Help - my pictures have disappeared!

Help - my pictures have disappeared!



Original Poster:

27,428 posts

289 months

Thursday 17th July 2003
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Can any of you techies out there help?

My browser (IE5) refuses to display any pictures on websites, instead I get a lot of little boxes with red X's. If I right click on these and select 'show picture' I get the picture, but this is a right pain.

I have tried 'tools', 'internet options', 'advanced' and 'show pictures' is ticked.

Any ideas ?? - it's driving me mad.




1,666 posts

277 months

Thursday 17th July 2003
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I get that sometimes too.
It only happens now and again on certain websites. Its really annoying, but I'm not sure how to fix it.


7,557 posts

275 months

Thursday 17th July 2003
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Can sometimes happen when the temporary internet files store gets too big. Clearing it out (Tools > Internet Options..) usually does the trick. Find something else to do for 10 mins though, it'll just sit there thrashing the disks while it happens.


591 posts

272 months

Friday 18th July 2003
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its a good idea to regularly clear temporary folders.

Especially ones with loads of tiny files
(like cookies e.t.c,)

Why ?

Well the way computer disk are means files have a minimum size.

Imagine a shoe box with SIZE 20 written on.

Now whether you have kids shoes, or adult size 5 trainers only one pair goes in each box.

So if you have loads of small files these take up more space than necessary.

Its a balancing act - if your minimum size is too small, it slows down file access as large files are split across several boxes.

If your minimum file size is too big, then you waste space as the computer puts one small file into a large 'block'.

Its also important to regularly defragment your hard disk. I perform this once a month.

IF you imagine a washing line full of a families clothes.....

I take my t-shirt off the line. I want to put a jumper on. I cut the jumper to fit the t-shirt space and then find the next gap and put the rest of the jumper there.

Thats what computers do to files. When the disk is new, files just get put on in order. But as you use your ocmputer creating and deleting stuff (work /documents/internet downloads) the files get strewn all over. This slows the computer down by quite a bit. When you first defrag it takes ages. If you perform it regularly it doesnt take as long.
Be careful ,its a high level task which is best left to your IT department at work and make sure you've backed up essential files beforehand. May need to be run overnight. Certain new computers do not need defraging I think.