New Laptop - Snapdragon V Intel

New Laptop - Snapdragon V Intel



Original Poster:

13,558 posts

258 months

Wednesday 26th June
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I am looking for a new laptop - probably be a Dell as I have always had Dells and they have served me well. It’s undoubtedly going to be over specced for what I need but I am looking at the XPS range - mainly due to weight. I often find myself taking my work and personal laptops on work trips so saving weight is handy.

However things have moved on a lot since I last bought a laptop so what’s the difference between Snapdragon And Intel. Why should I choose one against the other?


1,868 posts

116 months

Thursday 27th June
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Go Intel. Snapdragon is more like Apples M series, based on ARM.

While Windows on ARM has improved massively since the Surface RT disaster it is still not smooth sailing. If you only run a web browser and office with no external peripherals then it will be fine but running x86 apps is still sub par and getting drivers for stuff isn’t always possible.


801 posts

83 months

Thursday 27th June
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The big question with this first Windows on ARM iteration of "proper" PCs would be this:

What software do you need to work seamlessly?
If your answer is mostly Office work and browsing, you might take the chance.
If you have some funky, bespoke software that needs a hardware compatibility layer, I'd go Intel for this cycle, just in case.

It's early days for WoA but it looks good in both performance and battery life. I have a Surface Pro 7 which will be 5 years old soon; it still works a treat but I could expect that I will take a gen2/3 ARM device afterwards.


Original Poster:

13,558 posts

258 months

Thursday 27th June
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Usually mainly Office software but I’ll go intel!


2,202 posts

107 months

Saturday 29th June
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I think that is the right choice. I’d like to see how much support ARM gets on Windows before committing cash to it.

With Apple, it was clear the company was going all in on Apple Silicon and was going to put all their weight behind it. Not so sure with Microsoft.

I’m definitely getting a Macbook Air 15 for my next personal machine. The advantages of ARM plus the latest process nodes for battery life and performance over Intel’s efforts can’t be overstated.


1,985 posts

190 months

Sunday 30th June
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ARM is the future. But I'm not sure that future is here just yet.

I'd stay Intel for a little while until Windows for ARM is supported on more general hardware. A lot of applications are still x64 so will run under emulation on ARM.