Terrible data speeds and connection on O2 - Anyone else?

Terrible data speeds and connection on O2 - Anyone else?


Mont Blanc

Original Poster:

808 posts

46 months

Thursday 6th June
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For years now, the speed of data on the O2 network seems to have been absolutely appalling for me and I am at the end of my tether with it.

Both myself and my wife have iPhone 13's, yet she is on EE whilst I am on O2, so I have something compare against.

Whenever I go anywhere busy, such as a city centre, my data speeds slow to an absolute crawl, and often it just fails, rendering Google maps and suchlike unusable. If I'm in a packed train station or a really busy location, forget it. The phone is almost useless. In these situations my wife's EE phone is still absolutely blazing fast for data.

In less busy or rural areas, the data works better, and is reasonable, but EE is still faster. This issue happens to me all over the country.

I have been through the O2 help desk twice now, raising complaints, without any resolution.

They have blamed my phone, despite this problem going on for nearly 10 years or more, and me changing iPhones about 5 times during that period, they have blamed my SIM card as being faulty, and have sent me a new one, which made absolutely zero difference, and they have blamed 'minor faults with the network' which they assured me were being fixed, and so on.

They convinced me it really was just me that had this issue.

My gut feeling is that they have totally failed to upgrade their network and cell towers over the years, to accommodate the required bandwidth from users. I suspect that their network and towers are just overwhelmed by the demand for data from O2 phones, and I also suspect that EE have conversely, invested heavily in their data network, and therefore it isn't an issue.

The only reason I have remained with them is that I get unlimited data (Ha ha! When it works...) and my bill is paid by a company.

Is it really just me that is suffering this issue, or has anyone else had issues with data speeds on O2?


Mont Blanc

Original Poster:

808 posts

46 months

Thursday 6th June
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malks222 said:
yes, suffer the exact same thing, been some threads about this in recent times. I suffer the exact same thing, when at busy places (think gigs/ football) my phone just doesn’t work, no messages/ data, where people around me can be streaming highlights/ replays of the match, video calls to pals etc…..

the consensus seemed to be that o2 have more customers than can supply. so in busy areas (city centres/ gigs/ football) the network is too busy and you can’t get service. this was exasperated when they also took on customers from virgin (i think)
Yep, thats how it is for me.

I can be somewhere busy, or an event, and my phone is just dead the whole time until we leave and get a distance away. My wife's phone on EE can easily stream anything at good speed even when surrounded by thousands of people.

Really annoying.

Mont Blanc

Original Poster:

808 posts

46 months

Friday 7th June
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Well that settles it. It would appear this is widespread, and clearly a case of them not having the bandwidth available on their towers to support the data required by users.

Just to clarify one point that was asked: When this happens I mostly have 4 or 5 bars of reception on 4G. It isn't signal issue, it's clearly a data availability/bandwith issue that O2 have zero interest in fixing.

I'm moving to EE.

Thanks for everyone contributing smile