2021
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EC123 said:
That's very high mileage, just pay a bit more and get something more sensible mileage?

I have a 2013 44k mile fsh coupe and I still get problems with it.. not sure what they would throw at you bill wise but I;m sure it would be more and more often..
Problems? What sort of problems? I’ve had mine over 3 years and I’ve had no issues and find it no different to any other car I’ve owned


173 posts

135 months

Thursday 28th October 2021
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I'm Not saying it’s specialty is problems compared to other cars.

Engine mounts
Warm start rattle
Shaking on idle , can’t diagnose

Could be unlucky but just saying it’s serviced ever year and more and they are not “bullet proof to 200k’ because it’s a v8 like some people say.

Edited by EC123 on Thursday 28th October 09:01


1,815 posts

137 months

Thursday 28th October 2021
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Just had my A service including spark plugs.

Also, need a new AC condenser, £923 fitted by a specialist.

Has lasted since 2013, so not bad I suppose.

See above post.


Original Poster:

387 posts

117 months

Friday 29th October 2021
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Thanks all for the inputs, given it's a P30 would you reasonably expect the engine to handle the miles better?


173 posts

135 months

Friday 29th October 2021
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Mezger said:
Thanks all for the inputs, given it's a P30 would you reasonably expect the engine to handle the miles better?

In my case no it would of not of helped any of the faults (which are all common).

I would say keep looking I’ve seen better ones for good prices on the c63 amg Facebook page.