Vid File Compression


All Terrain

Original Poster:

838 posts

267 months

Sunday 8th June 2003
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Does anyone know how I can compress a .MPG file to send over the net. its not very long but a HOOOOGE file. The hitch is it has to be free to download off the net.
Taa in advance


12,689 posts

267 months

Sunday 8th June 2003
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Does anyone know how I can compress a .MPG file to send over the net. its not very long but a HOOOOGE file. The hitch is it has to be free to download off the net.
Taa in advance


MPG is already compressed but AFAIK, you could convert it to another format (MPG4/DivX?) which may help with the compression (though thinking about it I think MPEG4 is just a better quality image but same size - and of course, you can't improve the quality of the original file. Just limit the quality loss). You may be able to shrink the "screen size" which may help. All would require video editing. Try for more information.

So, I think you can't compress it much more.

I am by no means an expert though.



90,036 posts

294 months

Sunday 8th June 2003
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Convert it to Windows WMV 9 format.


12,425 posts

276 months

Sunday 8th June 2003
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FourWheelDrift said: Convert it to Windows WMV 9 format.

Only when you want to limit the viewers to Windows-users


90,036 posts

294 months

Sunday 8th June 2003
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591 posts

272 months

Sunday 8th June 2003
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OK first things first.

The DivX Codec - compress video files to a very small filesize while maintaing a reasonable level of detail.

The disadvantage is that the resulting video files generally can only be viewed on a computer -
they wont be viewable on your home DVD player for example (although new players are coming out which support DivX)

Remember MP3's ? These allow say ten audio tracks to be
1/10th the original filesize. So a album whihc is 600MB uncompressed would shrink to 60MB .
Ten files of 6MB each (roughly speaking).

Well DivX does a similar thing for Video.
If you had your wedding / first car video on a normal DVD, you could compress it to fit on a blank CD-R !

If you want your vidoe clip to be very small - and playable on a range of computers to a global audience I would go for the DivX.

You could also reduce the video size to gain huge file savings. Say going from 640x480 to 500x360 .
The trick is to keep the aspect ratio (width::height)
the same. That way the video /image will not appear to be squashed.

Hope this helps !

