PC / video camera solution



Original Poster:

1,114 posts

266 months

Thursday 7th August 2003
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Hi - I'm wondering if anybody could come up with a suggestion for the following problem:

I require 2 decent resolution video cameras to capture about an hour of footage, that must then be made available either as VCD, DVD or an unedited .mpg available on a web server.

Could anybody recommend a suitable set-up?
Many thanks,


90,036 posts

294 months

Thursday 7th August 2003
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How basic do you want the information?

Starters, Mini DV cameras with firewire port, firewire cable to PC with firewire port (IEEE 1394 sometimes called an ilink).

Software to download the video, if you run XP you can use Movie Maker, if not you will have to get some software. It does however get supplied with most Firewire boards or DVD Writers these days.

For editing, saving to VCD, DVD or others have a look here. www.dvdrhelp.com/guides