Drones - what are they for?



Original Poster:

785 posts

81 months

Friday 21st June
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Hi All

I have a horrible feeling I've asked this before - and if I have, I'll head over to the Health forum.... biglaugh

So...I love gadgets of all shapes & size, budgets and uses. I have many.

But....drones? What do people use them for? In the DIY forum, I'm discussing a leaking gutter - I can see a use for a drone to have a look at the gutter, but then I'm not allowed to fly over houses?

I'm also not allowed to fly over or near people.

I also have to worry about going no higher than 400ft, noise, upsetting people etc - so what do people use them for?

I live on the Jurassic coast - I imagine I could take some stunning photos and videos - but there are always people around....

What's the deal?