Windows 2000 help needed ASAP



Original Poster:

5,252 posts

277 months

Sunday 1st June 2003
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Hi All

I need to reinstall windows 2000 ASAP i have got the Disc but lost the reg key. windows 2000 is still installed and working but got a few probs.

where do i find the reg file in the system




1,947 posts

294 months

Sunday 1st June 2003
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Okay think this still works for win 2000. Your CD Key is in the registry. click on start, run, type regedit and enter. You can then search for ProductID (all 1 word) it should be in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
look for SoftwaremicrosoftWindows ...

The easiest way is to use the edit menu.

Find the data type REG_SZ and look at its value. The 6th to the 15th characters are your CD key (write it all down but you only need the 6th-15th characters)

Reinstall and use the key and you should be okay.

Other wasy is to browse on-line and get a cdkey changer as it will find the key for you.

Hope that helps.