The 3D Printer Thread



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1,733 posts

164 months

Tuesday 30th July 2019
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As the friv purchases thread shows, there's a fair few of us with 3d printers. Thread to show what you've made, what mods you've done to your printer and useful thingiverse links.

I'm in the market for a new one, keep looking at dual extruders so I can make PVA supports.


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1,733 posts

164 months

Wednesday 7th August 2019
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Do people do any of their own designing? What software do you use?


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1,733 posts

164 months

Friday 20th November 2020
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PAHT would be your best bet, if the printer can handle it.


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1,733 posts

164 months

Saturday 6th November 2021
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Anyone using a resin printer? Thinking of getting something like a Mono X to do miniatures and things with.


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1,733 posts

164 months

Wednesday 10th November 2021
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Web printing sites make their money from printing lots of small things at once with a large print bed. If you take up their whole print bed, theyll charge you for it.

Although 300mm doesn't sound too massive...


Original Poster:

1,733 posts

164 months

Wednesday 10th November 2021
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Sway said:
Using paid for, fully supported files. The new machine (which is so far ahead of the OG Photon it's unreal). A proper workspace and some thought to the work flow. Plus a useful 'trick' now in the software to clean the VAT really safely - and I bloody love it!

Still terrified of spending the hours supporting free files and having the massively increased risks of failures...

It really does need a dedicated, heated and ventilated workspace separated from any form of 'living space'. Eco resin is great as no VOCs, but still damned nasty. Do not underestimate the HSE elements - it's virtually asbestos like in it's potential nastiness, and incredibly stupidly mentally crap for the environment if not handled properly.
The prints look good.

I'd be interested in anything you've learnt so far with it. I'm pretty sure I want a Mono X, like you will be for war gaming terrain and miniatures (Bolt action + mordheim in my case) .

So the idea of having it in my home office with my prusa mk3 is a bad idea..?


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1,733 posts

164 months

Sunday 28th November 2021
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Just bought myself a photon mono x for Christmas with the wash/cure station.

Never printed in resin before, so this will be a fun learning curve.


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164 months

Wednesday 19th April 2023
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Just got an Ender 2 for £10 from someone that didnt want it anymore.. All my previous printing has been years of SLA, now dipping into FDM.

Open to any FDM insights or pointers that the collective has. It can't be that different is my thinking, its a similar process as SLA except its upside down.


Original Poster:

1,733 posts

164 months

Tuesday 25th June
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I've ordered a P1S with AMS to replace my Ender 2 thats been used for years, anyone have any QOL upgrade suggestions for the P1S?