q-basic programming



Original Poster:

7,585 posts

260 months

Tuesday 16th September 2003
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this program is a joke, its soo easy. and thats what im learning right now, or at least i would be if i wasnt 2 days ahead of everybody. anybody ever use it and know any cool things to do with it cause im bloody bored here. damn school....

im gonna go make play the blackjack program i made in my free class time now.


4,330 posts

280 months

Tuesday 16th September 2003
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Learn a proper commercial language like COBOL

nope never uused it

>> Edited by Liszt on Tuesday 16th September 13:03


126 posts

273 months

Tuesday 16th September 2003
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Years ago when I was doing my GCSE's I wrote a basic racing game using qbasic (its not bad if your only doing 2d stuff ... although on a fast processor you could probably do something quite funkey now).


486 posts

274 months

Tuesday 16th September 2003
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I remember q-basic. I did my a-level project in it if a remember correctly. A lot better than RM and MS basic!! As for cool things to do with it... no idea...



77,931 posts

292 months

Tuesday 16th September 2003
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just checked my calendar to make sure i hadnt gone back in time seeing a post about q-basic.

of course its easy. if it wasnt it'd be called q-bloody-difficuly


178 posts

259 months

Tuesday 16th September 2003
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There was a demo prog with two monkeys and exploding bananas!!
Amused me anyway, but this was qbasic from msdos 3.2


126 posts

273 months

Tuesday 16th September 2003
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-bacchus- said:
There was a demo prog with two monkeys and exploding bananas!!
Amused me anyway, but this was qbasic from msdos 3.2

And there’s a worms/snakes game . Your just limited by your imagination, you can do a lot if your willing to read up (dos stuff, like writing to io ports [ie. you can output sounds via a SoundBlaster this way]).

You could even program a software 3d engine, and get it to do some funky stuff.

You might want to check out some of the old demos/intros and copy some of them


do something boring like my A-Level computing project was ... a POS/stock management system .

>> Edited by ben789 on Tuesday 16th September 13:39


1,947 posts

294 months

Tuesday 16th September 2003
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unlicensed from a Teacher:

The reason we teach using languages like q-Basic (although I tend to teach with visual basic for projects, very occasionally Pascal routines, but most often with algorithms without specific formal syntax) is because you are learning good programming technique. You may find it easy now because the chances are you've only just started the course.

The secret of good programming is to be able to break down problems into small parts and be able to program them using good planning etc. Q-Basic is ideal for this as it allows you to program without masses of declarations, linking etc. so you can practice simple techniques quickly. Later on in your course you will be writing projects which will use the "easy" techniques you are learning but the scale of the problem is multiplied meaning the good practice of decalring, structuring and designing your system comes into its own.

Beware: I've known several students in the past go "this is easy" but miss the point completely and then struggle when we hit the project.

If you are finding it too easy then challenging yourself by writing the same routines but using different methods (eg changing position of the condition in loops, using files instead of arrays, creating sub-programs that help optimise the code, use recursive functions etc.)

>> Edited by smeagol on Tuesday 16th September 22:21


13,116 posts

266 months

Tuesday 16th September 2003
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Thats a blast from the past


165 posts

264 months

Wednesday 17th September 2003
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wrote my first commercial system in it many moons ago(1985) , wish I still had a copy of it now , would be a museum piece, just like its author