.jpeg or .psd to .ai conversion, could anyone...

.jpeg or .psd to .ai conversion, could anyone...



Original Poster:

1,107 posts

279 months

Sunday 10th August 2003
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...do this for me, or point me in the direction of software to do it (it's a one off, so it's not worth buying illustrator.)


9,294 posts

275 months

Sunday 10th August 2003
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Paint Shop Pro seems to Support .ai

could you not load in a .jpg and save as .ai ?

Just tried it this end with a 70k jpg and it turned it into a 2.6mb ai


Any Cop ?


11,557 posts

294 months

Sunday 10th August 2003
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Why do you need the .ai file?

If you simply want the .jpg/.psd file imported/placed in an Illustrator (.ai) file, then I can do that no problem in about 10 seconds.

If, however, you need the bitmat .jpg/.psd file converting to vectors to be able to edit them, then that takes considerably longer.

Let me know and I will see what I can do at work tomorrow!


Original Poster:

1,107 posts

279 months

Monday 11th August 2003
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Need it in .ai (rastor) because it's for printing and that's what the (___hole) printer is insisting on. Why he can't open it in illustrator from the jpeg Lord knows.
m-five, if you could do that that'd be great I'll drop you an email.