Gaming PC expert - Reading-ish area?

Gaming PC expert - Reading-ish area?



Original Poster:

3,760 posts

107 months

Friday 28th June
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Hi, my son is trying to upgrade his gaming PC. He's installed a new mother board, psu, sdd and kept the previous GPU. It powers up, but there is no signal to the monitor.

A PC repair man I trust has looked at it, but can't see anything obviously wrong.

Are there any gaming pc experts in the reading area, which any of you have recent, positive experience with, please?



Original Poster:

3,760 posts

107 months

Friday 28th June
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Excellent advice - thanks everybody. Will try all of these - it's being returned shortly.

I supported him doing this as it's a project which - in theory - will help him develop useful skills.

As it turns out, a bit like a Top Gear / Grand Tour episode has little to do with cars, this is less about the PC and a lot more about father and teenage son spending time together and working through a tricky problem. In theory.

So far I've received one "p1ss off" and one apology :-), but also quite a lot of quality time.


Original Poster:

3,760 posts

107 months

Friday 28th June
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Hopefully replying to all your kind suggestions:

captain_cynic said:
Is there a HDMI on the motherboard?
Have you tried plugging it into that?
Just tried that - no joy there.

Digger said:
Also try a different known-working cable.
Re-seat the GPU as well.
Tried both, no joy.

h0b0 said:
Can he go back to the original config and see if it works?
Also, my experience in the same situation was the bios on the motherboard needed upgrading. My motherboard has a display that gives feedback on where it is getting to when booting up. Does yours? Are there leds that provide this?
He doesn't want to go back. Forward only. Have suggested. Really not popular :-)

The motherboard has a series of LED's. In this case, the white one is illuminated confirming GPU / graphics issue.

GregK2 said:
I have had similar when the CPU installed required the MB to have a bios update to work.
This is where my brain hurts. Can't understand how to update Bios without having a display. Absolutely not meant to be a sarcastic response. Genuinely do not know :-)

ThingsBehindTheSun said:
captain_cynic said:
Is there a HDMI on the motherboard?

Have you tried plugging it into that?
First thing I would do is pull out the GPU and see if it works with the onboard graphics card.
See above. Useful advice. Remains borked. :-)

Thanks everybody. It's a learning experience for us both. I really want / wanted to avoid buying pre-built.

Now he's pressed the tactical nuke button. The techiest member of his group of friends is riding over here with his GPU to troubleshoot.

Edited by CloudStuff on Friday 28th June 17:45


Original Poster:

3,760 posts

107 months

Friday 28th June
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David_M said:
CloudStuff said:
So far I've received one "p1ss off" and one apology :-), but also quite a lot of quality time.
Sounds like an acceptable ratio!
Absolutely - I'll take it :-)


Original Poster:

3,760 posts

107 months

Quick update on this.

My son and his friends took everything apart and their conlusion is that some pins / connectors on the motherboard have been broken.

Obviously, this was probably due to me / my son not installing with the right sympahy / dexterity.

We have a replacement motherboard arriving today. So let's see!

Thanks all


Original Poster:

3,760 posts

107 months

My son fixed it. Once the new motherboard arrived, he got it working by being a lot more careful and gentle.

Proud of the lad. Learnt a few lessons about perseverence, patience, attention to detail along the way.

Thanks every body for your suggesitons. Love this side of ph.