NT media player 6.4 no video



Original Poster:

1,217 posts

289 months

Wednesday 6th August 2003
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I have an NT machine at work, and when it tries to download the codec for any wmv files on PH it fails . Microsh1te Help isn't, and I have been unable to find anything on google.

Help! please




473 posts

287 months

Wednesday 6th August 2003
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Could try installing the codecs directly (ie not through media player):


If that doesn't work you probably need a codec that MS doesn't supply e.g. DivX


Original Poster:

1,217 posts

289 months

Wednesday 6th August 2003
quotequote all
Thanks Mark,

tried that, but I think I may need admin (which I don't have) as that doesn't work either.

I might just highjack someones PC to watch shpub and one mean wedge .



7,848 posts

270 months

Thursday 7th August 2003
quotequote all
Mark.S said:
Could try installing the codecs directly (ie not through media player):


If that doesn't work you probably need a codec that MS doesn't supply e.g. DivX

You, Sir, are a star. I've never been able to see the video from anything on PH either, but having downloaded the codecs as recommended, I can now see Mr.Heath giving his 520 a pasting, no problem. Thank you!